Time for Taiwan 2015-2016 Episode 8 Chulu Ranch, Taitung 台東初鹿牧...
Transcript 文字稿:Today I’m taking you to Taitung, where the countryside is beautiful. We’re going to Chulu Ranch, a place known for its delicious milk and where you can go off-roading on electric two-wheeled self-balancing vehicles.今天我要帶大家到台東,這裡的鄉間景色超級漂亮。我們要到初鹿農場,品嚐好喝的牛奶,還有玩越野電動風火輪。One great way to get around is by Taiwan Tourist Shuttles. Today we start our journey at the Taitung Bus Station’s visitor’s center.台灣好行巴士是一個很棒的交通工具。今天我們要從台東轉運站出發。We want to go to Chulu Ranch, so we need to take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle East Rift Valley Line. We’re at the visitor center here and Chulu ranch is here.我們要到初鹿農場,所以要搭台灣好行縱谷鹿野線。我們現在在轉運站遊客中心這邊,農場在這裡。You can use an Easycard or iPass to pay for the bus fare, which ranges from NT$24 to NT$120 per ride. There’s a day pass that you can buy on the bus for NT$190, which is a good deal too.車資可以用悠遊卡或一卡通來付費,看你坐多遠,最便宜一段票24元,最貴120元。其實一日券也很划算,一天190吃到飽。Taitung is on the southeastern side of Taiwan, and the East Rift Valley is the area between the central and coastal mountain ranges. Rice paddies, orchards and pastures make up most of the landscape that you see.台東是在台灣的東南邊,縱谷就是指中央和海岸山脈之間的地帶。這裡的景色主要以稻田,果園,還有牧場為主。This is the countryside, but it’s not boring at all . At Chulu Ranch, I can play until the cows come home.這裡蠻鄉下的,不過一點都不無聊。在初鹿農場,我可以玩一整天。Chulu is most famous for its milk. Because only a limited amount is available, I get very excited when I can find milk from here in Taipei. But whether you’re a fan or just curious about how milk is produced, you can learn a lot here.初鹿最有名的是牛奶,因為數量很有限,我在台北看到他們的牛奶就超興奮。來到這裡,可以學到很多關於生產牛奶的知識。How much milk does each cow produce a day? About 20 liters. How much grass does the cow need to eat to produce all that milk? Forty to 50 kilograms. How many meals do they need to take a day to finish all that grass? Three to four. Whoa. Warm milk. So what's the difference between feeding a cow grass and grains? The cows here are fed grass and supposedly grass is more nutritious, and that’s what makes the milk taste better.一頭牛一天可以生產多少牛奶?大約20公升。一頭牛要吃多少的草才能生產這麼多牛奶?40到50公斤。一天要吃幾餐才能吃掉這麼多牧草?3到4餐。哇,溫溫的牛奶!吃草和吃榖有什麼不同呢?這裡的牛都吃草。據說因為草比較營養,這些吃草的牛提供的奶,比較好喝。And this is my favorite part about coming here.我來這裡最喜歡的就是這個。The cows here graze on a pasture most of the day between meals. Notice the area the cows graze on is quite hilly. By making the cows graze on hilly areas, they have to walk up and down the hills, which makes them exercise. And exercise is good for health.這邊的牛不在吃飯的時候,大概都在放牧。可以注意牠們放牧的地方都是山坡地,在山坡地,牛們必須爬坡,爬上爬下運動,運動就是為了健康。Back in downtown Taitung, this is Tiehua Village, where you can do a little bit of shopping for handicrafts, get something to eat or drink and enjoy live music.回到台東市區,這裡是鐵花村。這裡可以買一些手作的東西,可以喝點飲料,吃點東西,聽聽音樂表演。Taitung is a soothing kind of place. Kilometers after kilometers of open space, fields, crops, mountains, rivers and hills. I really think that a bit of this once in a while is good for health. It’s beautiful, it's fun and helps cleanse the soul. You should come.台東是一個很療癒的地方。這裡讓人心曠神怡,好多田地,農作物,有山,也有水。我真的覺得偶爾來這邊,沉浸在這環境中對健康有意。這裡漂亮,好玩,還能洗滌心靈。大家要來喔。——————————Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:The Taiwan Tourist Shuttle’s East Rift Valley Bus will pick you up at Taitung Train Station, which is perfect if you’ve just gotten off the train. We were already in Taitung City, so we started from the Taitung Bus Station. The name for the bus station stop can be confusing. I think I saw “Visitor’s Center” and “Taitung Bus Station,” and both are the same stop. The local bus company that runs this line also has great deals on other packages, including lots of discounts at restaurants, hotels and shops, but all the information is in Chinese.台灣好行縱谷鹿野線在台東車站和轉運站都有停,如果搭火車,可以直接在台東車站上好行,我們是在轉運站上車的。經營縱谷鹿野線的客運公司是鼎東,他們也有一些套票,感覺蠻優惠的,可以研究一下。There are a few stops between the train and bus station, Beinan Cultural Park is one of them. The park has lots of trees and grass to enjoy - a nice place for a picnic! I think Taitung is a place to stay for a few days, or even longer. Cost of living in Taitung is low, and you can ride around town on a bicycle, go a little further by bus, train or rental car. There are supermarkets, traditional markets, stores for electronics, a movie theater, hospitals…I see why people like to retire there.台東車站和轉運站之間還有幾個站,其中是卑南文化公園。這裡有大~片的草皮,好多樹,應該是野餐的好地點。台東是個可以多停留幾天,或是好幾天的地方。這裡物價比較便宜,市內交通可以騎腳踏車,要走遠一點就租車,搭公車或火車。Chulu Ranch started as a demonstration farm, then was later rented out to a private enterprise, whose owner has always wanted a farm of his own. Mostly the farm produces tasty milk. In Taipei, you have to go to select supermarkets to get this milk and it’s only available in limited quantities, so when I can get my hands on a carton, I do get a bit excited. By the way, another farm whose milk I love is JJ Farm, who prides themselves on never feeding or injecting their cows antibiotics. I got to visit the farm a few years ago also for the show. If a cow gets sick at JJ, they give it herbal medicine and let the animal slowly recover without chemical medicine. JJ Farm's milk can be found in high end supermarkets under the “65C” brand, which come in a glass bottle. From what I understand, it’s the same thing as Dr Milker, which they supply for President. The milk is called 65C because the milk is pasteurized at 65 degrees Celsius, which saves some of the nutrients from being completely cooked and killed, in other words, it’s a more nutritious milk. The good thing about both Chulu and 65C milk is, they’re packaged at the farm then shipped. A lot of times, milk is shipped first, blended with other milk sources, then packaged.初鹿牧場當初是示範農場,後來租給民間團體,承租的這位大老闆一直很想要擁有一座牧場。初鹿牧場主要生產牛奶。在台北不太好買到初鹿的牛奶,所以看到的時候,我都超興奮。這裡的空氣和水源都很乾淨,加上主要飼料是營養較豐富的草,所以牛奶特別好喝。其實還有一家農場的牛奶我個人也很喜歡,花蓮吉蒸農場的65C。幾年前去過吉蒸拍台灣好好玩,他們說那裡的牛生病的時候都吃草藥,不吃,不注射抗生素,然後慢慢恢復健康,他們說這叫做「無毒牧場」。另外,吉蒸殺菌溫度在65度,比一般低,時間比較長,所以保留住較多的養分。65C和初鹿牛奶的共同優點是,整個生產過程都在自己農場裡。很多牛奶都是經過運送到別的地方,和別的牛奶混和,裝在一起。At Chulu Ranch, there are other farm animals like donkeys, goats, horses, chicken and pigs but they’re mostly for petting and looking at. Sometimes they manage to dig they way out of of their pen and come hang out with the guests. I think it’s good chance for small kids to get to see these animals up close and personal. For older kids and adults that don't want to grow up, you can take a Segway tour of the farm and ride over the rolling fields. It was my first time on a Segway, and it really wasn’t difficult to learn! I really enjoyed it. We also so a lot of cherry trees on the farm, and riding or walking through those must be really nice when the flowers blossom.初鹿農場還有其他的動物,驢,羊,馬,雞,豬等等,主要都是給民眾看的,有一些會鑽出來玩,很好笑。我覺得是個小朋友近距離接觸不同動物的好機會。大一點的孩子,或不想長大的大人,Segway導覽還蠻適合的。我的Segway初體驗就在初鹿,一點都不難,而且很好玩!用Segway到處跑的時候,有看到好幾棵櫻花樹,花季一定很美。They have some food at the ranch and it wasn’t bad, but I think it can be much, much better because they’re so close to sources of food.初鹿有餐點,所以不用怕餓,但說不上好吃。我覺得他們的餐點很有機會變得很好吃,畢竟自己就是農場,離食材的來源那麼近。My suggestion for visiting the farm: take the tour they have, whether it’s on a golf cart or on a Segway. It’s a lot more interesting if you hear the story of the farm and know what you’re looking at.如果要去初鹿牧場玩,我建議大家參加他們的導覽解說,不管是在高爾夫球車聽,還是在Segway上聽,有聽才有意義。沒聽就走馬看花,有點可惜。After Chulu, we stopped by Luye, where they hold the hot air balloon festival every year. Recently a hot air balloon flight school was started nearby. Hopefully we’ll get to visit them one day.離開初鹿之後,我們到了鹿野高台,每年熱氣球嘉年華的舉辦地點。最近這附近還開了間熱氣球飛行學校,希望有一天能去看看。Back in downtown Taitung, Tiehua Village is always a nice place to stop by at night because of the music events they have. On the weekends, there’s a market where people come to sell handicrafts (some modern, some traditional), produce and food. I got a cute little handmade bag for my mom there once.回到台東市區,鐵花村是一個幾乎每次都會去的地方。鐵花村晚上有音樂表演,假日還有市集,賣蔬果,食品,還有手作小物。我在那裡幫翁奶奶買過一個小包包。Big O Pizzeria next to Tiehua Village is not bad. It’s pricey, but the food is pretty good and it’s a nice place to have some beer, wine and enjoy a nice conversation with friends.鐵花村旁邊有一家叫做Big O Pizzeria,氣氛和料理都不錯。We stayed at Hoya, a hotel chain that has been very kind to us over the years. Their Taitung city hotel opened in the last year I believe, and it’s clean, comfortable and convenient. They have bicycles you can borrow to ride to Tiehua Village, or to anywhere else in the city.我們最近如果在台東市,都會住富野。台東富野是最近一年才開的吧,很舒適,乾淨,也有提供腳踏車在市區騎。富野過去都很幫忙,願意配合我們的出差預算。感謝他們~——————————Links 連結:Chulu Ranch 初鹿牧場 http://www.chuluranch.comJJ Farm 吉蒸牧場 http://jjfarm.com.twTaiwan Tourist Shuttle East Rift Valley Route 台灣好行台東縱谷鹿野線 http://www.taiwantrip.com.tw/Besttour/Info/?id=17Dingdong buses 鼎東客運 http://www.鼎東客運.twTie Hua Village 鐵花村 http://www.tiehua.com.twBig O Pizzeria https://www.facebook.com/BigOPizzeria/Hoya Resort Hotel Taitung 台東富野 http://www.hoyaresort.com.tw/taitung/——————————Accessories 配件:Overalls: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.comWatch: Martian摩絢錶 http://www.martianwatches.com.twShoes: Rucoline
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan on Thursday, November 12, 2015
Transcript 文字稿:
Today I’m taking you to Taitung, where the countryside is beautiful. We’re going to Chulu Ranch, a place known for its delicious milk and where you can go off-roading on electric two-wheeled self-balancing vehicles.
One great way to get around is by Taiwan Tourist Shuttles. Today we start our journey at the Taitung Bus Station’s visitor’s center.
We want to go to Chulu Ranch, so we need to take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle East Rift Valley Line. We’re at the visitor center here and Chulu ranch is here.
You can use an Easycard or iPass to pay for the bus fare, which ranges from NT$24 to NT$120 per ride. There’s a day pass that you can buy on the bus for NT$190, which is a good deal too.
Taitung is on the southeastern side of Taiwan, and the East Rift Valley is the area between the central and coastal mountain ranges. Rice paddies, orchards and pastures make up most of the landscape that you see.
This is the countryside, but it’s not boring at all . At Chulu Ranch, I can play until the cows come home.
Chulu is most famous for its milk. Because only a limited amount is available, I get very excited when I can find milk from here in Taipei. But whether you’re a fan or just curious about how milk is produced, you can learn a lot here.
How much milk does each cow produce a day? About 20 liters. How much grass does the cow need to eat to produce all that milk? Forty to 50 kilograms. How many meals do they need to take a day to finish all that grass? Three to four. Whoa. Warm milk. So what's the difference between feeding a cow grass and grains? The cows here are fed grass and supposedly grass is more nutritious, and that’s what makes the milk taste better.
And this is my favorite part about coming here.
The cows here graze on a pasture most of the day between meals. Notice the area the cows graze on is quite hilly. By making the cows graze on hilly areas, they have to walk up and down the hills, which makes them exercise. And exercise is good for health.
Back in downtown Taitung, this is Tiehua Village, where you can do a little bit of shopping for handicrafts, get something to eat or drink and enjoy live music.
Taitung is a soothing kind of place. Kilometers after kilometers of open space, fields, crops, mountains, rivers and hills. I really think that a bit of this once in a while is good for health. It’s beautiful, it's fun and helps cleanse the soul. You should come.
Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:
The Taiwan Tourist Shuttle’s East Rift Valley Bus will pick you up at Taitung Train Station, which is perfect if you’ve just gotten off the train. We were already in Taitung City, so we started from the Taitung Bus Station. The name for the bus station stop can be confusing. I think I saw “Visitor’s Center” and “Taitung Bus Station,” and both are the same stop. The local bus company that runs this line also has great deals on other packages, including lots of discounts at restaurants, hotels and shops, but all the information is in Chinese.
There are a few stops between the train and bus station, Beinan Cultural Park is one of them. The park has lots of trees and grass to enjoy - a nice place for a picnic! I think Taitung is a place to stay for a few days, or even longer. Cost of living in Taitung is low, and you can ride around town on a bicycle, go a little further by bus, train or rental car. There are supermarkets, traditional markets, stores for electronics, a movie theater, hospitals…I see why people like to retire there.
Chulu Ranch started as a demonstration farm, then was later rented out to a private enterprise, whose owner has always wanted a farm of his own. Mostly the farm produces tasty milk. In Taipei, you have to go to select supermarkets to get this milk and it’s only available in limited quantities, so when I can get my hands on a carton, I do get a bit excited. By the way, another farm whose milk I love is JJ Farm, who prides themselves on never feeding or injecting their cows antibiotics. I got to visit the farm a few years ago also for the show. If a cow gets sick at JJ, they give it herbal medicine and let the animal slowly recover without chemical medicine. JJ Farm's milk can be found in high end supermarkets under the “65C” brand, which come in a glass bottle. From what I understand, it’s the same thing as Dr Milker, which they supply for President. The milk is called 65C because the milk is pasteurized at 65 degrees Celsius, which saves some of the nutrients from being completely cooked and killed, in other words, it’s a more nutritious milk. The good thing about both Chulu and 65C milk is, they’re packaged at the farm then shipped. A lot of times, milk is shipped first, blended with other milk sources, then packaged.
At Chulu Ranch, there are other farm animals like donkeys, goats, horses, chicken and pigs but they’re mostly for petting and looking at. Sometimes they manage to dig they way out of of their pen and come hang out with the guests. I think it’s good chance for small kids to get to see these animals up close and personal. For older kids and adults that don't want to grow up, you can take a Segway tour of the farm and ride over the rolling fields. It was my first time on a Segway, and it really wasn’t difficult to learn! I really enjoyed it. We also so a lot of cherry trees on the farm, and riding or walking through those must be really nice when the flowers blossom.
They have some food at the ranch and it wasn’t bad, but I think it can be much, much better because they’re so close to sources of food.
My suggestion for visiting the farm: take the tour they have, whether it’s on a golf cart or on a Segway. It’s a lot more interesting if you hear the story of the farm and know what you’re looking at.
After Chulu, we stopped by Luye, where they hold the hot air balloon festival every year. Recently a hot air balloon flight school was started nearby. Hopefully we’ll get to visit them one day.
Back in downtown Taitung, Tiehua Village is always a nice place to stop by at night because of the music events they have. On the weekends, there’s a market where people come to sell handicrafts (some modern, some traditional), produce and food. I got a cute little handmade bag for my mom there once.
Big O Pizzeria next to Tiehua Village is not bad. It’s pricey, but the food is pretty good and it’s a nice place to have some beer, wine and enjoy a nice conversation with friends.
鐵花村旁邊有一家叫做Big O Pizzeria,氣氛和料理都不錯。
We stayed at Hoya, a hotel chain that has been very kind to us over the years. Their Taitung city hotel opened in the last year I believe, and it’s clean, comfortable and convenient. They have bicycles you can borrow to ride to Tiehua Village, or to anywhere else in the city.
Links 連結:
Chulu Ranch 初鹿牧場 http://www.chuluranch.com
JJ Farm 吉蒸牧場 http://jjfarm.com.tw
Taiwan Tourist Shuttle East Rift Valley Route 台灣好行台東縱谷鹿野線 http://www.taiwantrip.com.tw/Besttour/Info/?id=17
Dingdong buses 鼎東客運 http://www.鼎東客運.tw
Tie Hua Village 鐵花村 http://www.tiehua.com.tw
Big O Pizzeria https://www.facebook.com/BigOPizzeria/
Hoya Resort Hotel Taitung 台東富野 http://www.hoyaresort.com.tw/taitung/
Accessories 配件:
Overalls: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.com
Watch: Martian http://www.martianwatches.com.tw
Shoes: Rucoline