Saturday, 26 September 2015

Info on Episode 5: Paper Dome, Nantou 南投紙教堂

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 5: Paper Dome, Nantou 2015...
Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 5: Paper Dome, Nantou 2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第五集:南投紙教堂Deluxe edit 完整版Transcript 文字稿:This is the Taichung high speed rail station, my favorite of them all, because my uncle, Mark Ongg and his team designed it. Today I’m taking to you another architectural marvel: a beautiful church in Puli, made of paper.這是高鐵台中站,我最喜歡的一站,因為是我舅舅翁祖模和他的建築團隊設計的。今天我要帶大家到另外一個建築奇景,埔里的紙教堂,紙做的教堂。I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to skateboard, DIY things and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡滑滑板,DIY,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。Puli, Nantou County is on the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle’s Sun Moon Lake Route, so that’s what we’re taking today. Tickets are sold at exit number five of the Taichong high speed rail station.南投縣埔里是在台灣好行的日月潭線上,所以現在我們要去搭台灣好行巴士,要到台中高鐵站五號出口的地方買票。Can I have one of these please?可以給我一個這個嗎?OK. When you get on and get off, scan this in the bus.好。上下車的時候感應一下。OK, thanks.好,謝謝。There are different ticket packages that you can get, we got the Easycard that includes the shuttle ride, ropeway, round-the-lake bus and a boat ride, and it was NT$710, which is a good deal. Taiwan Tourist Shuttles are buses that start at major transportation depots and make stops at popular tourist attractions, they’re quite convenient.這裡有好幾種套票,我們選的這一個悠遊卡套票包含好行巴士,纜車,環潭公車,還有遊艇,總價710元,很划算。台灣好行是從各大車站接駁到主要觀光景點的巴士,很方便。We got on at High Speed Rail Taichung Station, and this is the Sun Moon Lake station.剛才我們在台中高鐵站上車,搭到這裡,日月潭站。When you come to the “riyuetan” or Sun Moon Lake area, it's a good idea to start at the lake and branch out from here.來這一帶玩,建議大家先到日月潭,再從這邊以放射狀的方式玩。Nantou County, where we are right now, is in the middle of Taiwan, and is the only county in Taiwan that doesn’t border the ocean, but Nantou has an incredibly picturesque lake right in the middle of it. This is Sun Moon Lake.這邊,南投縣位於台灣最中央的地區,是唯一不靠海的縣市,不過南投的最中央有一個非常漂亮的湖泊,這裡是日月潭。On the Sun Moon Lake line, there are several places that you can go. In addition to the paper church, or "Paper Dome,” I also want to take you to a place where they still make paper by hand.台灣好行日月潭線有好多地方可以去,今天除了紙教堂,我還想要帶大家到一家堅持繼續用手工做紙的工廠。The best way to get to the paper factory is to take a taxi.到紙工廠,最簡單的方式就是搭計程車。Puli, Nantou in its heyday had 50 handmade paper factories and was the largest producer of paper in Asia. Part of the reason is because the water here is so clean. There aren’t that many factories left, but this one is still around and it’s open to visitors.最盛時期,南投埔里有大約50家造紙廠,是亞洲最大的產紙區,其中一個原因是,埔里的水很清澈。現在只剩下幾家,像這一家還開放遊客參觀。“Shougongzhi,” or handmade paper is made by collecting fibers diluted in water and plant resin, and drained through a screen. The fibers come from a variety of plants, including bark, hemp, rattan, grass and bamboo. Exactly how much of what goes into the mixture is a secret recipe that only the craftsmen know. Different materials create different effects for the writer or artist.紙的傳統作法是用竹簾篩出纖維和植物膠混和製成的物質。纖維則來自不同的植物,包括樹皮,麻,藤,草,還有竹子。確切比例則是商業機密,這只有師傅們才知道。不同的配方做出來的紙都不一樣,會帶給書畫家不同的效果。Looks like tofu, right? Well, it’s paper, and in the same way as fresh tofu, it needs to be pressed slowly, so that the water drains but not the fibers.看起來像豆腐,對不對?這其實是紙,不過跟豆腐還有一個共同點,就是它需要經過慢慢壓榨,讓水慢慢流出,保留著纖維。First the fibers are steamed and boiled, then soaked, bleached and stirred. Then the paper is formed, pressed, dried and finished. The entire process takes about a week.製作過程是蒸煮,浸泡,漂白,打漿,抄紙,壓榨,乾燥,成紙。整個程序需要大約一個禮拜。What really I like about this place is, not only do you get to see how things are made, you get to try it yourself, too. This won’t take a week, maybe just a couple of hours.我很喜歡這裡,因為不只可以看見東西是怎麼做的,我們還可以親自去體驗。DIY部分不用到一個禮拜,一兩個小時就可以完成了。And this is “zhi,” paper. Yay!這就是紙。耶!Paper is said to have been invented in China as early as the second century, BC for padding and for wrapping things. Then people started using it for writing, for money, for wiping things.紙,據說是在中國發明的,西元前一百多年就已經有人把它拿來做包裝。後來才開始被用來寫東西,做成鈔票,然後擦拭東西等等。The materials that go into paper making can be quite interesting. For example this one was made with cow poop. No, I’m not eating cow poop. This is chocolate paper. It’s made with chocolate, fibers from an orange, carrots and shiso leaves. So we have paper poop, paper dessert. But what about paper church? How does that work?紙的原料其實還蠻有趣的,像這張啊,裡面有牛便便。沒有啦,我不是在吃牛大便。這是巧克力紙,是用巧克力還有橘子,紅蘿蔔,紫蘇的纖維做的。所以我們有紙便便,紙點心,那紙教堂呢?紙教堂又是什麼樣?Here we are at Taomikeng, the Paper Dome stop.我們現在來到了桃米坑,紙教堂這一站。Smell those flowers!哇,花好香喔!When I first heard about this “paper” church, I thought it’s probably just some regular old building perhaps decorated with locally handmade paper, because after all Puli is known for its handmade paper. But no, I was wrong. The structure is made of paper! It was designed by Japanese architect Shigeru Ban.我第一次聽到紙教堂的時候,我想說可能就是一般的建築,然後裡面裝飾了一些附近手工紙工廠的東西,畢竟埔里手工紙很有名。結果我錯了,教堂的結構真的是紙做的。設計師是一位叫做板茂的日本建築師。All 58 pillars that support the roof are made of paper. They look like giant kitchen paper tubes, but each can withstand 7000 kg of downward force. And these benches, they’re just smaller versions of the same thing. Fifteen to 20 people can sit on each of these at the same time. They’re strong, yet lightweight. See? At only 40 kg, two people can move a bench.撐起屋頂的58根柱子都是紙做的。它們看起來像餐巾紙的紙管,不過每一支能夠支撐7000公斤的重量。長凳基本上就是柱子的縮小版,一次能坐15到20人。它很堅固卻很輕盈,你看。重量才40公斤,兩個人就能搬動它。The Paper Dome or “zhijiaotang” was originally a temporary church in Kobe, Japan, built after the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1994. The church later donated the building to this place, Puli, because Puli too suffered from a horrendous temblor in 1999, the Jiji Earthquake.紙教堂原本是在日本神戶的一間臨時教堂,是在1994年阪神大地震之後蓋的。當地教會後來把教堂捐贈給埔里,因為埔里也曾經受過大地震襲擊,是921的重災區。The donation of the Paper Dome was a sign of friendship and is now a place to share community rebuilding experiences.紙教堂的捐贈象徵日本對台灣的友好,而這個空間也成為一個社區重建經驗分享的地方。So the Paper Dome in Kobe was deconstructed, transported and then reassembled here in Puli.神戶的紙教堂就這樣當地解體,搬運來埔里,然後重新組裝。Who knew that paper could be such a strong material, for construction and for connecting people?沒想到紙竟然能夠蓋房子,交朋友。真是令人大開眼界。I can spend days and days in Sun Moon Lake. There are so many things to do here, it’s beautiful on so many levels. Also, I became engaged here so it has a very special place in my heart. I’m sure you will find it wonderful too. You should come.來到日月潭,我可以待上好多好多天。這裡有各種好玩的東西,各種美麗的地方。加上我的好ㄤ在這裡跟我求婚,讓我心中的日月潭永遠都很特別。相信您來到這裡也會很喜歡。大家要來喔!民視新聞 翁郁容 彭柏勳 南投報導--------------------------------------------------------------------------------What do you do when you want to see the ocean and hear the crash of its waves when you're in Kaohsiung? Just hop on the MRT. Today I'm going to show you around Cijin.來到高雄,如果突然想看海景,聽浪聲,怎麼辦?搭上捷運就能夠到海邊啦。今天我要帶大家到旗津玩!I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to run, grow hydroponic food and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡跑步,種水耕蔬菜,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。We’re at Central Park Station, and in order to get to Cijin, we need to take the orange line to Sizihwan. There’s this special ticket set that you can get which includes the fare of the MRT and the ferry, and a discount on bike rentals, but I'm going to stick to my iPass, because it works on the MRT and at convenience stores.這裡是高雄捷運中央公園站,到旗津呢,我們要搭橘線到西子灣。其實有個套票可以買,捷運票,船票,還有租腳踏車的折價券都包括在套票當中。不過,我要用我的一卡通,因為捷運,便利商店,也都能通。If you get the package, this is the bike rental place that will give you a discount but there are lots of options to get around, including public bikes and electric scooters.如果買套票,這家是配合活動的腳踏車租賃業者,其實還有很多其他的選擇,包括公共腳踏車,還有電動摩托車等等。From here we take the ferry, which is just down the street.從這裡呢,我們要去搭渡輪,這條街走到底就到了。There’s one thing I especially enjoy about this boat ride is: it’s only just ten minutes long, there’s not enough time to get seasick.這個船程有個地方我特別喜歡,就是它很短,才10分鐘,根本沒時間暈船。“Qi” in Cijin means “flag,” and “jin” has to do with “water.” From the air, this little area of land looks like a flag, which were triangular in the old days.旗津的「旗」是旗子的意思,「津」是跟水有關。鳥瞰旗津,像一面旗,古時候的旗,是三角形的。From here, you can see the city and the harbor. I think it’s quite lovely.從這裡可以看到市區和港口,我個人覺得蠻讚的。This fort was built in the Qing dynasty to guard Kaohsiung. Over the years, the military also dug a network of tunnels.旗後砲台是在清朝設立的,為的就是保護高雄。後來軍方在這裡也挖了四通八達的隧道。It's so dark in here, really mysterious. I feel super adventurous today. This is great.哇,這裡面好黑,好神祕。今天很有探險家精神。讚讚讚!This is an old bunker, soldiers used to look out through here and see if enemy is approaching. Da-da-da-da-da-da. Maybe. Maybe not.這裡以前是碉堡,阿兵哥就從這邊看是不是有敵人要上來了。然後就噠噠噠噠噠噠。或許。或許不是。哈哈哈。Cijin is where it all began for Kaohsiung. This is where explorers from China first came and settled. In fact, this was the point of entry for a lot of people, including missionaries, who brought not only Western religion, but modern medicine as well. The first church and hospital in Taiwan were here in Cijin.旗津是高雄的發源地,以前中國人來到南台灣開墾,就是從這裡開始。其實早期很多外國人也是從高雄進來台灣,包括傳教師,而這些傳教師不但帶來西方的宗教,還有現代醫學。台灣第一間教堂和第一間西醫院都在旗津。Mm, refreshing. This is how people in Kaohsiung and in Tainan eat tomatoes: raw, with a thick, sweet soy sauce, grated ginger and sugar. Let’s call that “salad.”好爽口~ 高雄和台南人都這樣吃番茄,配甜甜稠稠的醬油膏,薑末,還有砂糖。我們就叫這個「沙拉」吧。A lot of people come to Cijin and they have seafood, but you don't need me for that. I want to show you a fish noodle place I recently discovered. The noodles are made of fish meat, 98% fish meat, and the rest is just a little bit of flour to keep the fish meat noodles from sticking together. It’s really different. Really interesting. And I think quite good.很多人到旗津的時候都會跑去吃海產,這就不用我帶大家去了。今天我想帶你去的地方是一家我最近發現的魚麵店。麵條是98%魚肉做的,其他就是一點麵粉,讓魚肉麵條不黏在一起。很不一樣,很有趣,我覺得不錯吃。Quite thick and al dente. And healthy too because the protein and fiber content is higher than that of regular noodles.厚厚QQ的。而且健康,因為蛋白質和纖維比例比起一般麵,還要高。Right after they’re made, they’re put in the freezer, so there isn’ that overpowering fishy smell that reminds me of stinky socks. This is good. I like.因為麵一做好就放冷凍庫,沒有那種會讓人想起「臭腳燒」的魚腥味。這個好吃。我喜歡~This is the Pier 2 Art Center, also within walking distance from Sihziwan Station.這裡是駁二藝術特區,也是西子灣車站出來走路就能到的地方。I like Kaohsiung because it’s a big city, yet it’s laid back. There are big department stores, and yet there are lots of open spaces with history, culture and nature. It’s quite nice. You should come.我喜歡高雄,因為它是個大都市,但感覺蠻放鬆的。這裡有很大的百貨公司,但也有很空曠的空間,有歷史,有文化,有大自然。很棒。大家要來喔~民視新聞 翁郁容 彭柏勳 高雄報導--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Episode info:We visited Sun Moon Lake, the Paper Dome and the Guangxing paper factory 廣興紙寮. It's a popular destination so there are so many options for ticket packages that it's confusing. If you want the package to include roundtrip tickets on the high speed rail, you need to buy it through 7-11's ibon kiosk. The HSR package includes roundtrip tickets on the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Sun Moon Lake line and boat tickets. You can add gondola (they call it "ropeway" in Nantou) tickets and admission to the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village at a discount at the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle counter of the Taichung HSR station. Or you can do what we did and start at the Taichung HSR station and buy one of the other packages from there (again, more options, options options options).Once you get to Sun Moon Lake, it's hard to go anywhere else because I find it just so beautiful. I just want to walk or ride along the lake all day. But there is really a lot to do around there. There are tea farms where they let you pick and make your own tea from scratch, there are hiking paths, there is that famous bicycle path over the water, there are nice hotels with fantastic views...on this trip we went to Guangxing, a handmade paper factory and the Paper Dome.To get to Guangxing, you can take the local bus, rent a car at Sun Moon Lake (which is not a bad option if you want to explore the area, which is quite big), or take a taxi.Pros and cons of:Taking the local bus: cheap, but you have to walk probably 30-40 minutes uphill from the nearest stop, and there is very little if any English service on those buses.Renting a car: expensive but you are free to go wherever you want, effortlessly.Taking a taxi: expensive if you don't have anyone to share the ride with (apparently they don't go by the meter there. The driver charged us NT$600 one way. A bit steep, but if you split it with other travelers, it's not so bad), gets you there fastYou should probably call or have someone who speaks Chinese to call ahead to make a reservation for you. They'll give you a tour of the place and give you a paper making workshop for a small fee (there are several projects to choose from, I wanted to do all of them...). The paper factory was a lot of fun for me. I went home with some paper for my mom who likes to do Chinese calligraphy and for myself for future woodblock printing projects. If you like arts and crafts and seeing how things are made, expect to spend half a day there. If you're not into that kind of thing, it might not be worth the trouble to go all the way out there.The Paper Dome has a stop on the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Sun Moon Lake Line and I recommend going in the afternoon so you can walk around the area (they have ponds, lilies, frogs, butterflies, lots of nature), take a look at how the Paper Dome works, watch a presentation (in Chinese) about the dome, and then when it starts getting dark, enjoy the blue light in the sky, the colorful lights projected onto the dome, and the reflection of it all from one of the ponds. If you run of of things to do while waiting for it to get dark, read a book while listening to the frogs and insects prepare for bed. It's quite soothing. I did some writing while we were there. Oh, make sure to bring bug spray.As for what to eat there, it can be a little tricky. The food at the nicer hotels can't go wrong, but it's pricey. Cheap and tasty food for some reason is difficult to find there. If you go out to Puli, there is a lot more to choose from.On this trip, we stayed at Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel, which is open to everyone but gives special discounts to teachers, government workers and military workers in Taiwan. There wasn't wifi in our crew's rooms (we stayed in the old building) but perhaps in their new buildings they have it. The view from our rooms were amazing. We were right by the lake. There are lots of hotels at Sun Moon Lake and some are very nice, including Lalu and Wen Wan. Fuli and Fleur de Chine are a couple that I've been to and don't mind going back to again if we get the chance.I've been to Sun Moon Lake at least 10 times now and I'm still not tired of it. You should come!Wardrobe and accessories:Kotipesa overalls (smart casual)Martian smartwatch (smart with design)Boosted Board (fun fun fun)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------本集資訊:這一次到日月潭,我們主要去了紙教堂Paper Dome和廣興紙寮。日月潭是個很熱門的景點,感覺套票多到令人眼花撩亂。影片中我們是從台中高鐵站買好行和日月潭一些設施的套票(光這裡的票種就有三個還四個),不過其實從高鐵這一段也有套票,不過要到7-11透過ibon買,基本包含75折的高鐵來回車票,台灣好行車票,船票,不過到了台中高鐵站的台灣好行櫃檯,還可以以折扣價錢加九族文化村Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village和日月潭纜車的票。反正套票種類多到有一點寧願選擇少一點的感覺,往好處想,很多優惠方案,哈~到了日月潭,其實我都會卡住,不想去別的地方了。它就是好美!不管心情多糟,看到那裡的胡光山水就好放鬆。日月潭周遭有好多可以玩的地方,有好多散步,爬山步道,那條超世界有名的水上腳踏車道,廣告和婚紗裡面常出現的象山遊客中心,能讓採茶烘茶製茶的觀光茶園,景色漂亮的飯店....說不完,玩不完。任何路(anyway),我們這次主要挑了廣興紙寮和紙教堂介紹給大家。廣興紙寮的交通比較複雜,因為好行沒停。可以搭南投客運其他公車,在日月潭租車,或是坐計程車。公車的好處是便宜,缺點是下車後還要走半小時路,而且上坡,然後很可能會迷路,建議帶個電動滑板之類的。租車的話有點貴,不過很自由。搭計程車的話,如果跟其他人分攤那一趟600元(不跳表,直接講價)的錢就還好,而且很快就到了。去廣興紙寮前,建議先打電話預約,因為那邊會有人導覽,還有教你DIY(收費很合理,不同DIY有不同價錢,差不多200起跳)。老實說我很想玩他們所有的DIY,但會拍不完,回不了家。最後我只做紙張和拓印,然後買了宣紙給愛寫書法的翁奶奶,還有給自己以後做版畫用。我個人在那邊玩得很開心,可以玩半天以上,不過你如果對DIY和沒什麼興趣,不想了解紙張是怎麼做的,可以把這整段行程刪除,因為真的有點遠,然後除了紙以外,沒別的了。紙教堂,台灣好行巴士有停,我建議大家下午去,先在園區看看走走,裡面有池子,蓮花,青蛙,花,蝴蝶等等可以欣賞。紙教堂定時會有解說員到裡面跟大家介紹它是怎麼做的,怎麼來的。快天黑的時候是個拍照的好時刻,天色藍藍的,加上紙教堂繽紛的燈光和水池的倒影,蠻漂亮的。如果距離天黑還有一段時間,可以讀本書,聽青蛙們準備晚餐的聲音,還蠻療癒的。千萬要記得帶防蚊液。至於吃的呢,比較傷腦筋一點。好飯店的菜都很不錯,不過就是比較貴。很難找到市區那種便宜又好吃的東西,所以我們都往埔里鬧區走,那邊選擇就很多。這一次的飯店,我們訂在教師會館Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel,軍公教有特別的優惠。我們住的是比較舊的那一棟,所以房間沒有wifi,或許其他新的兩棟有。雖然比較舊,但風景很棒,就在湖畔,很漂亮。日月潭有好多飯店,有些很高級,像涵碧樓Lalu和日月行館Wen Wan。我去過馥麗Fuli和雲品Fleur de Chine,這兩家不錯,有機會還想再去住!我去過日月潭至少10次了,但完全不會覺得膩。還想再去!You should come~服裝與配件:kotipesä 連身褲 (我覺得很可愛~)Martian摩絢錶 智慧型手錶 (又有智慧又有設計感)Boosted Boards (兩個字:好玩)
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan on Saturday, September 26, 2015

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 5: Paper Dome, Nantou 

Transcript 文字稿:

This is the Taichung high speed rail station, my favorite of them all, because my uncle, Mark Ongg and his team designed it. Today I’m taking to you another architectural marvel: a beautiful church in Puli, made of paper.

I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to skateboard, DIY things and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

Puli, Nantou County is on the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle’s Sun Moon Lake Route, so that’s what we’re taking today. Tickets are sold at exit number five of the Taichong high speed rail station.

Can I have one of these please?

OK. When you get on and get off, scan this in the bus.

OK, thanks.

There are different ticket packages that you can get, we got the Easycard that includes the shuttle ride, ropeway, round-the-lake bus and a boat ride, and it was NT$710, which is a good deal. Taiwan Tourist Shuttles are buses that start at major transportation depots and make stops at popular tourist attractions, they’re quite convenient.

We got on at High Speed Rail Taichung Station, and this is the Sun Moon Lake station.

When you come to the “riyuetan” or Sun Moon Lake area, it's a good idea to start at the lake and branch out from here.

Nantou County, where we are right now, is in the middle of Taiwan, and is the only county in Taiwan that doesn’t border the ocean, but Nantou has an incredibly picturesque lake right in the middle of it. This is Sun Moon Lake.

On the Sun Moon Lake line, there are several places that you can go. In addition to the paper church, or "Paper Dome,” I also want to take you to a place where they still make paper by hand.

The best way to get to the paper factory is to take a taxi.

Puli, Nantou in its heyday had 50 handmade paper factories and was the largest producer of paper in Asia. Part of the reason is because the water here is so clean. There aren’t that many factories left, but this one is still around and it’s open to visitors.

“Shougongzhi,” or handmade paper is made by collecting fibers diluted in water and plant resin, and drained through a screen. The fibers come from a variety of plants, including bark, hemp, rattan, grass and bamboo. Exactly how much of what goes into the mixture is a secret recipe that only the craftsmen know. Different materials create different effects for the writer or artist.

Looks like tofu, right? Well, it’s paper, and in the same way as fresh tofu, it needs to be pressed slowly, so that the water drains but not the fibers.

First the fibers are steamed and boiled, then soaked, bleached and stirred. Then the paper is formed, pressed, dried and finished. The entire process takes about a week.

What really I like about this place is, not only do you get to see how things are made, you get to try it yourself, too. This won’t take a week, maybe just a couple of hours.

And this is “zhi,” paper. Yay!

Paper is said to have been invented in China as early as the second century, BC for padding and for wrapping things. Then people started using it for writing, for money, for wiping things.

The materials that go into paper making can be quite interesting. For example this one was made with cow poop. No, I’m not eating cow poop. This is chocolate paper. It’s made with chocolate, fibers from an orange, carrots and shiso leaves. So we have paper poop, paper dessert. But what about paper church? How does that work?

Here we are at Taomikeng, the Paper Dome stop.

Smell those flowers!

When I first heard about this “paper” church, I thought it’s probably just some regular old building perhaps decorated with locally handmade paper, because after all Puli is known for its handmade paper. But no, I was wrong. The structure is made of paper! It was designed by Japanese architect Shigeru Ban.

All 58 pillars that support the roof are made of paper. They look like giant kitchen paper tubes, but each can withstand 7000 kg of downward force. And these benches, they’re just smaller versions of the same thing. Fifteen to 20 people can sit on each of these at the same time. They’re strong, yet lightweight. See? At only 40 kg, two people can move a bench.

The Paper Dome or “zhijiaotang” was originally a temporary church in Kobe, Japan, built after the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1994. The church later donated the building to this place, Puli, because Puli too suffered from a horrendous temblor in 1999, the Jiji Earthquake.

The donation of the Paper Dome was a sign of friendship and is now a place to share community rebuilding experiences.

So the Paper Dome in Kobe was deconstructed, transported and then reassembled here in Puli.

Who knew that paper could be such a strong material, for construction and for connecting people?

I can spend days and days in Sun Moon Lake. There are so many things to do here, it’s beautiful on so many levels. Also, I became engaged here so it has a very special place in my heart. I’m sure you will find it wonderful too. You should come.

民視新聞 翁郁容 彭柏勳 南投報導


What do you do when you want to see the ocean and hear the crash of its waves when you're in Kaohsiung? Just hop on the MRT. Today I'm going to show you around Cijin.來到高雄,如果突然想看海景,聽浪聲,怎麼辦?搭上捷運就能到海邊啦。今天我要帶大家到旗津玩!

I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to run, grow hydroponic food and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡跑步,種水耕蔬菜,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。

We’re at Central Park Station, and in order to get to Cijin, we need to take the orange line to Sizihwan. There’s this special ticket set that you can get which includes the fare of the MRT and the ferry, and a discount on bike rentals, but I'm going to stick to my iPass, because it works on the MRT and at convenience stores.

If you get the package, this is the bike rental place that will give you a discount but there are lots of options to get around, including public bikes and electric scooters.

From here we take the ferry, which is just down the street.

There’s one thing I especially enjoy about this boat ride is: it’s only just ten minutes long, there’s not enough time to get seasick.

“Qi” in Cijin means “flag,” and “jin” has to do with “water.” From the air, this little area of land looks like a flag, which were triangular in the old days.

From here, you can see the city and the harbor. I think it’s quite lovely.

This fort was built in the Qing dynasty to guard Kaohsiung. Over the years, the military also dug a network of tunnels.

It's so dark in here, really mysterious. I feel super adventurous today. This is great.

This is an old bunker, soldiers used to look out through here and see if enemy is approaching. Da-da-da-da-da-da. Maybe. Maybe not.

Cijin is where it all began for Kaohsiung. This is where explorers from China first came and settled. In fact, this was the point of entry for a lot of people, including missionaries, who brought not only Western religion, but modern medicine as well. The first church and hospital in Taiwan were here in Cijin.

Mm, refreshing. This is how people in Kaohsiung and in Tainan eat tomatoes: raw, with a thick, sweet soy sauce, grated ginger and sugar. Let’s call that “salad.”
好爽口~ 高雄和台南人都這樣吃番茄,配甜甜稠稠的醬油膏,薑末,還有砂糖。我們就叫這個「沙拉」吧。
A lot of people come to Cijin and they have seafood, but you don't need me for that. I want to show you a fish noodle place I recently discovered. The noodles are made of fish meat, 98% fish meat, and the rest is just a little bit of flour to keep the fish meat noodles from sticking together. It’s really different. Really interesting. And I think quite good.

Quite thick and al dente. And healthy too because the protein and fiber content is higher than that of regular noodles.

Right after they’re made, they’re put in the freezer, so there isn’ that overpowering fishy smell that reminds me of stinky socks. This is good. I like.

This is the Pier 2 Art Center, also within walking distance from Sihziwan Station.

I like Kaohsiung because it’s a big city, yet it’s laid back. There are big department stores, and yet there are lots of open spaces with history, culture and  nature. It’s quite nice. You should come.

民視新聞 翁郁容 彭柏勳 高雄報導


Episode info:

We visited Sun Moon Lake, the Paper Dome and the Guangxing paper factory 廣興紙寮. It's a popular destination so there are so many options for ticket packages that it's confusing. If you want the package to include roundtrip tickets on the high speed rail, you need to buy it through 7-11's ibon kiosk. The HSR package includes roundtrip tickets on the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Sun Moon Lake line and boat tickets. You can add gondola (they call it "ropeway" in Nantou) tickets and admission to the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village at a discount at the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle counter of the Taichung HSR station. Or you can do what we did and start at the Taichung HSR station and buy one of the other packages from there (again, more options, options options options).

Once you get to Sun Moon Lake, it's hard to go anywhere else because I find it just so beautiful. I just want to walk or ride along the lake all day. But there is really a lot to do around there. There are tea farms where they let you pick and make your own tea from scratch, there are hiking paths, there is that famous bicycle path over the water, there are nice hotels with fantastic views...on this trip we went to Guangxing, a handmade paper factory and the Paper Dome.

To get to Guangxing, you can take the local bus, rent a car at Sun Moon Lake (which is not a bad option if you want to explore the area, which is quite big), or take a taxi.

Pros and cons of:
Taking the local bus: cheap, but you have to walk probably 30-40 minutes uphill from the nearest stop, and there is very little if any English service on those buses.
Renting a car: expensive but you are free to go wherever you want, effortlessly.
Taking a taxi: expensive if you don't have anyone to share the ride with (apparently they don't go by the meter there. The driver charged us NT$600 one way. A bit steep, but if you split it with other travelers, it's not so bad), gets you there fast

You should probably call or have someone who speaks Chinese to call ahead to make a reservation for you. They'll give you a tour of the place and give you a paper making workshop for a small fee (there are several projects to choose from, I wanted to do all of them...). The paper factory was a lot of fun for me. I went home with some paper for my mom who likes to do Chinese calligraphy and for myself for future woodblock printing projects. If you like arts and crafts and seeing how things are made, expect to spend half a day there. If you're not into that kind of thing, it might not be worth the trouble to go all the way out there.

The Paper Dome has a stop on the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Sun Moon Lake Line and I recommend going in the afternoon so you can walk around the area (they have ponds, lilies, frogs, butterflies, lots of nature), take a look at how the Paper Dome works, watch a presentation (in Chinese) about the dome, and then when it starts getting dark, enjoy the blue light in the sky, the colorful lights projected onto the dome, and the reflection of it all from one of the ponds. If you run of of things to do while waiting for it to get dark, read a book while listening to the frogs and insects prepare for bed. It's quite soothing. I did some writing while we were there. Oh, make sure to bring bug spray.

As for what to eat there, it can be a little tricky. The food at the nicer hotels can't go wrong, but it's pricey. Cheap and tasty food for some reason is difficult to find there. If you go out to Puli, there is a lot more to choose from.

On this trip, we stayed at Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel, which is open to everyone but gives special discounts to teachers, government workers and military workers in Taiwan. There wasn't wifi in our crew's rooms (we stayed in the old building) but perhaps in their new buildings they have it. The view from our rooms were amazing. We were right by the lake.

There are lots of hotels at Sun Moon Lake and some are very nice, including Lalu and Wen Wan. Fuli and Fleur de Chine are a couple that I've been to and don't mind going back to again if we get the chance.

I've been to Sun Moon Lake at least 10 times now and I'm still not tired of it. You should come!

Wardrobe and accessories:
Kotipesa overalls (smart casual)
Martian smartwatch (smart with design)
Boosted Board (fun fun fun)



這一次到日月潭,我們主要去了紙教堂Paper Dome廣興紙寮。日月潭是個很熱門的景點,感覺套票多到令人眼花撩亂。影片中我們是從台中高鐵站買好行和日月潭一些設施的套票(光這裡的票種就有三個還四個),不過其實從高鐵這一段也有套票,不過要到7-11透過ibon買,基本包含75折的高鐵來回車票,台灣好行車票,船票,不過到了台中高鐵站的台灣好行櫃檯,還可以以折扣價錢加九族文化村Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village和日月潭纜車的票。反正套票種類多到有一點寧願選擇少一點的感覺,往好處想,很多優惠方案,哈~





這一次的飯店,我們訂在教師會館Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel,軍公教有特別的優惠。我們住的是比較舊的那一棟,所以房間沒有wifi,或許其他新的兩棟有。雖然比較舊,但風景很棒,就在湖畔,很漂亮。

日月潭有好多飯店,有些很高級,像涵碧樓Lalu和日月行館Wen Wan。我去過馥麗Fuli和雲品Fleur de Chine,這兩家不錯,有機會還想再去住!

我去過日月潭至少10次了,但完全不會覺得膩。還想再去!You should come~

Kotipesa 連身褲 (我覺得很可愛~)
Martian 智慧型手錶 (又有智慧又有設計感)
Boosted Board (兩個字:好玩)

Monday, 14 September 2015

Info on Episode 4: Cijin, Kaohsiung 高雄旗津

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 4: Cijin, Kaohsiung (deluxe...
It's time for Taiwan!! 最棒的英語旅遊專題~ 讓你一邊旅行台灣一邊學英文!Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 4: Cijin, Kaohsiung (deluxe edit)2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第四集:高雄旗津 (完整版)Transcript 文字稿:What do you do when you want to see the ocean and hear the crash of its waves when you're in Kaohsiung? Just hop on the MRT. Today I'm going to show you around Cijin.來到高雄,如果突然想看海景,聽浪聲,怎麼辦?搭上捷運就能夠到海邊啦。今天我要帶大家到旗津玩!I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to run, grow hydroponic food and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡跑步,種水耕蔬菜,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。We’re at Central Park Station, and in order to get to Cijin, we need to take the orange line to Sizihwan. There’s this special ticket set that you can get which includes the fare of the MRT and the ferry, and a discount on bike rentals, but I'm going to stick to my iPass, because it works on the MRT and at convenience stores.這裡是高雄捷運中央公園站,到旗津呢,我們要搭橘線到西子灣。其實有個套票可以買,捷運票,船票,還有租腳踏車的折價券都包括在套票當中。不過,我要用我的一卡通,因為捷運,便利商店,也都能通。If you get the package, this is the bike rental place that will give you a discount but there are lots of options to get around, including public bikes and electric scooters.如果買套票,這家是配合活動的腳踏車租賃業者,其實還有很多其他的選擇,包括公共腳踏車,還有電動摩托車等等。From here we take the ferry, which is just down the street.從這裡呢,我們要去搭渡輪,這條街走到底就到了。There’s one thing I especially enjoy about this boat ride is: it’s only just ten minutes long, there’s not enough time to get seasick.這個船程有個地方我特別喜歡,就是它很短,才10分鐘,根本沒時間暈船。“Qi” in Cijin means “flag,” and “jin” has to do with “water.” From the air, this little area of land looks like a flag, which were triangular in the old days.旗津的「旗」是旗子的意思,「津」是跟水有關。鳥瞰旗津,像一面旗,古時候的旗,是三角形的。From here, you can see the city and the harbor. I think it’s quite lovely.從這裡可以看到市區和港口,我個人覺得蠻讚的。This fort was built in the Qing dynasty to guard Kaohsiung. Over the years, the military also dug a network of tunnels.旗後砲台是在清朝設立的,為的就是保護高雄。後來軍方在這裡也挖了四通八達的隧道。It's so dark in here, really mysterious. I feel super adventurous today. This is great.哇,這裡面好黑,好神祕。今天很有探險家精神。讚讚讚!This is an old bunker, soldiers used to look out through here and see if enemy is approaching. Da-da-da-da-da-da. Maybe. Maybe not.這裡以前是碉堡,阿兵哥就從這邊看是不是有敵人要上來了。然後就噠噠噠噠噠噠。或許。或許不是。哈哈哈。Cijin is where it all began for Kaohsiung. This is where explorers from China first came and settled. In fact, this was the point of entry for a lot of people, including missionaries, who brought not only Western religion, but modern medicine as well. The first church and hospital in Taiwan were here in Cijin.旗津是高雄的發源地,以前中國人來到南台灣開墾,就是從這裡開始。其實早期很多外國人也是從高雄進來台灣,包括傳教師,而這些傳教師不但帶來西方的宗教,還有現代醫學。台灣第一間教堂和第一間西醫院都在旗津。Mm, refreshing. This is how people in Kaohsiung and in Tainan eat tomatoes: raw, with a thick, sweet soy sauce, grated ginger and sugar. Let’s call that “salad.”好爽口~ 高雄和台南人都這樣吃番茄,配甜甜稠稠的醬油膏,薑末,還有砂糖。我們就叫這個「沙拉」吧。A lot of people come to Cijin and they have seafood, but you don't need me for that. I want to show you a fish noodle place I recently discovered. The noodles are made of fish meat, 98% fish meat, and the rest is just a little bit of flour to keep the fish meat noodles from sticking together. It’s really different. Really interesting. And I think quite good.很多人到旗津的時候都會跑去吃海產,這就不用我帶大家去了。今天我想帶你去的地方是一家我最近發現的魚麵店。麵條是98%魚肉做的,其他就是一點麵粉,讓魚肉麵條不黏在一起。很不一樣,很有趣,我覺得不錯吃。Quite thick and al dente. And healthy too because the protein and fiber content is higher than that of regular noodles.厚厚QQ的。而且健康,因為蛋白質和纖維比例比起一般麵,還要高。Right after they’re made, they’re put in the freezer, so there isn’ that overpowering fishy smell that reminds me of stinky socks. This is good. I like.因為麵一做好就放冷凍庫,沒有那種會讓人想起「臭腳燒」的魚腥味。這個好吃。我喜歡~This is the Pier 2 Art Center, also within walking distance from Sihziwan Station.這裡是駁二藝術特區,也是西子灣車站出來走路就能到的地方。I like Kaohsiung because it’s a big city, yet it’s laid back. There are big department stores, and yet there are lots of open spaces with history, culture and nature. It’s quite nice. You should come.我喜歡高雄,因為它是個大都市,但感覺蠻放鬆的。這裡有很大的百貨公司,但也有很空曠的空間,有歷史,有文化,有大自然。很棒。大家要來喔~民視新聞 翁郁容 彭柏勳 高雄報導--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Episode info:In this episode, we visited Cijin, Kaohsiung via the Kaohsiung MRT and ferry. We started our trip at Central Park Station, which is a nice little park with a dynamic looking metro entrance. The pigeons that sit in a line on top of the structure make for an interesting picture. There's a fountain in front of the station that lets people play in it. A lot of kids and dogs love it. This one seems a bit apprehensive.There are 2 lines on the Kaohsiung (KHH) MRT, Red and Orange. Sizihwan is on the Orange line, so from Central Park, week took the Red line and switched over to the Orange line at Formosa Boulevard Station, a very pretty station. Check out the "Dome of Light" glass art installment in the lobby of the Formosa Blvd Station if you get a chance.There's a ticket package for the MRT to Sizihwan, the ferry and bike rental, and you should be able to get it at any MRT station. The package is a discount on the bike rental, which means you still have to pay a little bit of money. You can go without the package and pay for the metro and ferry with an iPass, too. It's not that much more expensive, but we went without the package, too. If you want to rent a bike, there are bike rentals outside the station, and public bikes, or C-bikes, as well. C-bikes are free for the first hour, and NT6-20 after that. The system down there is a bit different from the Youbikes in Taipei/New Taipei/Changhua, and you need to first register (sorry, Chinese site only) your iPass on the internet if you are a resident. If you are not a resident, you can just use your credit card at the kiosk. The bikes are not as robust, so you can't ride it like a tank as you might in Taipei.If you get a bike near Sizihwan, you can take it on the ferry. If not, there are still more bike rental places on Cijin. There are even cycle rickshaws on Cijin, perhaps the only place in Taiwan with cycle rickshaws. I learned that most if not all the rickshaws are owned by rickshaw companies, and licenses were required for them. In the middle of the last century, the government encouraged rickshaw companies to phase into cars, and allowed rickshaw companies to exchange 2 rickshaw licenses for 1 car license. I don't normally think about these things, but it was interesting to hear. Imagining putting your hand out to hail a cycle rickshaw taxi instead of a car taxi. Cool!Two of the main attractions on Cijin are the lighthouse and the battery. The lighthouse is the second oldest one in Taiwan, not completely in its original shape and form - the building was moved a few meters away for a better and higher view. The battery was built in 1875 during the Qing Dynasty (Taiwan history is very complicated, most people here now are of Chinese descent, but in the last 390-some years have been ruled by the Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and now is now currently the Republic of China, which started in China, but was defeated by Communist China, now People's Republic of China, and retreated to Taiwan to one day take back China, but the day never came). I personally find the battery more interesting. The bricks do have some design to them, there are several different patterns symbolizing things like fortune, success, longevity and other widely sought after aspects of life. Our guide told us that usually batteries are designed for defense and artistic designs are usually not a part of them, but because Taiwan was so far away from the mainland, artists took their liberty and did what they wanted.There seems to be tunnels everywhere, most of them are closed, but at least one wasn't blocked off, so we ventured in. You'll probably get attacked by mosquitoes like we did, so bring bug repellent.At the bottom of the hill, there is a bike path by the ocean and some areas are quite nice. There is a (overly decorated) tunnel on the path that you can ride through and adds a little bit of fun.For food, tomatoes are a tasty and healthy snack. People in southern Taiwan eat raw tomatoes with sugar, grated ginger, and a sweet soy sauce paste (sometimes even with plum powder too). You can find tomatoes in a lot of places. For the fish noodles, I think there is only one place that has it. It's called "Pepper Fish Noodle," and the menu is bilingual. I had the assorted fish noodles and crispy fried fish and shrimp dumplings. Tasty! The fish noodle place is at 44 Tongshan Road, open for lunch and dinner, closed Tuesdays.On the way back, or on a separate day, you can also visit Pier-2 Art Center, on the other side of Sizihwan Station. It used to be an old pier/train yard/container area and was converted to an arts/culture type of place. There are some shops, restaurants, galleries there worth checking out. Lots of open space. Makes for a nice afternoon stroll.If you still have energy left, take a walk along Love River in Kaohsiung after dinner. The night view is especially lovely.As for accommodations, we stayed at Howard Hotel, which is a bit old, but still very nice, very clean, comfortable, the service is quite good, and improvements seem to be continuously being made. The list price starts from about NT$3,200, but if you go through hotel booking websites, you might get a better deal.Have fun!Kaohsiung MRT: Pepper Fish Noodle: 07-571-1711Howard Hotel: and accessories:Shirt: Kotipesa (Taiwanese brand that I think is quite good at smart casual)Watch: Martian (American smartwatch, affordable and fashionable)Electric skateboard: Boosted (American last mile vehicle maker, I love it)Camera: Olympus TG860 (waterproof 15m, shockproof 2.5m, flipout screen, nicely priced)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------節目內容資訊:這一集的節目當中,我們到搭著高雄捷運到旗津玩。我們從中央公園站出發。中央公園蠻不錯的,捷運站出入口蠻壯觀的,屋頂上面常常坐著一排鴿子,感覺等人拍照。前方有個噴水池,很多小朋友和小狗喜歡跑進去,鑽來鑽去,玩得不亦樂乎。高雄捷運有兩條線,紅線和橘線。西子灣在橘線,中央公園在紅線,所以我們得先到美麗島站換車。有機會可以看看美麗島站裡面的光之穹頂,很漂亮喔。到旗津玩,有一個套票包含捷運車票,船票,腳踏車租賃,在捷運站的窗口都買得到,不過要注意的是,腳踏車部分只是折扣,所以還是要付錢喔~ 其實直接用一卡通搭捷運,搭船也可以,而且錢沒差那麼多啦。如果要租車,捷運站外,旗津都有腳踏車可以租,或者是出了西子灣捷運站,也有公共腳踏車C-bike可以租,不過要先上網註冊,台灣國籍或有台灣居留證的人可以註冊,沒有的話,就直接在租車站刷信用卡。高雄的c-bike感覺沒有台北youbike的穩和重,所以不要當坦克車騎喔。旗津上面除了有腳踏車類的交通工具可以租,還有三輪車,可能是台灣僅存有三輪車在營業的地方吧。聽說三輪車也是靠行制的,上個世紀汽車開始普遍之後,政府讓三輪車行拿兩張三輪車執照換一張汽車計程車執照,慢慢換,不過旗津因為地方小,還是有三輪車繼續載觀光客。我覺得蠻有趣的,舊舊的車,古早的味道。可以稍微想像可能50年前手伸出來,攔的不是汽車的計程車,而是三輪車。現代人來看古時候,有時候還覺得蠻有意思的。 旗津的燈塔和砲台是當地著名的景點。燈塔是台灣第二老的燈塔,以前在現在位置的旁邊,後來好像是為了更好的位置而搬家的。我個人覺得砲台比較有趣一點點,因為它磚塊的堆砌有些設計感。1875年清朝發資源和許可建立砲台,不過根據解說員,天高皇帝遠,師傅很自由的發揮創意,砌出很多不同代表富貴,長壽等等吉祥概念的設計。因為曾經是軍事管制地區,旗津有很多隧道,大部分都好像封起來了,不過我們看到至少一條可以進去。記得帶防蚊液,不然會像我,餵飽很多蚊子。回到底下,這裡有靠海的腳踏車步道可以騎車,還有一條有點過度裝飾的隧道可以騎,算好玩啦。吃的呢,番茄是個好吃又健康的點心。南部一個很有名的吃法是沾糖,薑末,比一般還醬油膏還要稠的醬油膏(醬油膏再加太白粉去煮稠),有時候還有梅子粉。好好吃~ 這裡有好幾家可以吃番茄的地方。魚麵好像只有一家了,叫做「胡椒手工魚麵」,通山路44號,中午和晚上營業,週二公休。推薦綜合魚麵還有香酥魚/蝦餃!可以打電話訂購宅配喔!電話在底下。玩玩旗津,回到西子灣,可以到車站另外一頭,那裡是駁二藝術特區,有商店,餐廳,畫廊,裝置藝術可以看,蠻適合下午去散步。還有體力的話,吃完晚餐可以到愛河畔走走,晚上的愛河氣氛很不錯~至於住宿,我們這次住在高雄福華飯店,定價大約3,200,透過一些網站訂搞不好更便宜。老飯店,但乾淨,舒適,服務好,有持續在進步。You should come!高雄捷運:一卡通: 註冊:胡椒魚麵:07-571-1711高雄福華:服裝與配件:襯衫: kotipesä (台灣品牌,可休閒,可正式,很不錯)手錶: Martian摩絢錶 (美國品牌,時尚好用,價錢合理的智慧型手錶)電動滑板: Boosted Boards(美國公司,超方便,可惜台灣沒賣)相機: Olympus TG860 (防水 15m, 防摔 2.5m, 翻轉螢幕, 價錢合理)
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan on Monday, September 14, 2015

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 4: Cijin, Kaohsiung 高雄旗津

Transcript 文字稿:

What do you do when you want to see the ocean and hear the crash of its waves when you're in Kaohsiung? Just hop on the MRT. Today I'm going to show you around Cijin.來到高雄,如果突然想看海景,聽浪聲,怎麼辦?搭上捷運就能到海邊啦。今天我要帶大家到旗津玩!

I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to run, grow hydroponic food and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡跑步,種水耕蔬菜,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。

We’re at Central Park Station, and in order to get to Cijin, we need to take the orange line to Sizihwan. There’s this special ticket set that you can get which includes the fare of the MRT and the ferry, and a discount on bike rentals, but I'm going to stick to my iPass, because it works on the MRT and at convenience stores.

If you get the package, this is the bike rental place that will give you a discount but there are lots of options to get around, including public bikes and electric scooters.

From here we take the ferry, which is just down the street.

There’s one thing I especially enjoy about this boat ride is: it’s only just ten minutes long, there’s not enough time to get seasick.

“Qi” in Cijin means “flag,” and “jin” has to do with “water.” From the air, this little area of land looks like a flag, which were triangular in the old days.

From here, you can see the city and the harbor. I think it’s quite lovely.

This fort was built in the Qing dynasty to guard Kaohsiung. Over the years, the military also dug a network of tunnels.

It's so dark in here, really mysterious. I feel super adventurous today. This is great.

This is an old bunker, soldiers used to look out through here and see if enemy is approaching. Da-da-da-da-da-da. Maybe. Maybe not.

Cijin is where it all began for Kaohsiung. This is where explorers from China first came and settled. In fact, this was the point of entry for a lot of people, including missionaries, who brought not only Western religion, but modern medicine as well. The first church and hospital in Taiwan were here in Cijin.

Mm, refreshing. This is how people in Kaohsiung and in Tainan eat tomatoes: raw, with a thick, sweet soy sauce, grated ginger and sugar. Let’s call that “salad.”
好爽口~ 高雄和台南人都這樣吃番茄,配甜甜稠稠的醬油膏,薑末,還有砂糖。我們就叫這個「沙拉」吧。
A lot of people come to Cijin and they have seafood, but you don't need me for that. I want to show you a fish noodle place I recently discovered. The noodles are made of fish meat, 98% fish meat, and the rest is just a little bit of flour to keep the fish meat noodles from sticking together. It’s really different. Really interesting. And I think quite good.

Quite thick and al dente. And healthy too because the protein and fiber content is higher than that of regular noodles.

Right after they’re made, they’re put in the freezer, so there isn’ that overpowering fishy smell that reminds me of stinky socks. This is good. I like.

This is the Pier 2 Art Center, also within walking distance from Sihziwan Station.

I like Kaohsiung because it’s a big city, yet it’s laid back. There are big department stores, and yet there are lots of open spaces with history, culture and  nature. It’s quite nice. You should come.

民視新聞 翁郁容 彭柏勳 高雄報導


Episode info:

In this episode, we visited Cijin, Kaohsiung via the Kaohsiung MRT and ferry. We started our trip at Central Park Station, which is a nice little park with a dynamic looking metro entrance. The pigeons that sit in a line on top of the structure make for an interesting picture. There's a fountain in front of the station that lets people play in it. A lot of kids and dogs love it. This one seems a bit apprehensive.

There are 2 lines on the Kaohsiung (KHH) MRT, Red and Orange. Sizihwan is on the Orange line, so from Central Park, week took the Red line and switched over to the Orange line at Formosa Boulevard Station, a very pretty station. Check out the "Dome of Light" glass art installment in the lobby of the Formosa Blvd Station if you get a chance.

There's a ticket package for the MRT to Sizihwan, the ferry and bike rental, and you should be able to get it at any MRT station. The package is a discount on the bike rental, which means you still have to pay a little bit of money. You can go without the package and pay for the metro and ferry with an iPass, too. It's not that much more expensive, but we went without the package, too. If you want to rent a bike, there are bike rentals outside the station, and public bikes, or C-bikes, as well. C-bikes are free for the first hour, and NT6-20 after that. The system down there is a bit different from the Youbikes in Taipei/New Taipei/Changhua, and you need to first register (sorry, Chinese site only) your iPass on the internet if you are a resident. If you are not a resident, you can just use your credit card at the kiosk. The bikes are not as robust, so you can't ride it like a tank as you might in Taipei.

If you get a bike near Sizihwan, you can take it on the ferry. If not, there are still more bike rental places on Cijin. There are even cycle rickshaws on Cijin, perhaps the only place in Taiwan with cycle rickshaws. I learned that most if not all the rickshaws are owned by rickshaw companies, and licenses were required for them. In the middle of the last century, the government encouraged rickshaw companies to phase into cars, and allowed rickshaw companies to exchange 2 rickshaw licenses for 1 car license. I don't normally think about these things, but it was interesting to hear. Imagining putting your hand out to hail a cycle rickshaw taxi instead of a car taxi. Cool!

Two of the main attractions on Cijin are the lighthouse and the battery. The lighthouse is the second oldest one in Taiwan, not completely in its original shape and form - the building was moved a few meters away for a better and higher view. The battery was built in 1875 during the Qing Dynasty (Taiwan history is very complicated, most people here now are of Chinese descent, but in the last 390-some years have been ruled by the Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and now is now currently the Republic of China, which started in China, but was defeated by Communist China, now People's Republic of China, and retreated to Taiwan to one day take back China, but the day never came). I personally find the battery more interesting. The bricks do have some design to them, there are several different patterns symbolizing things like fortune, success, longevity and other widely sought after aspects of life. Our guide told us that usually batteries are designed for defense and artistic designs are usually not a part of them, but because Taiwan was so far away from the mainland, artists took their liberty and did what they wanted.

There seems to be tunnels everywhere, most of them are closed, but at least one wasn't blocked off, so we ventured in. You'll probably get attacked by mosquitoes like we did, so bring bug repellent.

At the bottom of the hill, there is a bike path by the ocean and some areas are quite nice. There is a (overly decorated) tunnel on the path that you can ride through and adds a little bit of fun.

For food, tomatoes are a tasty and healthy snack. People in southern Taiwan eat raw tomatoes with sugar, grated ginger, and a sweet soy sauce paste (sometimes even with plum powder too). You can find tomatoes in a lot of places. For the fish noodles, I think there is only one place that has it. It's called "Pepper Fish Noodle," and the menu is bilingual. I had the assorted fish noodles and crispy fried fish and shrimp dumplings. Tasty! The fish noodle place is at 44 Tongshan Road, open for lunch and dinner, closed Tuesdays.

On the way back, or on a separate day, you can also visit Pier-2 Art Center, on the other side of Sizihwan Station. It used to be an old pier/train yard/container area and was converted to an arts/culture type of place. There are some shops, restaurants, galleries there worth checking out. Lots of open space. Makes for a nice afternoon stroll.

If you still have energy left, take a walk along Love River in Kaohsiung after dinner. The night view is especially lovely.

As for accommodations, we stayed at Howard Hotel, which is a bit old, but still very nice, very clean, comfortable, the service is quite good, and improvements seem to be continuously being made. The list price starts from about NT$3,200, but if you go through hotel booking websites, you might get a better deal.

Have fun!

Kaohsiung MRT:
Pepper Fish Noodle: 07-571-1711
Howard Hotel:

Wardrobe and accessories:
Shirt: Kotipesa (Taiwanese brand that I think is quite good at smart casual)
Watch: Martian (American smartwatch, affordable and fashionable)
Electric skateboard: Boosted (American last mile vehicle maker, I love it)
Camera: Olympus TG860 (waterproof 15m, shockproof 2.5m, flipout screen, nicely priced)





到旗津玩,有一個套票包含捷運車票,船票,腳踏車租賃,在捷運站的窗口都買得到,不過要注意的是,腳踏車部分只是折扣,所以還是要付錢喔~ 其實直接用一卡通搭捷運,搭船也可以,而且錢沒差那麼多啦。如果要租車,捷運站外,旗津都有腳踏車可以租,或者是出了西子灣捷運站,也有公共腳踏車C-bike可以租,不過要先上網註冊,台灣國籍或有台灣居留證的人可以註冊,沒有的話,就直接在租車站刷信用卡。高雄的c-bike感覺沒有台北youbike的穩和重,所以不要當坦克車騎喔。





吃的呢,番茄是個好吃又健康的點心。南部一個很有名的吃法是沾糖,薑末,比一般還醬油膏還要稠的醬油膏(醬油膏再加太白粉去煮稠),有時候還有梅子粉。好好吃~ 這裡有好幾家可以吃番茄的地方。魚麵好像只有一家了,叫做「胡椒手工魚麵」,通山路44號,中午和晚上營業,週二公休。推薦綜合魚麵還有香酥魚/蝦餃!可以打電話訂購宅配喔!電話在底下。




You should come!

C-bike 註冊:

襯衫:Kotipesa (台灣品牌,可休閒,可正式,很不錯)
手錶:Martian (美國品牌,時尚好用,價錢合理的智慧型手錶)
電動滑板:Boosted (美國公司,超方便,可惜台灣沒賣)
相機: Olympus TG860 (防水 15m, 防摔 2.5m, 翻轉螢幕, 價錢合理)

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Info on Episode 3: Ciaotou and Ten Drum, Kaohsiung 高雄橋頭糖廠 十鼓文創園區

2015-2016 Episode 3 Ciaotou and Ten Drum, Kaohsiung 高雄橋頭糖廠,十鼓文...
It's time for Taiwan!!最棒的英語旅遊專題~讓你一邊旅行台灣一邊學英文!Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 3: Ciaotou and Ten Drum, Kaohsiung (deluxe edit)2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第三集:高雄橋頭糖廠,十鼓文創園區 (完整版)Transcript 文字稿:How about some art, history and music today? Let’s go to the Ten Drum Culture Village in Kaohsiung. 今天來點藝術,歷史,和音樂,如何?走,我們到高雄的十鼓文創園區玩~I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to run, grow hydroponic food and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡跑步,種水耕蔬菜,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。We are here at Formosa Boulevard and Ten Drum is along the red line, inside the old Sugar Refinery at Ciaotou. San Francisco has Clipper cards for its public transportation system, and Kaohsiung has the iPass. You beep in and out of train stations with this and you can even use this at convenience stores, so it's super, super handy.這裡是高捷美麗島站,十鼓在紅線上,橋頭糖廠文創園區裡面。美國舊金山有Clipper卡可以使用在大眾交通上,高雄則有一卡通,可以嗶進嗶出,而且在便利商店也能使用,真的很方便。The card is NT$100 and you have to charge it; credit can also refunded when you don't need the card anymore.一張卡100元,要儲值,沒用完還可以將餘額退還。Kaohsiung has become so much easier to travel now that there’s the MRT. It’s clean, it comfortable and some of the stations are really beautiful.高雄自從有捷運之後,旅遊方便很多。乾淨,舒適,而且有些捷運站特別漂亮。 We got on at Formosa Boulevard - this station was voted one of the most beautiful stations in the world.我們是在美麗島站上車的,這裡被票選為世界上最美麗的車站之一。This is called “Dome of Light” and tells the story of life with 4,500 pieces of glass, and is one of the world’s largest public glass works of art.這叫做「光之穹頂」,講的是生命的故事,是由4,500片琉璃組成的,是世界上最大的琉璃公共藝術之一。Here’s a photography tip, shoot it from a really low angle. Use the flip out screen if you have one.拍照小撇步,從很低很低的角度來拍,有翻轉螢幕的話,記得翻出來用喔~This is the old Ciaotou sugar refinery, it was the first modern sugar refinery in Taiwan, set up in the early 20th century during the Japanese occupation and made sugar for 97 years.這裡是橋頭糖廠,是台灣第一個機械化糖廠,在20世紀初,日治時代設立的,營運了大約97年。It closed down in 1999 and now they're trying to revive it as an arts and culture park.1999年,糖廠停止製糖,現在他們正在努力轉型,成為文創園區。This place is pretty big, so you might want to rent a bike. There’s a bike rental and Ten Drum show tickets package here that’s a pretty good deal.這裡腹地很大,所以建議租一輛腳踏車。這邊有包含觀賞十鼓水劇場的套票,蠻優惠的。Show you where to go for a nice ride.走,帶你去風景漂亮的地方兜風。My grandparents, who are Taiwanese, actually grew up speaking Japanese. Taiwan was Japan’s first overseas colony, and the occupation lasted for about 50 years, from 1895 to 1945. They modernized much of Taiwan, including this sugar refinery.我阿公阿媽都是台灣人,但他們小時候都講日文。台灣是日本第一個海外殖民地,日治時代長達50年,從1895年到1945年。日本人引進許多現代的機械和技術,包括在糖廠製糖上的應用。During the occupation, the locals were often unhappy about being governed by the Japanese and occasionally unrest broke out. To promote peace, the Japanese used Buddhism, the common religion between Taiwan and Japan, and made a shrine here for people to pray to Guanyin. But instead of gold plating the statue, the Japanese decided to leave the copper as is, to prevent the statue from getting stolen in the middle of the night.日治時期,當地居民對日本統治者不滿,偶爾發生衝突,因此日本人就用兩國之間的共同宗教,佛教,來調解和平。他們在這裡設立了觀音的雕像,不過沒有鍍金,因為害怕半夜,會被人搬走。Legend has it, The Yellow Emperor, who lived in the 2500’s BC, was the inventor of the drum. In one of his famous battles, he ordered his 80 drummers to stay hidden, but strike their giant drums with all their might. The enemy heard the sound and thought that the Yellow Emperor had summoned thunder. The decided to run for their lives because they thought they were no match for the Yellow Emperor and his super powers.傳說中,鼓是在西元前2500年,軒轅黃帝所發明的。在一場戰役當中,他命令80名鼓手躲起來同時用力擊鼓。敵人想說,黃帝竟然可以操縱雷,實在太厲害了,所以決定逃命。Ten Drums is a traditional Chinese drum percussion group. Their work has been nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best Traditional World Music category. Here they have shows every morning and afternoon that I personally like quite a bit.十鼓是一個傳統中國鼓的打擊樂團體,他們的作品曾經入圍葛萊美獎世界音樂專輯獎。他們每天上午和下午都定時舉辦表演,很好看喔~Dramatic, right? The kungfu, Chinese instruments and water elements were so cool. Makes me want to try.好震撼喔。武術,中國樂器,還有水等等的元素真的好酷。忍不住想試試看!Both the Ten Drums Culture Village and this old sugar refinery at first sight may not seem like much. But if you take time explore, it might start to grow on you. This sugar refinery was shut down for more than ten years, and it’s in the process of resurrecting and finding a new identity. It’s interesting to be part of the process I think, and it’s interesting times for this place. You should come.十鼓和糖廠本身,乍看之下,好像沒什麼,不過其實慢慢去探索,你會發現,越看越有趣。糖廠過去有好一段時間沒有運作,但被注入新生命之後,它開始重生,努力尋找出路。能夠參與這段歷史,很有意義,而這重生的過程,也很有意思。大家要來喔。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Episode info:In this episode we visited Ciaotou Sugar Refinery and Ten Drum Culture Village.We started our journey at Kaohsiung MRT's Formosa Boulevard Station, a station with an amazing glass dome lobby called “Dome of Light,” designed by Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata. The structure is 30 meters across and is composed of 4,500 pieces of glass. With a wide angle lens, it looks especially beautiful. If you want to be in the picture, though, make sure you don’t stand on the side if you’re using a wide angle lens, otherwise your face and/or body will get stretched, making you look really fat. I wouldn’t want that to happen to me so… Heh heh heh.There are only 2 lines in the KHH (Kaohsiung) metro network, so it’s not very confusing. To go directly to Ten Drum Culture Village, you can take the red line to Ciaotou Station. But I recommend going to Ciaotou Sugar Refinery and walk through the refinery to Ten Drum because it’s really close and there are things to see at the refinery too.If you want a guide at Ciaotou, you can call and make a reservation in advance. It’s NT$1,500 for a 1.5 hour tour for up to 50 people, in Chinese. You can make a reservation by calling 07-611-3691. Probably no English service, unfortunately.When you exit Ciaotou Sugar Refinery station, there’s a bike rental place inside the station already. But if you want the rental+Ten Drum package, you need to exit the station, turn left and walk maybe 200 meters to the next bike rental shop called “Uncle Bike." The owner is very nice young man, I spoke to him for a bit and even lent him my skateboard.If you get a bike, there’s a bike path with pineapple fields next to it and trees on both sides of the path, when the light shines through the foliage, it’s quite beautiful. This is the path I rode on in the video. There are a few small roads back there to explore, and even some graves, which are an interesting sight if doesn’t make you uncomfortable. Graves in Taiwan are usually round in shape, with a mound of dirt in the middle, sloping up towards the back. Wonder if that’s where the body is buried… My grandparents’ graves are different - they have marble top covers that can be can be easily opened (often the remains are removed after a certain number of years so when other family members, or other people if it’s a public grave, pass away, the plot can be reused). I personally would prefer being cremated and my ashes compressed into a diamond for my husband to wear as an earring.On the weekends, you can ride the old train that transported the sugar canes, which is kinda fun. On the grounds you’ll also find cafes and shops. I think a lot of this space used to be employee dorms.Before going into the factory, I suggest you look for the warehouses with displays that tell about the history of the refinery, and how sugar is made. Then go into the old factory and imagine all the noise, people and the smell of pulp and cane sugar juice that used to be in the air. In the morning and afternoon when the light comes in at an angle, the ambience is kind of interesting. I felt like I was looking at something in a peaceful, eternal sleep.There are a lot of old warehouses there. Some of them are still vacant and haven’t really been cared for. There’s broken glass, a lot of dirt, and though it might not sound very nice, a lot people love to take pictures of it, and in front of it! My husband loves that kind of thing. Lots of people like to take wedding photos in front of the dilapidated buildings. I suppose when the subject is dressed up and glossed up, the contrast of the old, forgotten and decayed background makes a good photograph. I suppose. I prefer clean places.Some of the warehouses are rented to artists and the others are to Ten Drum. Regular admissions to the Ten Drum Culture Park are NT$100, all of which you can use toward any purchase in the souvenir shop or restaurant. I recommend getting the show tickets, which are NT$300 a person, includes admission to the park, a guided tour (unfortunately, only in Chinese), and the drum workshop. They don’t offer English guides, but can hire an interpreter for you, and I believe the fee for that is NT$300.I’ve seen some different drum performances, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese…this one though I think is quite unique because they use water in their shows. My impression of drummers is that they’re usually quite hydrophobic when their instruments are around, because water damages drums. Ten Drums apparently water proof theirs and have a good time splashing water around when they play. It’s quite cool.After the performance and after you exit the theater, you can get pictures with the drummers if you like. After that, your guide will take you to the drum workshop and teach you how to play. I love to play with things, so I think my favorite part of the Ten Drum experience was the drum workshop bit.Ten Drum also has a simple restaurant on site, and the food is decent.Have fun!Kaohsiung MRT: Sugar Refinery: 07-611-3691 (can’t seem to find their website)Electric skateboard: Boosted (American last mile vehicle maker, I love it)Ten Drum: Bike:單車大叔1號店-1515033628773786/timeline/Wardrobe and accessories:Overalls: Kotipesa (Taiwanese brand)Watch: Martian (American smartwatch, affordable and fashionable)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------節目內容資訊:在這一集好好玩裡面,我們到了高雄糖廠和十鼓文創園區。這次我們從高雄捷運美麗島站開始玩。站裡的「光之穹頂」好漂亮,必看,必拍!光之穹頂是由一位叫做Narcissus Quagliata的藝術家所創作的,整個裝置大約30公尺寬,使用了4,500片琉璃所製。因為很寬,廣角鏡頭拍起來特別好看,不過呢,如果想把自己也拍進去,記得不要把人放在畫面的邊邊,不然會看起來很胖喔~~~ 原因是,廣角鏡會把邊緣拉寬,臉拉寬通常不會有好的效果。很可能換來跺腳和「吼,怎麼把我拍成釀子啦!」。高捷目前只有兩條線,所以搭起來不會太複雜。如果直接殺到十鼓文化園區的話,可以搭到橋頭火車站。不過我建議搭到橋頭糖廠,先逛糖廠然後再走到十鼓,反正很近。到糖廠玩,如果需要導覽,要提前申請(打電話去 07-611-3691),一個半小時的導覽1,500元,人數最多50。橋頭糖廠站裡面就有一間腳踏車租賃店,不過如果要買十鼓水劇場和腳踏車的套票,要出站,往左走,大概200公尺後,左手邊有家「單車大叔」。老闆年親,親切,我們聊了一會兒,我還借他玩我的滑板。如果租腳踏車,可以往小學的方向走,後面有一條腳踏車道,節目中我就是在那邊滑滑板,腳踏車道兩旁都是樹,有斑斕光,旁邊有鳳梨田,還蠻漂亮的。那附近還有幾條小路可以騎,旁邊有夜總會。不忌諱的人,其實小路還蠻好玩的。說到夜總會,最近看新聞看到歐洲有個把骨灰做成鑽石的服務,感覺還不錯。我還蠻希望把自己的骨灰壓成鑽石做成一個耳環,讓好ㄤ戴。只是我覺得他不會願意戴耳環。Oh well.回到糖廠,假日的時候這裡有以前載甘蔗用的五分車可以搭。廠區裡面還有一些咖啡廳和餐店,這些空間以前可能都是員工宿舍。工廠的那一區有好幾個老倉庫。有幾個裡面講著糖廠的故事,歷史,製糖過程等等。看了這些展示之後再進去廠房可能比較好,比較看得懂。然後在廠房可以試著想像以前裡面可能有的聲音,在空氣中飄著的甘蔗汁味。廠房早上和下午沒人的時候太陽光從斜斜的角度灑進來,有一種特別的氣氛,有一點看著歷史文物安祥長眠的感覺。糖廠裡面有好多倉庫,有一些繼續閒置著,有些玻璃窗破掉沒有修,從外面偷窺,裡面灰塵相當厚,不過這不見得不好。有些人說去整理,可能會被整理過頭,失去它原本的味道(這我能了解),不整理反而能保留原貌。廢墟其實也是一個很多人喜歡拍攝的主題。甚至很多人來這裡拍婚紗。或許光鮮亮麗的主角讓破舊的廢墟襯托,是一個很有趣的畫面。我們家好ㄤ就很愛拍這種。我呢...還是喜歡乾乾淨淨的空間。當中整理過的倉庫,有些出租給藝術家當做工作室和展示空間,有些則是租給十鼓當做他們的文化園區。十鼓的門票100元,全額可以拿去販賣部抵消。我建議買十鼓水劇場的票,300元。水劇場的票包含園區的門票,水劇場的表演,園區的中文導覽,還有打鼓體驗。我看過幾種不同的打鼓表演,中式,日式等等,而我覺得十鼓的真的蠻特別的,因為他們在表演當中有水幕,舞台地板上也有水,鼓手在水池裡面跳來跳去打鼓,濺得到處都是,但沒人擔心鼓被弄溼。一般看到的鼓手,都離水遠遠的,因為怕鼓弄溼,會壞掉。所以十鼓這方面還蠻酷的。鼓不怕濕。表演結束後,可以跟鼓手拍照,然後導覽員會帶你到我個人認為最好玩的部分:打鼓體驗!老師會教你簡單打我就是喜歡動手玩東西~小朋友應該也會玩得很開心。肚子餓的話,十鼓自己有餐廳,還不錯吃~大家要來喔~高雄捷運:橋頭糖廠: 07-611-3691 (找不到官網)十鼓文創:單車大叔:單車大叔1號店-1515033628773786/timeline/服裝和配件:連身迷彩飛行裝: kotipesä (台灣品牌)手錶: Martian摩絢錶 (美國品牌,時尚又不會太貴的智慧型手錶)電動滑板: Boosted Boards (美國買的,超愛)
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan on Friday, September 11, 2015

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 3: Ciaotou and Ten Drum, Kaohsiung

Transcript 文字稿:

How about some art, history and music today? Let’s go to the Ten Drum Culture Village in Kaohsiung. 

I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to run, grow hydroponic food and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

We are here at Formosa Boulevard and Ten Drum is along the red line, inside the old Sugar Refinery at Ciaotou. San Francisco has Clipper cards for its public transportation system, and Kaohsiung has the iPass. You beep in and out of train stations with this and you can even use this at convenience stores, so it's super, super handy.

The card is NT$100 and you have to charge it; credit can also refunded when you don't need the card anymore.

Kaohsiung has become so much easier to travel now that there’s the MRT. It’s clean, it comfortable and some of the stations are really beautiful.

We got on at Formosa Boulevard - this station was voted one of the most beautiful stations in the world.

This is called “Dome of Light” and tells the story of life with 4,500 pieces of glass, and is one of the world’s largest public glass works of art.

Here’s a photography tip, shoot it from a really low angle. Use the flip out screen if you have one.

This is the old Ciaotou sugar refinery, it was the first modern sugar refinery in Taiwan, set up in the early 20th century during the Japanese occupation and made sugar for 97 years.

It closed down in 1999 and now they're trying to revive it as an arts and culture park.

This place is pretty big, so you might want to rent a bike. There’s a bike rental and Ten Drum show tickets package here that’s a pretty good deal.

Show you where to go for a nice ride.

My grandparents, who are Taiwanese, actually grew up speaking Japanese. Taiwan was Japan’s first overseas colony, and the occupation lasted for about 50 years, from 1895 to 1945. They modernized much of Taiwan, including this sugar refinery.

During the occupation, the locals were often unhappy about being governed by the Japanese and occasionally unrest broke out. To promote peace, the Japanese used Buddhism, the common religion between Taiwan and Japan, and made a shrine here for people to pray to Guanyin. But instead of gold plating the statue, the Japanese decided to leave the copper as is, to prevent the statue from getting stolen in the middle of the night.

Legend has it, The Yellow Emperor, who lived in the 2500’s BC, was the inventor of the drum. In one of his famous battles, he ordered his 80 drummers to stay hidden, but strike their giant drums with all their might. The enemy heard the sound and thought that the Yellow Emperor had summoned thunder. The decided to run for their lives because they thought they were no match for the Yellow Emperor and his super powers.

Ten Drums is a traditional Chinese drum percussion group. Their work has been nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best Traditional World Music category. Here they have shows every morning and afternoon that I personally like quite a bit.

Dramatic, right? The kungfu, Chinese instruments and water elements were so cool. Makes me want to try.

Both the Ten Drums Culture Village and this old sugar refinery at first sight may not seem like much. But if you take time explore, it might start to grow on you. This sugar refinery was shut down for more than ten years, and it’s in the process of resurrecting and finding a new identity. It’s interesting to be part of the process I think, and it’s interesting times for this place. You should come.


Episode info:

In this episode we visited Ciaotou Sugar Refinery and Ten Drum Culture Village.
We started our journey at Kaohsiung MRT's Formosa Boulevard Station, a station with an amazing glass dome lobby called “Dome of Light,” designed by Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata. The structure is 30 meters across and is composed of 4,500 pieces of glass. With a wide angle lens, it looks especially beautiful. If you want to be in the picture, though, make sure you don’t stand on the side if you’re using a wide angle lens, otherwise your face and/or body will get stretched, making you look really fat. I wouldn’t want that to happen to me so… Heh heh heh.

A panoramic stitch is fun too.

Here's the Kaohsiung MRT map concerning this trip.

There are only 2 lines in the KHH (Kaohsiung) metro network, so it’s not very confusing. To go directly to Ten Drum Culture Village, you can take the red line to Ciaotou Station. But I recommend going to Ciaotou Sugar Refinery and walk through the refinery to Ten Drum because it’s really close and there are things to see at the refinery too.

If you want a guide at Ciaotou, you can call and make a reservation in advance. It’s NT$1,500 for a 1.5 hour tour for up to 50 people, in Chinese. You can make a reservation by calling 07-611-3691. Probably no English service, unfortunately.

When you exit Ciaotou Sugar Refinery station, there’s a bike rental place inside the station already. But if you want the rental+Ten Drum package, you need to exit the station, turn left and walk maybe 200 meters to the next bike rental shop called “Uncle Bike." The owner is very nice young man, I spoke to him for a bit and even lent him my skateboard.

If you get a bike, there’s a bike path with pineapple fields next to it and trees on both sides of the path, when the light shines through the foliage, it’s quite beautiful. This is the path I rode on in the video. There are a few small roads back there to explore, and even some graves, which are an interesting sight if doesn’t make you uncomfortable. Graves in Taiwan are usually round in shape, with a mound of dirt in the middle, sloping up towards the back. Wonder if that’s where the body is buried… My grandparents’ graves are different - they have marble top covers that can be can be easily opened (often the remains are removed after a certain number of years so when other family members, or other people if it’s a public grave, pass away, the plot can be reused). I personally would prefer being cremated and my ashes compressed into a diamond for my husband to wear as an earring.

On the weekends, you can ride the old train that transported the sugar canes, which is kinda fun. On the grounds you’ll also find cafes and shops. I think a lot of this space used to be employee dorms.
Before going into the factory, I suggest you look for the warehouses with displays that tell about the history of the refinery, and how sugar is made. Then go into the old factory and imagine all the noise, people and the smell of pulp and cane sugar juice that used to be in the air. In the morning and afternoon when the light comes in at an angle, the ambience is kind of interesting. I felt like I was looking at something in a peaceful, eternal sleep.

There are a lot of old warehouses there. Some of them are still vacant and haven’t really been cared for. There’s broken glass, a lot of dirt, and though it might not sound very nice, a lot people love to take pictures of it, and in front of it! My husband loves that kind of thing. Lots of people like to take wedding photos in front of the dilapidated buildings. I suppose when the subject is dressed up and glossed up, the contrast of the old, forgotten and decayed background makes a good photograph. I suppose. I prefer clean places.

Some of the warehouses are rented to artists and the others are to Ten Drum. Regular admissions to the Ten Drum Culture Park are NT$100, all of which you can use toward any purchase in the souvenir shop or restaurant. I recommend getting the show tickets, which are NT$300 a person, includes admission to the park, a guided tour (unfortunately, only in Chinese), and the drum workshop. They don’t offer English guides, but can hire an interpreter for you, and I believe the fee for that is NT$300.

I’ve seen some different drum performances, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese…this one though I think is quite unique because they use water in their shows. My impression of drummers is that they’re usually quite hydrophobic when their instruments are around, because water damages drums. Ten Drums apparently water proof theirs and have a good time splashing water around when they play. It’s quite cool.

After the performance and after you exit the theater, you can get pictures with the drummers if you like. After that, your guide will take you to the drum workshop and teach you how to play. I love to play with things, so I think my favorite part of the Ten Drum experience was the drum workshop bit.
Ten Drum also has a simple restaurant on site, and the food is decent.

Have fun!

Kaohsiung MRT:
Ciaotou Sugar Refinery: 07-611-3691 (can’t seem to find their website)
Ten Drum:
Uncle Bike:單車大叔1號店-1515033628773786/timeline/

Wardrobe and accessories:
Overalls: Kotipesa (Taiwanese brand)
Watch: Martian (American smartwatch, affordable and fashionable)
Electric skateboard: Boosted (American last mile vehicle maker, I love it)




這次我們從高雄捷運美麗島站開始玩。站裡的「光之穹頂」好漂亮,必看,必拍!光之穹頂是由一位叫做Narcissus Quagliata的藝術家所創作的,整個裝置大約30公尺寬,使用了4,500片琉璃所製。因為很寬,廣角鏡頭拍起來特別好看,不過呢,如果想把自己也拍進去,記得不要把人放在畫面的邊邊,不然會看起來很胖喔~~~ 原因是,廣角鏡會把邊緣拉寬,臉拉寬通常不會有好的效果。很可能換來跺腳和「吼,怎麼把我拍成釀子啦!」。


到糖廠玩,如果需要導覽,要提前申請(打電話去 07-611-3691),一個半小時的導覽1,500元,人數最多50。


如果租腳踏車,可以往小學的方向走,後面有一條腳踏車道,節目中我就是在那邊滑滑板,腳踏車道兩旁都是樹,有斑斕光,旁邊有鳳梨田,還蠻漂亮的。那附近還有幾條小路可以騎,旁邊有夜總會。不忌諱的人,其實小路還蠻好玩的。說到夜總會,最近看新聞看到歐洲有個把骨灰做成鑽石的服務,感覺還不錯。我還蠻希望把自己的骨灰壓成鑽石做成一個耳環,讓好ㄤ戴。只是我覺得他不會願意戴耳環。Oh well.







橋頭糖廠: 07-611-3691 (找不到官網)

連身迷彩飛行裝:Kotipesa (台灣品牌)
手錶:Martian (美國品牌,時尚又不會太貴的智慧型手錶)
電動滑板: Boosted (美國買的,超愛)