Enjoying a break that seemed to take forever to get here. Although it’s only for a day, for once I have no place I need to be, and I am spending it at home, in my pajamas, with my hair tucked behind my ears and my bangs clipped to the top right side of my head.
This is going to be a very good DVD’s and laundry day. I also hope to catch up on some emails and clean out my computer, because it’s about to explode from holding too many pictures and memories (no pun intended).
Speaking of pictures, I keep forgetting to send to Ann the ones that she took with my camera during dinner at L’Idiot, Jenny’s family’s new restaurant. I don’t remember the food that well, because we were talking so much. I’m sure the Tequila Cosmopolitan that Fudy started me off with before dinner and the Earl Grey whisky that came later didn’t help with the memory. I remember the tofu ice cream and that it was worth another visit, though!
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