Tuesday 15 December 2015

Info on episode 10: Cycling Sun Moon Lake 日月潭鐵馬遊

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016 Episode 10 Cycling Sun Moon Lake 日月潭...
Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 10: Cycling Sun Moon Lake2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第十集: 日月潭鐵馬遊Transcript 文字稿:This is Sun Moon Lake, one of my favorite place in Taiwan, and I’m going to show you today why it’s such a wonderful area to cycle in.這裡是日月潭,我在台灣最喜歡的地方之一。今天我要跟大家說來這裡騎鐵馬有多讚。I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to row, cycle, and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡划船,騎鐵馬,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。You can bring your own bike to Sun Moon Lake, or you can rent one here. There are several bike rental shops, but this one is my favorite so far - they have a nice selection of bikes, all in proper shape. The service is great and they’ll even give you bragging rights by way of this certificate after you finish the round-the-lake tour.可以自己帶車來到日月潭騎,或者到這邊再租一台。日月潭有好幾家腳踏車租賃店家,目前我最喜歡這家,他們有很多車款,車況都非常好,服務也很好,你成功環潭後,他們還會頒發一張獎狀讓你回去炫耀。I’ve chosen a bike, similar to the same one that my dad has at home, and so off we go!好,我挑選了一台車,跟我爸爸之前買的那一款很像,我們出發吧!We started near the Shuishe visitor center, and we're going to go clockwise around the lake. Going this direction allows you to view the lake without the road and oncoming traffic getting in your way.我們從水社遊客中心出發,我們要順時針走,這個方向可以更接近湖面,不會有車道和對向車擋在中間。The round-the-lake route is about 30km long, and most of it is quite easy. There are a few spots where you might want to run over the head of whoever that suggested you come out on a bike, but the rest is usually pretty level and pleasant. Overall, the ride is incredibly enjoyable.環潭路線總共30公里,大部分很好騎,不過有幾段吃力到可能會讓你想要輾過建議你來騎車的人的頭,那只是幾小段,其他的蠻平坦,悠閒的。平均來說,這條路線真的舒適過癮。There are quite a few points of interest around the lake, and this is one of them: Wen-Wu Temple, a Taoist temple. Wen has to do with literature, and Wu has to do with war. The main deities here are Confucius, a scholar god, and Guan Gong and Yue Fei, who are warrior gods.環潭路上有好幾個景點,文武廟是其中一個,這是一座道教的廟。這裡主要奉祀文神孔子,還有武神關公與岳飛。A lot of people turn to religion when they seek guidance. This is what some people do when they come to a temple. First you’re supposed to introduce yourself to the gods that you wish to seek advice from, you say your name and tell hi or her where you live.很多人有疑惑的時候,會透過宗教尋找答案。很多廟有這樣的服務。先向神明自我介紹,先講你叫什麼名字,住在哪裡。Then you ask your question, shuffle the lot sticks and pick the one sticking furthest out. These are labeled by number. Next you cast the moon shaped lots to ask if you’ve picked the right lot stick. If one is facing up and the other is facing down, then this is the right one. If not, then you go back and start over from the lot stick picking step until you get the one that's meant for you. 接著問你想要問的問題,然後攪拌一下,抽出最上面的籤,上面都有號碼。接著擲筊,問神明是不是這支籤,聖筊就是,如果沒有聖筊,就回到抽籤的步驟重來,直到聖筊為止。The answer will come in the form of a poem, and at this temple, the poems are translated into English. I was number 88 so this is my lot explanation. Deciphering the cryptic poem and what it means to you is like getting your question answered by more questions, but at least it’s not in Chinese!神明給的答案,是一首籤詩,在這裡,廟方很貼心的將它翻譯成英文。我抽到的是88,是這一個。籤詩的解答有時候產生更多疑問,不過至少中翻英的問題已經幫你解決了。This is why I chose an electric power assisted bicycle. It makes going uphill a piece of cake. I’m not talking about myself, but oftentimes lazy people are also smart people.這是我選擇租電力輔助腳踏車的原因,上坡變得好輕鬆。我不是在說我自己,但通常懶惰的人,也是聰明的人。The views around the lake are amazing. They’re incredibly dramatic. At dawn, the fog, the mountains and the lake look like a scene out of a Chinese painting. In some places during the day, you can imagine commercials being filmed, or movies being shot there. It’s really beautiful. This 30km route has been voted one of the best places to cycle in Taiwan and in the world as well.環潭景色實在好漂亮,而且非常有戲劇性。清晨時,這裡的霧,山,和水,彷彿走入山水畫。白天時,很多地方感覺是拍攝廣告或電影的場景。真的很美。這30公里路被票選為台灣,甚至全世界最棒的腳踏車路線之一。Every year around October and November, there is a Come! Bikeday carnival and a fireworks and music festival. During this period, there are competitive races and fun races to take part in, and lots of entertainment, so that’s a great time to visit, but any other other time is just as nice too. My dad who loves to cycle has been wanting to come here for ages, so I think I’m going to get to return here again soon. I never get tired of Sun Moon Lake. You should come!每年十月,十一月的時候,這裡有一個自行車嘉年華,還有花火音樂祭。這個期間內,有競賽和趣味賽可以參加,也有很多活動,所以這時候來騎車,特別好玩。其他時間來,其實也不錯。我爸爸很愛騎車,他一直說要來玩,所以我覺得我不久之後又會有機會來了。日月潭怎麼玩都不膩。大家要來喔!――――――――――Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:This is Sun Moon Lake, one of my favorite place in Taiwan, and I’m going to show you today why it’s such a wonderful area to cycle in.這裡是日月潭,我在台灣最喜歡的地方之一。今天我要跟大家說來這裡騎鐵馬有多讚。I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to row, cycle, and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡划船,騎鐵馬,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。You can bring your own bike to Sun Moon Lake, or you can rent one here. There are several bike rental shops, but this one is my favorite so far - they have a nice selection of bikes, all in proper shape. The service is great and they’ll even give you bragging rights by way of this certificate after you finish the round-the-lake tour.可以自己帶車來到日月潭騎,或者到這邊再租一台。日月潭有好幾家腳踏車租賃店家,目前我最喜歡這家,他們有很多車款,車況都非常好,服務也很好,你成功環潭後,他們還會頒發一張獎狀讓你回去炫耀。I’ve chosen a bike, similar to the same one that my dad has at home, and so off we go!好,我挑選了一台車,跟我爸爸之前買的那一款很像,我們出發吧!We started near the Shuishe visitor center, and we're going to go clockwise around the lake. Going this direction allows you to view the lake without the road and oncoming traffic getting in your way.我們從水社遊客中心出發,我們要順時針走,這個方向可以更接近湖面,不會有車道和對向車擋在中間。The round-the-lake route is about 30km long, and most of it is quite easy. There are a few spots where you might want to run over the head of whoever that suggested you come out on a bike, but the rest is usually pretty level and pleasant. Overall, the ride is incredibly enjoyable.環潭路線總共30公里,大部分很好騎,不過有幾段吃力到可能會讓你想要輾過建議你來騎車的人的頭,那只是幾小段,其他的蠻平坦,悠閒的。平均來說,這條路線真的舒適過癮。There are quite a few points of interest around the lake, and this is one of them: Wen-Wu Temple, a Taoist temple. Wen has to do with literature, and Wu has to do with war. The main deities here are Confucius, a scholar god, and Guan Gong and Yue Fei, who are warrior gods.環潭路上有好幾個景點,文武廟是其中一個,這是一座道教的廟。這裡主要奉祀文神孔子,還有武神關公與岳飛。A lot of people turn to religion when they seek guidance. This is what some people do when they come to a temple. First you’re supposed to introduce yourself to the gods that you wish to seek advice from, you say your name and tell hi or her where you live.很多人有疑惑的時候,會透過宗教尋找答案。很多廟有這樣的服務。先向神明自我介紹,先講你叫什麼名字,住在哪裡。Then you ask your question, shuffle the lot sticks and pick the one sticking furthest out. These are labeled by number. Next you cast the moon shaped lots to ask if you’ve picked the right lot stick. If one is facing up and the other is facing down, then this is the right one. If not, then you go back and start over from the lot stick picking step until you get the one that's meant for you. 接著問你想要問的問題,然後攪拌一下,抽出最上面的籤,上面都有號碼。接著擲筊,問神明是不是這支籤,聖筊就是,如果沒有聖筊,就回到抽籤的步驟重來,直到聖筊為止。The answer will come in the form of a poem, and at this temple, the poems are translated into English. I was number 88 so this is my lot explanation. Deciphering the cryptic poem and what it means to you is like getting your question answered by more questions, but at least it’s not in Chinese!神明給的答案,是一首籤詩,在這裡,廟方很貼心的將它翻譯成英文。我抽到的是88,是這一個。籤詩的解答有時候產生更多疑問,不過至少中翻英的問題已經幫你解決了。This is why I chose an electric power assisted bicycle. It makes going uphill a piece of cake. I’m not talking about myself, but oftentimes lazy people are also smart people.這是我選擇租電力輔助腳踏車的原因,上坡變得好輕鬆。我不是在說我自己,但通常懶惰的人,也是聰明的人。The views around the lake are amazing. They’re incredibly dramatic. At dawn, the fog, the mountains and the lake look like a scene out of a Chinese painting. In some places during the day, you can imagine commercials being filmed, or movies being shot there. It’s really beautiful. This 30km route has been voted one of the best places to cycle in Taiwan and in the world as well.環潭景色實在好漂亮,而且非常有戲劇性。清晨時,這裡的霧,山,和水,彷彿走入山水畫。白天時,很多地方感覺是拍攝廣告或電影的場景。真的很美。這30公里路被票選為台灣,甚至全世界最棒的腳踏車路線之一。Every year around October and November, there is a Come! Bikeday carnival and a fireworks and music festival. During this period, there are competitive races and fun races to take part in, and lots of entertainment, so that’s a great time to visit, but any other other time is just as nice too. My dad who loves to cycle has been wanting to come here for ages, so I think I’m going to get to return here again soon. I never get tired of Sun Moon Lake. You should come!每年十月,十一月的時候,這裡有一個自行車嘉年華,還有花火音樂祭。這個期間內,有競賽和趣味賽可以參加,也有很多活動,所以這時候來騎車,特別好玩。其他時間來,其實也不錯。我爸爸很愛騎車,他一直說要來玩,所以我覺得我不久之後又會有機會來了。日月潭怎麼玩都不膩。大家要來喔!——————————Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:Every time I go to Sun Moon Lake, I tell my brothers who live in California, “we have to cycle there together!” They love to cycle, and I'm sure they will love cycling at Sun Moon Lake. There are lots of bike/pedestrian paths, and some of them are right on the water, which is really special and quite beautiful.每次到日月潭,我都會跟我住在美國的的兩個弟弟說,我們改天一定要一起去那裏騎車。他們都很愛騎鐵馬,我覺得來到日月潭,他們會很開心。這裏有好多人行/自行車步道,而且有一些還直接蓋在湖面上,很漂亮,很特別。This time we explored Wen-Wu Temple, which has explanations of the lot stick poems in English! There's also a lot drawing machine, but I find the old fashioned ones much more interesting.這次我們到了文武廟,讓我驚訝的是,這裏的籤詩居然還有英文!另外還有電子籤詩機,不過我覺得傳統的還是比較有感覺。To get to Sun Moon Lake, you can take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle from HSR Taichung Station, drive or hire a taxi.到日月潭,可以從高鐵烏日站搭台灣好行巴士,開車,或坐計程車。If you don’t bring your own bike, you can rent one at Sun Moon Lake. I highly recommend Giant, which has a shop there that sells and rents bikes. The service is generally good and there is a huge variety of bikes to choose from. There are quite a few ups and downs and for people that don’t normally cycle very hard, I suggest renting an electric power assist bike to help you through the hills.腳踏車可以自己帶來,也可以到日月潭再租。我推薦捷安特,這裏除了賣腳踏車,還租腳踏車,而且車種很多。如果你平常沒在練,要環潭的話,租一台電動輔助腳踏車,不然會很~辛苦。We stayed at Bamboo Rock Garden a new BOT hotel. It’s basic but clean and comfortable. I wouldn’t mind staying there again. :) Actually, we tried booking it for our upcoming trip but there was no availability. There aren’t that many rooms there, so they sell out quickly, unfortunately for us. They also have decent, affordable dinners, which I think is a rare combination in those parts.這次我們住在竹石園,一間新的BOT飯店。雖然很簡單,但乾淨舒適,而且有無障礙房間。我不介意再去住。這裏房間很少,所以要提早訂。另外,他們有提供晚餐,價錢合理,不錯吃。――――――――――Links 連結:Come! Bikeday 自行車嘉年華 http://comebike.eday.com.twGiant bike shop in Sun Moon Lake 日月潭捷安特 https://www.facebook.com/捷安特日月潭單車休閒服務站-417032231758105/Bamboo Rock Garden Hotel 竹石園 http://www.bamboorock.com.tw――――――――――Accessories 配件:Shirt: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.comWatch: Martian摩絢錶 http://www.martianwatches.com.twShoes: Timberland http://www.timberland.com.twGear 器材:UAV: 3DR http://www.3drobotics.com
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan on Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 10: Cycling Sun  Moon Lake
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第十集: 日月潭鐵馬遊

Transcript 文字稿:

This is Sun Moon Lake, one of my favorite place in Taiwan, and I’m going to show you today why it’s such a wonderful area to cycle in.

I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to row, cycle, and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

You can bring your own bike to Sun Moon Lake, or you can rent one here. There are several bike rental shops, but this one is my favorite so far - they have a nice selection of bikes, all in proper shape. The service is great and they’ll even give you bragging rights by way of this certificate after you finish the round-the-lake tour.

I’ve chosen a bike, similar to the same one that my dad has at home, and so off we go!

We started near the Shuishe visitor center, and we're going to go clockwise around the lake. Going this direction allows you to view the lake without the road and oncoming traffic getting in your way.

The round-the-lake route is about 30km long, and most of it is quite easy. There are a few spots where you might want to run over the head of whoever that suggested you come out on a bike, but the rest is usually pretty level and pleasant. Overall, the ride is incredibly enjoyable.

There are quite a few points of interest around the lake, and this is one of them: Wen-Wu Temple, a Taoist temple. Wen has to do with literature, and Wu has to do with war. The main deities here are Confucius, a scholar god, and Guan Gong and Yue Fei, who are warrior gods.
Gear 器材:

A lot of people turn to religion when they seek guidance. This is what some people do when they come to a temple. First you’re supposed to introduce yourself to the gods that you wish to seek advice from, you say your name and tell hi or her where you live.

Then you ask your question, shuffle the lot sticks and pick the one sticking furthest out. These are labeled by number. Next you cast the moon shaped lots to ask if you’ve picked the right lot stick. If one is facing up and the other is facing down, then this is the right one. If not, then you go back and start over from the lot stick picking step until you get the one that's meant for you. 

The answer will come in the form of a poem, and at this temple, the poems are translated into English. I was number 88 so this is my lot explanation. Deciphering the cryptic poem and what it means to you is like getting your question answered by more questions, but at least it’s not in Chinese!

This is why I chose an electric power assisted bicycle. It makes going uphill a piece of cake. I’m not talking about myself, but oftentimes lazy people are also smart people.

The views around the lake are amazing. They’re incredibly dramatic. At dawn, the fog, the mountains and the lake look like a scene out of a Chinese painting. In some places during the day, you can imagine commercials being filmed, or movies being shot there. It’s really beautiful. This 30km route has been voted one of the best places to cycle in Taiwan and in the world as well.

Every year around October and November, there is a Come! Bikeday carnival and a fireworks and music festival. During this period, there are competitive races and fun races to take part in, and lots of entertainment, so that’s a great time to visit, but any other other time is just as nice too. My dad who loves to cycle has been wanting to come here for ages, so I think I’m going to get to return here again soon. I never get tired of Sun Moon Lake. You should come!


Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

Every time I go to Sun Moon Lake, I tell my brothers who live in California, “we have to cycle there together!” They love to cycle, and I'm sure they will love cycling at Sun Moon Lake. There are lots of bike/pedestrian paths, and some of them are right on the water, which is really special and quite beautiful.

This time we explored Wen-Wu Temple, which has explanations of the lot stick poems in English! There's also a lot drawing machine, but I find the old fashioned ones much more interesting.

To get to Sun Moon Lake, you can take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle from HSR Taichung Station, drive or hire a taxi.

If you don’t bring your own bike, you can rent one at Sun Moon Lake. I highly recommend Giant, which has a shop there that sells and rents bikes. The service is generally good and there is a huge variety of bikes to choose from. There are quite a few ups and downs and for people that don’t normally cycle very hard, I suggest renting an electric power assist bike to help you through the hills.

We stayed at Bamboo Rock Garden a new BOT hotel. I stayed in a handicap accessible room. The hotel is quite basic but clean and comfortable. I wouldn’t mind staying there again. :) Actually, we tried booking it for our upcoming trip but there was no availability. There aren’t that many rooms there, so they sell out quickly, unfortunately for us. They also have decent, affordable dinners, which I think is a rare combination in those parts.

If you get a chance to go to Puli, there’s a velo taxi service and a nice hot pot place. It’s slightly pricey, but you will probably walk away very full and satisfied.



Links 連結:

Come! Bikeday 自行車嘉年華 http://comebike.eday.com.tw

Giant bike shop in Sun Moon Lake 日月潭捷安特 https://www.facebook.com/捷安特日月潭單車休閒服務站-417032231758105/

Puli hot pot restaurant 日高鍋物 https://www.facebook.com/Hidakahotpot/

Bamboo Rock Garden Hotel 竹石園 http://www.bamboorock.com.tw


Accessories 配件:
Shirt: kotipesä  http://www.kotipesa.com
Shoes: Timberland http://www.timberland.com.tw

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