Saturday 7 November 2015

Info on special episode 1: Hayashi Department Store, Tainan 台南林百貨

2015-2016 Special Episode 1 Hayashi Department Store, Tainan 台南林百貨

2015-2016 Special Episode 1 Hayashi Department Store, Tainan ...
2015-2016 Special Episode 1 Hayashi Department Store, Taianai 台南林百貨Transcript 文字搞:M: Hello Cedric! Long time no see! How have you been?雅立,好久不見!最近好嗎?C: You know, same ol’ same ol’. But you know I’m very happy to be here in Tainan today.就那樣啊,不過很開心今天來到台南。M: And…?然後呢?C: And to see you, of course!然後...很開心看到妳啊。M: Oh yes it’s so good to see you. Come on! Let me show you around. Let’s go to Hayashi Department Store or “Lin baihuo.”我也很開心看到你!走,我帶你去逛逛。我們到林百貨。C: Let’s go.走吧。I’m Michella, and this is my friend Cedric, a French film director. We love shooting things together, brainstorming about projects together, and traveling together. Join us on our adventure!我是米雪拉,這是我的法國導演朋友雅立。我們喜歡一起拍東西,一起腦力激盪,一起旅行。歡迎大家一起來玩!M: Since we’re at Tainan Train Station, we can take the red line bus from here to Hayashi.我們現在在台南火車站,所以我們可以搭紅線到林百貨。C: Yeah and the good thing is, you can use your trusty Easycard, aka “youyouka” or the iPass, aka “yikatong.”對啊,然後可以用很方便的用悠遊卡和一卡通。M: Uh huh.嗯啊。C: So Michella, let me get this straight. We came all the way to Tainan for us to go shopping? Do you remember I’m a guy?米雪拉,我想問一下,我們大老遠來到台南,然後妳竟然要帶我去蝦拼?妳忘記我是個男生嗎?。M: I’m taking you to Hayashi Department Store, it's not quite the same same thing as taking you shopping.我要帶你去林百貨,跟帶你去蝦拼不一樣。C: No it is quite the same as taking me to look at you shopping.跟妳帶我去看妳蝦拼是一樣的啦。M: OK, maybe. But there’s more to just emptying your pocket at Hayashi. You’ll see.好啦,或許。不過去林百貨不一定是花錢啦。你等一下就知道了。C: Well, one thing is. My pockets are not empty because the commute from Tainan Train Station to the department store is free with the Easycard.還好台南火車站到林百貨這段公車不用花錢。M: That certainly helps. Oh, next stop.多少有些幫助喔。我們下一站下車。C: Wow, this isn’t any old department store, it’s a REALLY old department store…pay attention! This is a beautiful place, too, right?哇,這不是一家老百貨公司,它是一家非常古老的百貨公司。喂,專心一點!而且很漂亮耶!M: The tiles are even handmade. This place is currently the oldest department store in Taiwan. It was first opened about 85 years ago.連磁磚都是手工作的。這是目前台灣最老的百貨公司,85年前開的。C: I see. It’s very classy. It must have been a very select place back in the day. Oh come on.嗯。很典雅。在那個時候一定很高貴喔。M: You're right. This area was called “Ginza.”對啊,這地帶以前叫做「銀座」。C: Just like the Ginza in Tokyo.就像東京的銀座。M: In addition to glamorously carrying the latest and prettiest merchandise, this building was the tallest building in Tainan at the time and the only one with an elevator, so people would come just to ride the it. Kids especially loved it.除了銷售當下最新,最漂亮的產品,林百貨當時還是台南最高的大樓,唯一有電梯的建築物。以前有人還專程跑來這邊體驗搭電梯,小朋友特別喜歡。C: Yeah. Let’s ride the elevator! Let’s ride the elevator!耶。我們去搭電梯!我們去搭電梯!M: Forever young.赤子之心。C: Yes. Get out of the way.對啊。走開啦!C: Eighty-five years ago was the Japanese occupation, right?85年前,那就是日治時代囉?M: Yeah.對啊。C: No wonder this place has a Japanese-European feel to it. But has this place been open all this time? I’ve never heard of it before coming here today.難怪這裡給人又日式又歐式的感覺。這85年都一直有在營業嗎?我之前都沒聽過。M: Me either.我也沒有。C: Oh come on.沒有才怪。C: Shall we?走吧?M: Yeah, let’s go up this way. This is one of the machine gun posts.我們往上走。這是其中一個機關槍座。C: The same as what we saw downstairs.跟樓下那個一樣。M: Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?對啊,酷吧?C: You can see the bullet holes.還有彈孔耶。M: There are some bullet holes, really obvious bullet holes, but a lot of the tiles came apart.一些彈孔非常明顯,不過很多的磁磚都被炸碎了。C: Ah yeah that’s the shrine here.那個是神社。M: And that’s another machine gun post. That wasn’t there before the war.裡面還有一個機關槍座。戰後才裝的。C: You know Michella, I’m really glad they restored this building and reopened Hayashi Department Store. It would have really been a shame to just let it die.米雪拉,妳知道嗎,我很開心林百貨被修復,重新開幕。直接讓它走入歷史,實在太可惜了。M: I agree, I’m quite happy about it reopening too. And the shopping inside - I really enjoyed that.對啊,我也很開心它重新開幕了。裡面的商場,我也覺得很棒。C: The new hat suits you well.我喜歡妳的新帽子喔~M: Thanks. 謝謝~C: You know what? I’m really looking forward to coming back here again, and hopefully discovering more old buildings brought back to life.其實啊,我蠻期待下次再來的時候,希望可以看到更多像這樣起死回生,被注入新生命的地方。So you should come!所以大家要來喔。——————————In this special episode, my buddy Cedric Jouarie and I visited Tainan’s Hayashi Department Store. We got on the red line bus at Tainan train station and got off at Hayashi, which was about two stops down. Because it was so close, the bus fare was free, but you do need to tag on and off the bus with an Easycard or iPass.Hayashi’s a pretty place with history and design. The building really stands out in the midst of other structures in the area. Because it’s restored and from a different period, one long ago and when people were spending money to enjoy themselves, there’s a classy feel to it.In terms of historical artifacts, a couple of cabinets from when it first opened is now being used again, the old elevator door, machine gun posts, etc are on display by the cafe upstairs. Bullet holes from air raids during WWII, and the Japanese shrine and torii are left for you to look at on the roof.So what can you empty your pockets on when you go? For starters, right before you go into the department store, there is a Japanese tea/ice-cream take-out shop. Cedric’s green tea ice-cream is from there. It looked really good and I really wanted one but our director Charles said, “No, Cedric gets the ice-cream.” Whaaaaat? Anyway, on the first floor are mostly dried foods and sauces from around Taiwan, most of them quite tasty and have a long shelf life. Upstairs you’ll find bags, clothing and items for I think the 20-35 years old crowd. Lots of items made from canvas, lots of products heavy on industrial design, some handcrafted everyday items. A lot of the things are really fun to play with and look at. It felt like shopping at Eslite. I bought a hat for myself. They said it was made of “antique fabric,” which sounded really cool at first, but I realized it’s just a fancy word for “old and unused,” and I think too many hands had touched and played with it because it was starting to get a little soft at the top. But it was the last one and I liked it, so I still ended up bringing it home. Overall, Hayashi is a great place to find gifts for young people with an eye for design.You should come!這一集台灣好好玩特別節目,我和我的好朋友周雅立去了台南林百貨。我們從台南火車站上車,林百貨下車,因為才兩站,車資免費!不過還是要刷上和刷下,一卡通和悠遊卡都可以~林百貨是個有歷史和設計的地方,它在其他附近的建築當中非常亮眼。我覺得因為被修復過,而且是在一個景氣好,很多人都願意花錢的時候蓋的,跟其他比起來,林百貨的設計特別典雅。歷史文物方面,當初使用的展示櫃,現在還有兩個在現場。另外在咖啡廳旁還有以前的電梯門,機關槍機座等等可以看一下。頂樓可以看到第二次世界大戰空襲時留下的彈孔,還有當初日本經營者蓋的神社和鳥居。來到這裡可以如何花錢呢?還沒進到裡面就有間日式茶舖,雅立的抹茶冰淇淋就是在那裡買的。我也很想要吃,但我們導演柏勳哥說不行,只有雅立可以吃。為什麼~~~~~ 接著進到裡面,一樓有很多台灣各地的食品,醬料,很多都很好吃,好保存。樓上有很多服飾,配件,感覺是大概20-35歲之間的消費者喜歡的東西。帆布和文創產品特別多,也有很多手工產品。有些東西蠻好玩的,感覺在逛誠品。我自己買了頂帽子,據說是古董布。一開始覺得很酷,古董布耶~ 後來想一想,不就是放了很久的布料?然後感覺被大家玩了有一點點爛爛的,不過那是最後一頂了,沒有別的了,所以還是把它買回家。我覺得要找禮物,去林百貨就對了。大家要來喔!——————————Links 連結:Hayashi Department Store 林百貨 Line bus 紅線公車——————————Accessories 配件:Shirt: kotipesä http://kotipesa.comWatch: Martian摩絢錶 RucolineHat: Beams
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan on Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Transcript 文字搞:

M: Hello Cedric! Long time no see! How have you been?

C: You know, same ol’ same ol’. But you know I’m very happy to be here in Tainan today.

M: And…?

C: And to see you, of course!

M: Oh yes it’s so good to see you. Come on! Let me show you around. Let’s go to Hayashi Department Store or “Lin baihuo.”

C: Let’s go.
I’m Michella, and this is my friend Cedric, a French film director. We love shooting things together, brainstorming about projects together, and traveling together. Join us on our adventure!
M: Since we’re at Tainan Train Station, we can take the red line bus from here to Hayashi.

C: Yeah and the good thing is, you can use your trusty Easycard, aka “youyouka” or the iPass, aka “yikatong.”

M: Uh huh.
C: So Michella, let me get this straight. We came all the way to Tainan for us to go shopping? Do you remember I’m a guy?

M: I’m taking you to Hayashi Department Store, it's not quite the same same thing as taking you shopping.

C: No it is quite the same as taking me to look at you shopping.

M: OK, maybe. But there’s more to just emptying your pocket at Hayashi. You’ll see.

C: Well, one thing is. My pockets are not empty because the commute from Tainan Train Station to the department store is free with the Easycard.

M: That certainly helps. Oh, next stop.

C: Wow, this isn’t any old department store, it’s a REALLY old department store…pay attention! This is a beautiful place, too, right?

M: The tiles are even handmade. This place is currently the oldest department store in Taiwan. It was first opened about 85 years ago.

C: I see. It’s very classy. It must have been a very select place back in the day. Oh come on.

M: You're right. This area was called “Ginza.”

C: Just like the Ginza in Tokyo.
M: In addition to glamorously carrying the latest and prettiest merchandise, this building was the tallest building in Tainan at the time and the only one with an elevator, so people would come just to ride the it. Kids especially loved it.

C: Yeah. Let’s ride the elevator! Let’s ride the elevator!

M: Forever young.

C: Yes. Get out of the way.

C: Eighty-five years ago was the Japanese occupation, right?

M: Yeah.

C: No wonder this place has a Japanese-European feel to it. But has this place been open all this time? I’ve never heard of it before coming here today.

M: Me either.

C: Oh come on.
C: Shall we?

M: Yeah, let’s go up this way. This is one of the machine gun posts.

C: The same as what we saw downstairs.

M: Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?

C: You can see the bullet holes.

M: There are some bullet holes, really obvious bullet holes, but a lot of the tiles came apart.

C: Ah yeah that’s the shrine here.

M: And that’s another machine gun post. That wasn’t there before the war.

C: You know Michella, I’m really glad they restored this building and reopened Hayashi Department Store. It would have really been a shame to just let it die.

M: I agree, I’m quite happy about it reopening too. And the shopping inside - I really enjoyed that.

C: The new hat suits you well.

M: Thanks.

C: You know what? I’m really looking forward to coming back here again, and hopefully discovering more old buildings brought back to life.

So you should come!


In this special episode, my buddy Cedric Jouarie and I visited Tainan’s Hayashi Department Store. We got on the red line bus at Tainan train station and got off at Hayashi, which was about two stops down. Because it was so close, the bus fare was free, but you do need to tag on and off the bus with an Easycard or iPass.

Hayashi’s a pretty place with history and design. The building really stands out in the midst of other structures in the area. Because it’s restored and from a different period, one long ago and when people were spending money to enjoy themselves, there’s a classy feel to it.

In terms of historical artifacts, a couple of cabinets from when it first opened is now being used again, the old elevator door, machine gun posts, etc are on display by the cafe upstairs. Bullet holes from air raids during WWII, and the Japanese shrine and torii are left for you to look at on the roof.

So what can you empty your pockets on when you go? For starters, right before you go into the department store, there is a Japanese tea/ice-cream take-out shop. Cedric’s green tea ice-cream is from there. It looked really good and I really wanted one but our director Charles said, “No, Cedric gets the ice-cream.” Whaaaaat? Anyway, on the first floor are mostly dried foods and sauces from around Taiwan, most of them quite tasty and have a long shelf life. Upstairs you’ll find bags, clothing and items for I think the 20-35 years old crowd. Lots of items made from canvas, lots of products heavy on industrial design, some handcrafted everyday items. A lot of the things are really fun to play with and look at. It felt like shopping at Eslite. I bought a hat for myself. They said it was made of “antique fabric,” which sounded really cool at first, but I realized it’s just a fancy word for “old and unused,” and I think too many hands had touched and played with it because it was starting to get a little soft at the top. But it was the last one and I liked it, so I still ended up bringing it home. Overall, Hayashi is a great place to find gifts for young people with an eye for design.

You should come!




來到這裡可以如何花錢呢?還沒進到裡面就有間日式茶舖,雅立的抹茶冰淇淋就是在那裡買的。我也很想要吃,但我們導演柏勳哥說不行,只有雅立可以吃。為什麼~~~~~ 接著進到裡面,一樓有很多台灣各地的食品,醬料,很多都很好吃,好保存。樓上有很多服飾,配件,感覺是大概20-35歲之間的消費者喜歡的東西。帆布和文創產品特別多,也有很多手工產品。有些東西蠻好玩的,感覺在逛誠品。我自己買了頂帽子,據說是古董布。一開始覺得很酷,古董布耶~ 後來想一想,不就是放了很久的布料?然後感覺被大家玩了有一點點爛爛的,不過那是最後一頂了,沒有別的了,所以還是把它買回家。我覺得要找禮物,去林百貨就對了。



Links 連結:

Hayashi Department Store 林百貨

Red Line bus 紅線公車


Accessories 配件:
Shirt: kotipesä​
Watch: Martian
Shoes: Rucoline
Hat: Beams

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