Monday 16 June 2008

Ways of doing good 做好事的方式

People do good things indifferent ways. I'm the least creative when it comes to this kind of thing, but I'm learning.

Before my six-hour and two bottles of wine lunch with Amy at Nonzero last week, Mr Chu came to say hi. Mr Chu and Amy are good at doing good things. Amy's got in the works holding charity lunches/dinners that will treat less fortunate kids to good lunches and dinners, she's also come up with a "happy fund" where money from the change/donation jar in her restaurant go to a good cause. My Chu came up with a new way of doing something good. This is how I remember the story he told us:

He jogs in the mornings and used to buy bottled water from 7-11 after his jog. Instead of buying the TWD 30 or TWD 20 bottles, he'll buy the TWD 17 bottles or the TWD 26 bottles. The reason he does this is because then he can conveniently drop the TWD 3 or TWD 4 into the donation box. He said the "plink plink plink" sound makes him feel so noble and it's such a good feeling with which to the start the day.

I donate my receipts (which in Taiwan have serial numbers issued by the government, and can be used to win money in the receipt lottery. It's used to encourage businesses to properly pay their taxes, I believe), but they don't make that plink plink plink sound. Hm. I'm going to give this new way of doing good some thought. Plink plink plink - the sound of doing good.

Here's another way someone else is doing good: for every pair of shoes you buy from them, they'll send a pair to a child in need. TOMS Shoes.

(via Swissmiss)

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