Tuesday 30 June 2009

Nankunshen Daitianfu Temple 南鯤鯓代天府

I love the color of the wall in the last picture. They say the paint was made from coral from the Penghu islands. I think I'd love to do a painting and print with this color.

The rest of the pictures are here: here.

Pity when we went, there were hardly any people. Out of the (few) temples I've been to, I still like Bao An Temple in Taipei and Longshan Temple in Lugang the best.

南鯤鯓代天府 宗教之旅



[[民視記者 翁郁容: 南鯤鯓代天府的三川殿是在19世紀建的,可是裡面的五府千歲是在1662年,347年前雕刻的。]]


[[南鯤鯓代天府管理委員會 總幹事 侯賢遜: 這個廟是因為福建放王船 沖流到這個地方 (船)裡面有五王的記號 還有一塊杉木 雕刻著五王的神像 (每年)來這邊拜拜和觀光的民眾有將近600萬人次]]


[[信眾 求平安啊 台北也這麼多的廟 有人建議我們來這邊拜 真的適合 我覺得有差]]

[[民視記者 翁郁容: 來南鯤鯓進香其實很方便
這邊除了提供午餐還有住宿 現在就帶您來看看]]



[[雲嘉南風景管理處 技正 蔡宜育 濱海地區對王爺的信仰非常誠心 所以每逢王爺誕晨 或
者媽祖的誕晨 在我們雲嘉南濱海 都有很多的節慶活動]]


民視新聞 翁郁容 葉尚松 台南報導

Temple Travels

Tainan is perhaps best known as the historical, first capital of Taiwan, but its temples and other temples in the Yunlin and Chiayi areas are also major destinations for travelers who especially appreciate culture. This week, Michella Jade Weng visited Nankunshen Daitian (南鯤鯓代天) Temple for a closer look at where the more than 7,000 branch temples of the “five kings” (五府千歲) in Taiwan all started.##

Characteristic of Taoist temples, Nankunshen Daitian Temple in Tainan County is covered in brightly colored paint, mostly red and gold, with sculptures of mystical beasts and gods atop every roof, beneath every eave.

Michella Jade Weng
Nankunshen Temple was built in the 19th century, but the sculptures of the five gods inside, the five kings, were carved by fishermen in the 1600's.

These five gods are known as “wufuqiansui 五府千歲,” or the “Plague Gods” and were said to be sent by the heavens to keep an eye on and to protect the people in this world.

Hou Siansyun
Temple official
A burned Plague God boat from Fujian made its way here, and in the boat were statues of the gods made of balsa wood. And that's how this temple was started. More than 6 million worshipers come every year.

This woman has come all the way from Taipei to pray to the five gods.

We’re praying for peace and good health.

Worshippers like these have helped Tainan, Chiayi and Yunlin develop into an area of religious tourism.

Tsai, Yi-yu
Tourism Bureau official
People in this area are devout believers in the five gods, so every year around the birthday of the five gods or Mazu, many festivals and activities take place.

Each temple has its own resident deity and its own story, and with the infinite numbers of gods in Taoism, you’re likely to never hear the same story twice.

Michella Jade Weng, Formosa TV, Tainan.

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