Saturday, 26 June 2010

Europe assignment - day 3 everywhere in and around London

Day started at 7, ended at 23.

Imperial Wharf - turning a polluted riverside where a coal processing plant was to an expensive residential area with penthouses that go for £3,5 mn.
no pictures - too too too too busy

Westfield shopping center - the largest in Europe, uses huge amounts of natural lighting to reduce energy usage
few pictures, no shopping - too too too too busy

Lunch on the bus

BedZED zero carbon community - cute wind cowls that guide fresh air into the apartment, forcing stale air out

Central Saint Giles - green building with vibrantly colored ceramic facades

Arup (designer of BedZED, Central Saint Giles, Beijing Olympics Bird Nest, etc) office - presentation

Dinner at One O One - can't remember what I ate. Too tired.

Think I'm going to fracture a rib coughing and sneezing so much because of hay fever. Hopefully Barcelona will be better.

Got to get up at 3h45 to catch 7h00 flight to Barcelona tomorrow.

Good night everyone, good night London!

More pix here.

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