I did a lot of walking about Taipei in March during all those days off, and it felt great. Sometimes I went for walks just to...walk. When I was living in San Francisco and Tokyo with family, we always had dogs, so I'd always be walking or running the dogs, so walking myself was certainly a first.
After kind of working part-time but getting paid full time (because I worked double time for so long) last month, I came back to work Saturday, forgetting that it's...no walk in the park.
Here's my Saturday morning schedule: (I got bragging rights)
3h00 wake up, have breakfast
4h00 arrive @ office
5h00 make-up/hair/wardrobe
6h00 anchor the news
7h00 munch on a cranberry orange bagel Michael got from Costco
7h15 watch NHK's asa-dora (morning 15-min soap opera)
9h00 anchor the news
11h00 anchor the news
12h15 lunch
13h30 night shift starts
14h00 do food story
18h30 do story on President @ a temple festival
19h30 do story on festival celebrating 1,031th birthday of the resident deity
22h00 dinner
feeling grumpy and ill by this time
00h40 receive call from hysterical Mom about Dad getting bitten by Hero while trying to break up a dog fight between Hero, Oreo (instigator) and King
00h45 make & field several calls regarding dog fight and related "issues"
01h20 get picked up by Michael to go to Danshui
02h00 arrive in Danshui, see Dad with both arms and hands bandaged, sleeping
02h15 find bunch of puncture wounds & lacerations on Oreo, who has a bloodshot eye
03h20 arrive at 24-hour vet, wait wait wait for other, more serious dogs to go first
04h30 vet declares Oreo OK, shaves patches of hair off near wounds, gives meds
05h00 Michael drives me home, and then goes back to Danshui with Oreo the monster
Then it was work again the next day, thank goodness starting at 13h30.
It's now the 4th day of the night shift, and I'm still not recovered.
Add to all of that my crazy job, crazy editors, slightly disappointing happenings and a natural tendency for coworkers, family and friends to run to me to complain about other people, the world, life...I believe I'm ready for another holiday.
But more than a holiday, I would like a change. An external change and an internal change. I'd like a new environment and a wiser soul. I need to continue growing.