Monday 7 December 2015

Info on episode 9: Cycling in Bali, New Taipei City 新北市八里左岸鐵馬遊

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 9: Bali, New Taipei City 20...
Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 9: Bali, New Taipei City2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第九集: 左岸鐵馬遊 八里.十三行Transcript 文字稿:We're in Bali, New Taipei City today and I’m taking you on a bike tour to Shihsanhang Museum.這裡是新北市八里,今天我要帶大家來一趟腳踏車之旅,到十三行博物館。I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to row, cycle, and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡划船,騎鐵馬,還有旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。We’re at the Bali bike rental station, here, and the museum is here.這裡是八里租車站,十三行博物館在這兒。To rent a bike here, you leave your ID with the station and pay with cash or an Easypass when you come back.租車時,押個證件,還車時再付費,可以用現金付,也可以用悠遊卡付。There is a variety of bikes here, from kids’ bikes with training wheels to small mountain bikes, to big mountain bikes, girlie bikes and electric bikes.這裡有好多種腳踏車,從有輔助輪,給小朋友用的腳踏車,到小登山車,大登山車,淑女車,電動車都有。Bali is on the west bank of the Danshui River, near the mouth. With fresh water from the river, quick access to the ocean, mountains nearby for more food and other resources, this was a good place to settle and so the first village in northern Taiwan was supposedly here in Bali.八里位於淡水河的左岸,河口的地方。當時的人覺得這邊隨時可以出海,附近又有山,山上有食物和其他的資源,因此決定在這裡定居。據說北台灣第一個聚落就是在八里。At first I wondered why when people came to northern Taiwan, they came from the northwestern coast, rather than the northeastern coast. It turns out that most people came to Taiwan by boat from nearby continents, and the closest continent is to the west. To the east is the Pacific Ocean.一開始我很好奇為什麼來到北部是西北岸這邊而不是東北岸那邊。後來才知道,當初來台灣的人都是搭船從附近大陸過來的,最近的大陸在西邊,東邊就是太平洋了。The Austronesian people came here first, thousands of years ago. The Han Chinese came in the last few centuries. Fights over resources broke out between the Chinese and aborigines once in a while, and casualties would occur. The dead who had family in Taiwan were buried by their loved ones, and those that did not were taken here, a mass burial site. This is where the John Does found on land were buried. And by the way, this is also where the Spanish built a fort, between these five banyan trees.南島民族數千年前先來到台灣,而漢人比較晚來台開墾。有時候為了資源,漢人和原住民發生衝突,造成死亡。死亡後,家人將他們下葬,沒家人的遺體,則被搬到這裡,這是一個大眾墓。在陸地上死亡的無名屍以前就是被葬在這裡。說到這邊,這五顆老榕樹圍起來的範圍內,曾經是西班牙人蓋的五稜廊。So what about unnamed corpses found on the water? They were buried right around here. In Chinese tradition, people pray not only to gods, but to the dead as well, asking for peace, good health, fortune, etc. People felt that their prayers to the John and Jane Does here seemed to come true more often and so decided to build a temple here.那海上的無名屍呢?他們有自己的大眾墓,就在這裡附近。傳統中國人除了拜神,也拜鬼,祈求平安,健康,財富等。附近居民發現來這裡拜拜,好像很靈,決定蓋間正式的廟。During the Qing dynasty, this was a very busy port area and there were several trade companies here, 13 to be exact. People came to know this as the place with 13 companies. Thirteen in Chinese is “shisan,” and companies is “hang.” And there you have Shihsanhang.清朝時代,這裡是個很繁忙的港口,最盛時期有13間貿易行,這個地方當時就被大家叫做「十三行」。This used to be an archaeological dig site, now it’s a museum. The museum building design itself is quite interesting. It’s in the shape of a ship, symbolizing the vessels that early settlers came on. The entrance to the museum is down that way, underground. So shall we go and dig for some history.這裡曾經是一個考古現場,這間博物館直接蓋在它的上面。十三行博物館的設計本身就蠻有趣的,形狀像一艘船,象徵先民來到台灣搭的交通工具。博物館的入口在地底下,走,我們去挖掘歷史。The earliest artifacts found at this site was from about 1,800 years ago. There were a lot of fish bones found in garbage areas, meaning people that lived here ate quite a bit of fish. And by the wear and tear of the shoulder bones, archaeologists also concluded that people rowed a lot.考古學家在這一個地方找到的文物,最早的是1800年前的東西,他們發現垃圾區有很多魚骨頭,代表當時這裡的人吃很多魚。也發現這裡的人的肩關節都有不少的磨損,推測他們常划船。I lived across the river over there in Danshui with my parents for a year and never knew that this is where civilization started in northern Taipei. I thought it would be Monga or Dadaocheng, which are near downtown Taipei. Such an interesting discovery for me! And the temples that worshiped unnamed corpses was a cool bit as well. My parents still live there in Danshui, and sometimes I ride here with my dad, either across the red Guandu bridge or via the ferry. It's lively, there’s lots of food here, and it’s a nice, leisurely ride. A word of advice: make this trip on a weekday. You should come.我在對岸那邊跟我爸爸媽媽住了一年,都不知道這裡是北台灣的發源地,我以為是萬華還是大稻埕,靠近台北市中心的地方。好有趣的發現喔!祭拜無名屍的廟也很有趣。我爸媽現在還住在淡水,有時候有時候我會和我爸爸騎腳踏車過來,走紅紅的關渡橋,或從淡水搭渡輪過來。這裡很熱鬧,有很多吃的,騎起來很輕鬆,不過建議大家平日來玩。要來喔~——————————Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:The first thing that comes to mind is, cycle in Bali a weekend or holiday at the risk of losing your sanity. If you must go on a day that most people have off, try to do it very early in the morning, otherwise you will very likely end up walking your bike the whole way through because there are simply so many people out there.第一個想到的是,除非不怕花轟,最好假日別去八里騎車,因為人是在太~多了。如果一定要假日,清晨會好一點,不然車子真的可以不用帶來,直接用走的比較快,比較愉快。I rented my bike from Giant, which is always a safe choice. You have to go a little further down, past all the stands and other bike rentals, a 5-10 minute walk from the pier. There’s a free app (in Chinese only) on iOS and Android called “Fun Bike” that can be helpful. It tells you where all the big rental shops are, the one you’re closest to, the rates, the bikes available and navigation to the rental locations. It also has a breadcrumb feature that lets you track the route you took, your GPS position in case you get lost or need help and an SOS function for when you need to be rescued.我的腳踏車是在捷安特租的,通常去捷安特租車不會有什麼問題。其實因為日月潭的捷安特租車站,台北,台中,彰化的Youbike也都是捷安特,我對他們的租賃腳套車品質蠻有信心的。目前也都沒有碰到不愉快的狀況。iOS和Android有個Fun Bike免費程式,感覺蠻方便的。裡面的資訊包括租車站位置,導航,地圖,GPS定位,求救,租賃車款/價錢等資訊。需要求救的時候也可以透過程式定位,呼叫救援大隊。There are lots of hawkers near the pier, but I personally prefer the restaurants that you’ll find if you go further down, somewhere between the pier and Shisanhang Museum. There are quite a few there, and they look decent. I’ve been to Cafe de Flore (Chinese restaurant) and to My Burger. Both were OK. I wouldn’t mind going back to either.渡船頭附近有很多小吃攤位,不過我個人比較喜歡去十三行博物館路上的一些餐廳。我吃過八里花神還有My Burger,都還可以。On the way to the museum, you’ll ride past some docks for fishing boats on the right. There are mangroves, crabs and mudskippers to look at there, which kids might enjoy. I think in some of the streets on the left, there are some old houses, probably from early in the last century. Some of them are abandoned and interesting to look at, too.除了老榕碉堡及水興宮的大眾幕,博物館的路上還有生態可以觀賞,有紅樹林,招潮蟹,彈塗魚可以觀賞。附近還有一群很古早的房子可以去繞一下。Shisanhang Museum has lots of outdoor space to enjoy. There’s a grassy area to walk or let kids run on. The building really is one of the more interesting ones out there, so take time to go around it and explore it from the inside out and top to bottom. There are guided tours of the museum, in English as well. You should probably contact them in advance for the English tour. There aren’t so many things to look at inside the museum, which really feels like more of a way to commemorate the archeological dig that once took place there than a museum.十三行的戶外空間很大,有草皮可以散步或讓小孩亂跑,正常釋放能量(減緩晚上睡覺前大鬧的發生?)。建築物本身很有趣,建議大家從上到下,裡面到外面好好探索,我個人蠻喜歡的。博物館裡面有多語言導覽,建議事先聯絡確認。文物方面,感覺不多,比較像一個紀念十三行考古區的一個地方。On a techie note, this was the first episode in which I piloted a drone myself. It was a 3DR Solo and I was so impressed with how easy it was to fly! The stability is great and the software is amazing. It was my first time flying a drone, and we actually got lots of usable footage. Thank you 3DR for making my life easier, but pity you don’t have a distributor in Taiwan!科技控的小筆記,這是我第一次自己飛空拍機,是一台3DR Solo,真是出乎意料的好飛。除了穩定以外,它的軟體讓我這個沒有碰過空拍的人第一次就拍出很多能用的畫面。只可惜3DR在台灣沒有代理商啊!——————————Links 連結:Shisanhang Museum 十三行博物館 bike rentals——————————Accessories 配件:Overalls: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.comWatch: Martian摩絢錶 RucolineGear 器材:UAV: 3DR
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan on Monday, December 7, 2015

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 9: Bali, New Taipei City
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第九集: 左岸鐵馬遊 八里.十三行

Transcript 文字稿:

We're in Bali, New Taipei City today and I’m taking you on a bike tour to Shihsanhang Museum.

I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to row, cycle, and travel. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

We’re at the Bali bike rental station, here, and the museum is here.

To rent a bike here, you leave your ID with the station and pay with cash or an Easypass when you come back.

There is a variety of bikes here, from kids’ bikes with training wheels to small mountain bikes, to big mountain bikes, girlie bikes and electric bikes.

Bali is on the west bank of the Danshui River, near the mouth. With fresh water from the river, quick access to the ocean, mountains nearby for more food and other resources, this was a good place to settle and so the first village in northern Taiwan was supposedly here in Bali.

At first I wondered why when people came to northern Taiwan, they came from the northwestern coast, rather than the northeastern coast. It turns out that most people came to Taiwan by boat from nearby continents, and the closest continent is to the west. To the east is the Pacific Ocean.

The Austronesian people came here first, thousands of years ago. The Han Chinese came in the last few centuries. Fights over resources broke out between the Chinese and aborigines once in a while, and casualties would occur. The dead who had family in Taiwan were buried by their loved ones, and those that did not were taken here, a mass burial site. This is where the John Does found on land were buried. And by the way, this is also where the Spanish built a fort, between these five banyan trees.

So what about unnamed corpses found on the water? They were buried right around here. In Chinese tradition, people pray not only to gods, but to the dead as well, asking for peace, good health, fortune, etc. People felt that their prayers to the John and Jane Does here seemed to come true more often and so decided to build a temple here.

During the Qing dynasty, this was a very busy port area and there were several trade companies here, 13 to be exact. People came to know this as the place with 13 companies. Thirteen in Chinese is “shisan,” and companies is “hang.” And there you have Shihsanhang.

This used to be an archaeological dig site, now it’s a museum. The museum building design itself is quite interesting. It’s in the shape of a ship, symbolizing the vessels that early settlers came on. The entrance to the museum is down that way, underground. So shall we go and dig for some history.

The earliest artifacts found at this site was from about 1,800 years ago. There were a lot of fish bones found in garbage areas, meaning people that lived here ate quite a bit of fish. And by the wear and tear of the shoulder bones, archaeologists also concluded that people rowed a lot.

I lived across the river over there in Danshui with my parents for a year and never knew that this is where civilization started in northern Taipei. I thought it would be Monga or Dadaocheng, which are near downtown Taipei. Such an interesting discovery for me! And the temples that worshiped unnamed corpses was a cool bit as well. My parents still live there in Danshui, and sometimes I ride here with my dad, either across the red Guandu bridge or via the ferry. It's lively, there’s lots of food here, and it’s a nice, leisurely ride. A word of advice: make this trip on a weekday. You should come.

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

The first thing that comes to mind is, cycle in Bali a weekend or holiday at the risk of losing your sanity. If you must go on a day that most people have off, try to do it very early in the morning, otherwise you will very likely end up walking your bike the whole way through because there are simply so many people out there.

I rented my bike from Giant, which is always a safe choice. You have to go a little further down, past all the stands and other bike rentals, a 5-10 minute walk from the pier. There’s a free app (in Chinese only) on iOS and Android called “Fun Bike” that can be helpful. It  tells you where all the big rental shops are, the one you’re closest to, the rates, the bikes available and navigation to the rental locations. It also has a breadcrumb feature that lets you track the route you took, your GPS position in case you get lost or need help and an SOS function for when you need to be rescued.
我的腳踏車是在捷安特租的,通常去捷安特租車不會有什麼問題。其實因為日月潭的捷安特租車站,台北,台中,彰化的Youbike也都是捷安特,我對他們的租賃腳套車品質蠻有信心的。目前也都沒有碰到不愉快的狀況。iOS和Android有個Fun Bike免費程式,感覺蠻方便的。裡面的資訊包括租車站位置,導航,地圖,GPS定位,求救,租賃車款/價錢等資訊。需要求救的時候也可以透過程式定位,呼叫救援大隊。

There are lots of hawkers near the pier, but I personally prefer the restaurants that you’ll find if you go further down, somewhere between the pier and Shisanhang Museum. There are quite a few there, and they look decent. I’ve been to Cafe de Flore (Chinese restaurant) and to My Burger. Both were OK. I wouldn’t mind going back to either.
渡船頭附近有很多小吃攤位,不過我個人比較喜歡去十三行博物館路上的一些餐廳。我吃過八里花神還有My Burger,都還可以。

On the way to the museum, you’ll ride past some docks for fishing boats on the right. There are mangroves, crabs and mudskippers to look at there, which kids might enjoy. I think in some of the streets on the left, there are some old houses, probably from early in the last century. Some of them are abandoned and interesting to look at, too.

Shisanhang Museum has lots of outdoor space to enjoy. There’s a grassy area to walk or let kids run on. The building really is one of the more interesting ones out there, so take time to go around it and explore it from the inside out and top to bottom. There are guided tours of the museum, in English as well. You should probably contact them in advance for the English tour. There aren’t so many things to look at inside the museum, which really feels like more of a way to commemorate the archeological dig that once took place there than a museum.

On a techie note, this was the first episode in which I piloted a drone myself. It was a 3DR Solo and I was so impressed with how easy it was to fly! The stability is great and the software is amazing. It was my first time flying a drone, and we actually got lots of usable footage. Thank you 3DR for making my life easier, but pity you don’t have a distributor in Taiwan!
科技控的小筆記,這是我第一次自己飛空拍機,是一台3DR Solo,真是出乎意料的好飛。除了穩定以外,它的軟體讓我這個沒有碰過空拍的人第一次就拍出很多能用的畫面。只可惜3DR在台灣沒有代理商啊!

(video by 彭柏勳)


Links 連結:

Shisanhang Museum 十三行博物館

Giant bike rentals


Accessories 配件:
Overalls: kotipesä
Shoes: Rucoline

Gear 器材:


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