Saturday 7 November 2015

Info on episode 7: Buddha Memorial Center, Kaohsiung 高雄大樹 佛陀紀念館

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 7: Buddha Memorial Center Kaohsiung
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第七集:高雄大樹 佛陀紀念館

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016 Episode 7 Buddha Memorial Center, Kaohsiung 高雄佛陀紀念館 ...
Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 7: Buddha Memorial Center Kahohisung2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第七集:高雄大樹 佛陀紀念館Transcript 文字稿:To achieve peace, some people prepare for war and some for transcendence. Let’s explore the latter today. I want to show you Fo Guang Shan’s Buddha Memorial Center, where people don’t go to pray, but go to get to know about Buddhism.為了世界和平,有些人選擇打仗。為了心靈平安,有些人選擇看透生命,超越煩惱而得到解脫。今天我想帶大家到佛光山佛陀紀念館,這裡不是個拜佛的場所,是個認識佛教的地方。The Buddha Memorial Center is in Dashu, Kaohsiung. So we’re going to take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle, Dashu Line. An good way to do it would be to take the Kaohsiung MRT to Dadong Station and get on the shuttle from there. Right now we’re at Dadong here and we’re going to take the shuttle down to here, the Buddha Memorial Center.佛陀紀念館位於高雄大樹區,所以我們要搭台灣好行大樹祈福線。從高雄捷運大東站轉好行巴士是個好方法。我們現在在捷運大東站,然後要搭好行巴士到佛陀紀念館站。You can buy a day pass for the Dashu line on the bus for NT$30, an unbelievable price.大樹祈福線還有一日券,在車上購買,才30元,有夠便宜。This is the Buddha Memorial Center, and it’s free to get in, I usually try to donate what I can at these places, because donations help keep the doors open.佛陀紀念館不需要門票,不過到這種免門票的地方,我會盡量樂捐一下,幫一點忙。The memorial center is quite spacious, so be prepared to walk. This is called a memorial center, but perhaps the most interesting bit is the museum, that thing back there. And on both sides of the path to the museum, there are these Chinese pagodas. They are a traditional type of architecture, not made for people to live in, but for people to worship in.整個紀念館其實蠻大的,所以要有多走幾步路的心理準備喔。這裡雖然是叫做「紀念館」,不過最有趣的地方是它的「博物館」。現在兩旁的這幾寶座塔是一種中國傳統建築,裡面不住人,通常都是讓人拜拜的地方。Buddhism is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha, also known as the Buddha, who lived between the 4th to 6th century BCE. He was born Siddhartha Gautama, a prince, and was said would become either a great king or a great monk. His father the king was worried that his son would end up the latter, so hid all forms of suffering from him. But one day when Siddhartha snuck out of the palace, he witnessed old age, sickness and death, things that saddened him and put him on the path to seek and later to share the way of enlightenment.佛教的思想主要是佛陀對於子弟的教導。西元前四到六世紀,一名叫做悉達多的王子出生時,有人說他不是成為偉大的國王,就是成為偉大的和尚。他的父親,就是當時的國王,很害怕兒子出家,因此把生命中所有的苦給藏了起來。不過有一天悉達多偷偷溜出城門,看見了人世間的生老病死。他感到很難過,於是決定尋找和分享超越生死與痛苦的方法。This is the Buddha’s relic, one of his teeth. Some people come out here especially to see this.這是佛陀的牙舍利,有些人會專程來看這個。The way I see Buddhism and the process of enlightenment is, you study and learn and understand. Twenty-six… And meditate to transcend and detach. There are several ways to meditate. Some do it by sitting quietly, some people by making repetitive motions like practicing kung fu at Shaolin Temple, some do it by making and drinking tea. Today I'm going to do it by transcribing sutra.我對佛教和超越生死的理解是,多學習,多了解,多冥想,讓自己解脫。冥想有幾種不同的方法,有些人打坐,有些人,像少林寺的和尚就是練功夫,有些人透過茶道,今天呢,我們要抄經冥想。I have a hard time writing Chinese, but they make it easier here for you by giving you these very, very short verses to trace. They say transcribing helps you meditate, it gives you merit, and to me, I’m learning how to write Chinese. So I guess this is killing three birds with one stone. Well, maybe not killing. Catching three birds with one stone. 我不太會寫中文,不過他們很貼心的為大家準備可以描寫的一句短短的經文。據說抄經可以冥想,可以累積功德,我也可以邊練習中文,所以這可以說是一石三鳥嗎?不對,我們不應該殺生。On the way back to downtown Kaohsiung, if you still have a little bit of time left, you can stop by the Old Railroad Bridge Wetlands. It’s kind of pretty there, and theres a really old tile factory next to it that is quite cool. There’s a bit of DIY to do there too.回高雄市區的路上,可以到舊鐵橋溼地玩一下,這裡蠻漂亮的,旁邊還有一間很酷的老瓦窯。這裡有DIY可以玩喔~Some of the kilns are still fired by wood, and the combination of shadow and light from fire and from the sun makes this place wonderful for taking pictures. But in addition to tiles, they also make everyday items for the home.這裡有一些窯還是燒柴的呢。這裡的火光,陽光,還有陰影非常漂亮,很適合拍照。除了建材,他們還有一些很不錯的家用產品喔~These coasters with traditional Chinese motifs, I’ve seen them in design shops and department stores. And this is a soap dish in the shape of a washboard, that’s another two birds with one…nevermind. It’s DIY time! To me, working with my hands is a form of meditation too.這些中國風的陶瓷杯墊蠻酷的。我在一些重視設計的店,還有百貨公司有看過。這是一個洗衣版造型的皂盤,又是一石兩...沒事。來DIY囉!對我來說,用手做東西也是一種冥想的方法。If you don’t count location scouting, this is my first time in Dashu and in the Buddha Memorial Center. And I'm really happy that we got to make this trip because I’ve always been curious about Buddhism. This time, I learned a little bit about the religion, about meditation, achieving inner peace and facing my fears. So I think it’s been quite educational. I’m really happy. You should come.不算勘景的話,這是我第一次來大樹和佛陀紀念館。我很開心有機會來這裡,因為我一直對佛教很好奇。這一次的旅行,我學到了關於佛教的一些理念,冥想,如何達到內心的平靜,還有面對我的恐懼。這次收穫很多。我很滿意。大家要來喔!——————————Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:On this trip, we visited the Buddha Memorial Center and San He, an old tile factory. I really enjoyed the museum because I learned a lot about Buddhism, which is something I’ve been curious about, and also had fun at San He Kiln, which has giant kilns that you can walk into, and watch the craftsmen work with the tiles and kilns up close. They have a variety of DIY courses there, and I really enjoyed making a ceramic soap dish that I converted into an ashtray at the request of my partner and good friend Charles. The old railroad bridge was kinda cool, but I wish they left the original rustic, oxidized color instead of painting it grey. Now it just looks dirty and dusty. If you are big on trains and photography, the old railroad bridge and the marsh area by it make some nice pictures at sunrise and at sunset.這一次的旅行,我們到了佛陀紀念館和三和瓦窯。我覺得佛陀紀念館特別有趣,因為我學到很多關於佛教的東西。我一直對佛教很好奇。三和瓦窯也很好玩,因為裡面有好大的窯可以進去參觀,也可以近距離看師傅們工作。三和瓦窯有好幾個DIY活動可以做,我們選擇了皂盤,不過在我的好搭和好朋友柏勳哥的要求下,我把它改成了煙灰缸。舊鐵橋也蠻酷的,但漆得灰灰的,好像有點可惜,如果保留原本氧化的顏色,搞不好還很復古,但現在看起來就只有一個髒髒的感覺。你如果喜歡火車,喜歡拍照,舊鐵橋和溼地在清晨和落日的時候,拍起來特別美。We stayed at Howard Plaza Kaohsiung, which has lots of noisy tourists, but the rooms are very quiet and comfortable, and the breakfast buffet is good. It’s an old hotel, but the service is good and you feel the effort they are putting into making the place better. I like that.我們住高雄福華,這裡房客的嗓門還蠻大的,但房間安靜,舒適,早餐也好吃。飯店很老了,不過服務不錯,也感受得到他們認真的在更新。我喜歡這種感覺。On a more personal note, my mom practices Taoism and Buddhism (as do most other people in Taiwan), my dad follows along because he says it doesn’t hurt to, and from when I was little, I kind of just went through the motions. I didn't have much of an understanding of anything, just that there seemed to be lots of beings to pray to, from ancestors to gods, and lots of festivities throughout the year, honoring both the dead and the immortals. In junior high school, I attended a Catholic school and the impression that this religion left me was, you listen do what the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and his messengers tell you to do, or you will get sick, die and go to hell. In graduate school, I lived with my godmother, who is a Buddhist and goes through the rituals of lighting incense and reciting mantras every day. Our apartment smelled and sounded like a temple in the mornings and evenings, but a flower shop the rest of the day (we had lots of beautiful, fresh cut flowers almost all the time). Because it was the family activity, I kind of went through the motions too. I tried to believe, but in the end I wasn’t sure I did. I wanted to find out more for myself.比較私人的宗教信仰話題,我媽媽的信仰是道教和佛教,跟大部分台灣人一樣,她還蠻虔誠的。我爸爸說,沒什麼不好,所以拜拜的時候也跟著拜。我從小就是大人做什麼,我也跟著做,對我來說,其實都是形式,因為什麼都不懂,加上不跟著做,應該又被打吧。我只記得好多祖先,好多神明,認識的,不認識的,有關係的,沒關係的,都要拜,然後有好多宗教活動要參加。中學的時候,我讀的是一間天主教學校。在我腦海中留下的印象是,不信耶穌父子聖靈,你就會病死下地獄。研究所的時候,我住在我乾媽家,她是一位虔誠的佛教徒,每天早晚燒香,誦經。以味道來說,我們家早晚像寺廟,其餘時候像花店(家裡幾乎什麼時候都有漂亮的鮮花)。因為有點像是家庭活動,所以我也就跟著燒香,誦經。Maybe I have a “I’m lost” face, because once in a while, someone from some religion would try to come save me by shoving their religion down my throat. That always makes me want to vomit all over their shoes. I’ve met a lot of crazy ones who are so caught up in the rituals and written words that they don’t bother to learn or to think about the spirit of the original teaching.可能我長得很像一隻迷了路的羊,因為有時候會有不同宗教團體的人出現,想「幫」我,於是硬要把他們宗教信仰塞進我腦裡。結果都會是覺得噁心,想吐,而且吐在他們鞋子上。我碰過很多陷入迷信,只故著形式,儀式,不去思考道理的人,這種好恐怖。In my late 20’s I started becoming interested in learning about Buddhism because it seemed more open minded and peaceful than some of the other religions I’ve encountered. I’m not a Buddhist, and perhaps I may never be one, but learning about its origins and its ideology has been interesting. I’m not big on mantras or on worshipping anything or anyone, but I particularly like how Buddhism teaches you to through meditation, face inevitable negative emotions and physical suffering. You try to understand it, accept it, and let it go. It’s been helpful.接近30歲的時候,我開始想要認識佛教,因為比起其他我碰到的宗教,感覺佛教思想比較開放,也比較和諧。我不是佛教徒,或許永遠不會是,不過認識這宗教的由來還有道理還蠻有趣的。我對誦經,祭拜不太有興趣,不過我還蠻喜歡這宗教教導的一些道理和方法,包括如何透過冥想去了解,接受,放下,面對負面情緒,生老病死的過程。目前還蠻有用的。——————————Links 連結:Buddha Memorial Center 佛陀紀念館 Tourism Shuttle Dashu Line 台灣好行大樹線 He Tile Kiln 三和瓦窯 Howard Plaza Hotel 高雄福華飯店——————————Accessories 配件:Shirt: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.comWatch: Martian摩絢錶 RucolineHat: Beams
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan on Saturday, November 7, 2015

Transcript 文字稿:

To achieve peace, some people prepare for war and some for transcendence. Let’s explore the latter today. I want to show you Fo Guang Shan’s Buddha Memorial Center, where people don’t go to pray, but go to get to know about Buddhism.為了世界和平,有些人選擇打仗。為了心靈平安,有些人選擇看透生命,超越煩惱而得到解脫。今天我想帶大家到佛光山佛陀紀念館,這裡不是個拜佛的場所,是個認識佛教的地方。

The Buddha Memorial Center is in Dashu, Kaohsiung. So we’re going to take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle, Dashu Line. An good way to do it would be to take the Kaohsiung MRT to Dadong Station and get on the shuttle from there. Right now we’re at Dadong here and we’re going to take the shuttle down to here, the Buddha Memorial Center.佛陀紀念館位於高雄大樹區,所以我們要搭台灣好行大樹祈福線。從高雄捷運大東站轉好行巴士是個好方法。我們現在在捷運大東站,然後要搭好行巴士到佛陀紀念館站。

You can buy a day pass for the Dashu line on the bus for NT$30, an unbelievable price.大樹祈福線還有一日券,在車上購買,才30元,有夠便宜。

This is the Buddha Memorial Center, and it’s free to get in, I usually try to donate what I can at these places, because donations help keep the doors open.佛陀紀念館不需要門票,不過到這種免門票的地方,我會盡量樂捐一下,幫一點忙。

The memorial center is quite spacious, so be prepared to walk. This is called a memorial center, but perhaps the most interesting bit is the museum, that thing back there. And on both sides of the path to the museum, there are these Chinese pagodas. They are a traditional type of architecture, not made for people to live in, but for people to worship in.整個紀念館其實蠻大的,所以要有多走幾步路的心理準備喔。這裡雖然是叫做「紀念館」,不過最有趣的地方是它的「博物館」。現在兩旁的這幾寶座塔是一種中國傳統建築,裡面不住人,通常都是讓人拜拜的地方。

Buddhism is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha, also known as the Buddha, who lived between the 4th to 6th century BCE. He was born Siddhartha Gautama, a prince, and was said would become either a great king or a great monk. His father the king was worried that his son would end up the latter, so hid all forms of suffering from him. But one day when Siddhartha snuck out of the palace, he witnessed old age, sickness and death, things that saddened him and put him on the path to seek and later to share the way of enlightenment.佛教的思想主要是佛陀對於子弟的教導。西元前四到六世紀,一名叫做悉達多的王子出生時,有人說他不是成為偉大的國王,就是成為偉大的和尚。他的父親,就是當時的國王,很害怕兒子出家,因此把生命中所有的苦給藏了起來。不過有一天悉達多偷偷溜出城門,看見了人世間的生老病死。他感到很難過,於是決定尋找和分享超越生死與痛苦的方法。

This is the Buddha’s relic, one of his teeth. Some people come out here especially to see this.這是佛陀的牙舍利,有些人會專程來看這個。

The way I see Buddhism and the process of enlightenment is, you study and learn and understand. Twenty-six… And meditate to transcend and detach. There are several ways to meditate. Some do it by sitting quietly, some people by making repetitive motions like practicing kung fu at Shaolin Temple, some do it by making and drinking tea. Today I'm going to do it by transcribing sutra.我對佛教和超越生死的理解是,多學習,多了解,多冥想,讓自己解脫。冥想有幾種不同的方法,有些人打坐,有些人,像少林寺的和尚就是練功夫,有些人透過茶道,今天呢,我們要抄經冥想。

I have a hard time writing Chinese, but they make it easier here for you by giving you these very, very short verses to trace. They say transcribing helps you meditate, it gives you merit, and to me, I’m learning how to write Chinese. So I guess this is killing three birds with one stone. Well, maybe not killing. Catching three birds with one stone.

On the way back to downtown Kaohsiung, if you still have a little bit of time left, you can stop by the Old Railroad Bridge Wetlands. It’s kind of pretty there, and theres a really old tile factory next to it that is quite cool. There’s a bit of DIY to do there too.回高雄市區的路上,可以到舊鐵橋溼地玩一下,這裡蠻漂亮的,旁邊還有一間很酷的老瓦窯。這裡有DIY可以玩喔~

Some of the kilns are still fired by wood, and the combination of shadow and light from fire and from the sun makes this place wonderful for taking pictures. But in addition to tiles, they also make everyday items for the home.這裡有一些窯還是燒柴的呢。這裡的火光,陽光,還有陰影非常漂亮,很適合拍照。除了建材,他們還有一些很不錯的家用產品喔~

These coasters with traditional Chinese motifs, I’ve seen them in design shops and department stores. And this is a soap dish in the shape of a washboard, that’s another two birds with one…nevermind. It’s DIY time! To me, working with my hands is a form of meditation too.這些中國風的陶瓷杯墊蠻酷的。我在一些重視設計的店,還有百貨公司有看過。這是一個洗衣版造型的皂盤,又是一石兩...沒事。來DIY囉!對我來說,用手做東西也是一種冥想的方法。

If you don’t count location scouting, this is my first time in Dashu and in the Buddha Memorial Center. And I'm really happy that we got to make this trip because I’ve always been curious about Buddhism. This time, I learned a little bit about the religion, about meditation, achieving inner peace and facing my fears. So I think it’s been quite educational. I’m really happy. You should come.不算勘景的話,這是我第一次來大樹和佛陀紀念館。我很開心有機會來這裡,因為我一直對佛教很好奇。這一次的旅行,我學到了關於佛教的一些理念,冥想,如何達到內心的平靜,還有面對我的恐懼。這次收穫很多。我很滿意。大家要來喔!


Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:
On this trip, we visited the Buddha Memorial Center and San He, an old tile factory. I really enjoyed the museum because I learned a lot about Buddhism, which is something I’ve been curious about, and also had fun at San He Kiln, which has giant kilns that you can walk into, and watch the craftsmen work with the tiles and kilns up close. They have a variety of DIY courses there, and I really enjoyed making a ceramic soap dish that I converted into an ashtray at the request of my partner and good friend Charles. The old railroad bridge was kinda cool, but I wish they left the original rustic, oxidized color instead of painting it grey. Now it just looks dirty and dusty. If you are big on trains and photography, the old railroad bridge and the marsh area by it make some nice pictures at sunrise and at sunset.這一次的旅行,我們到了佛陀紀念館和三和瓦窯。我覺得佛陀紀念館特別有趣,因為我學到很多關於佛教的東西。我一直對佛教很好奇。三和瓦窯也很好玩,因為裡面有好大的窯可以進去參觀,也可以近距離看師傅們工作。三和瓦窯有好幾個DIY活動可以做,我們選擇了皂盤,不過在我的好搭和好朋友柏勳哥的要求下,我把它改成了煙灰缸。舊鐵橋也蠻酷的,但漆得灰灰的,好像有點可惜,如果保留原本氧化的顏色,搞不好還很復古,但現在看起來就只有一個髒髒的感覺。你如果喜歡火車,喜歡拍照,舊鐵橋和溼地在清晨和落日的時候,拍起來特別美。

We stayed at Howard Plaza Kaohsiung, which has lots of noisy tourists, but the rooms are very quiet and comfortable, and the breakfast buffet is good. It’s an old hotel, but the service is good and you feel the effort they are putting into making the place better. I like that.我們住高雄福華,這裡房客的嗓門還蠻大的,但房間安靜,舒適,早餐也好吃。飯店很老了,不過服務不錯,也感受得到他們認真的在更新。我喜歡這種感覺。
On a more personal note, my mom practices Taoism and Buddhism (as do most other people in Taiwan), my dad follows along because he says it doesn’t hurt to, and from when I was little, I kind of just went through the motions. I didn't have much of an understanding of anything, just that there seemed to be lots of beings to pray to, from ancestors to gods, and lots of festivities throughout the year, honoring both the dead and the immortals. In junior high school, I attended a Catholic school and the impression that this religion left me was, you listen do what the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and his messengers tell you to do, or you will get sick, die and go to hell. In graduate school, I lived with my godmother, who is a Buddhist and goes through the rituals of lighting incense and reciting mantras every day. Our apartment smelled and sounded like a temple in the mornings and evenings, but a flower shop the rest of the day (we had lots of beautiful, fresh cut flowers almost all the time). Because it was the family activity, I kind of went through the motions too. I tried to believe, but in the end I wasn’t sure I did. I wanted to find out more for myself.


Maybe I have a “I’m lost” face, because once in a while, someone from some religion would try to come save me by shoving their religion down my throat. That always makes me want to vomit all over their shoes. I’ve met a lot of crazy ones who are so caught up in the rituals and written words that they don’t bother to learn or to think about the spirit of the original teaching.可能我長得很像一隻迷了路的羊,因為有時候會有不同宗教團體的人出現,想「幫」我,於是硬要把他們宗教信仰塞進我腦裡。結果都會是覺得噁心,想吐,而且吐在他們鞋子上。我碰過很多陷入迷信,只故著形式,儀式,不去思考道理的人,這種好恐怖。

In my late 20’s I started becoming interested in learning about Buddhism because it seemed more open minded and peaceful than some of the other religions I’ve encountered. I’m not a Buddhist, and perhaps I may never be one, but learning about its origins and its ideology has been interesting. I’m not big on mantras or on worshipping anything or anyone, but I particularly like how Buddhism teaches you to through meditation, face inevitable negative emotions and physical suffering. You try to understand it, accept it, and let it go. It’s been helpful.接近30歲的時候,我開始想要認識佛教,因為比起其他我碰到的宗教,感覺佛教思想比較開放,也比較和諧。我不是佛教徒,或許永遠不會是,不過認識這宗教的由來還有道理還蠻有趣的。我對誦經,祭拜不太有興趣,不過我還蠻喜歡這宗教教導的一些道理和方法,包括如何透過冥想去了解,接受,放下,面對負面情緒,生老病死的過程。目前還蠻有用的。


Links 連結:

Buddha Memorial Center 佛陀紀念館
Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Dashu Line 台灣好行大樹線
San He Tile Kiln 三和瓦窯
Kaohsiung Howard Plaza Hotel 高雄福華飯店


Accessories 配件:

Shirt: kotipesä
Watch: Martian摩絢錶
Shoes: Rucoline
Hat: Beams

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