Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 32: Cycling in Pingdong2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第三十二集: 屏東鐵馬之旅
Transcript 文字稿:
Today we’re cycling in Pingtung, and we’re going to visit the Liudui Hakka Cultural Park.今天我們來到屏東騎單車,我們要到六堆客家文化園區玩!
Pingtung has public bicycles that you can rent with a credit card or iPass. Today we’re riding on the first and so far the only bicycle path in Taiwan that runs under the freeway.屏東有公共單車,用信用卡或一卡通就可以租借。今天我們要騎台灣第一,也是目前唯一座落於高速公路底下的單車道。
When the Hakkas immigrated to Taiwan from China, one group went to the north and one group came to the south. Around 1721, times were difficult, crime often broke out and looting was prevalent in this part of Taiwan. The Hakkas in the south formed six military camps to protect themselves. “Liudui" means “six camps.” The conflict eventually subsided, but the six villages in which Hakka people in the south lived came to be known as “Liudui.” this is Liudui Hakka Cultural Park.客家人移民來台的時候,有一群人往北部走,有一群則來到南部。1721年時社會動盪不安,台灣這一個地區治安不好,經常有人遭搶,這裡的客家人因此組織了六個隊伍保護自己,「六堆」就是「六隊」的諧音,隨著社會逐漸和諧,天下太平,六堆成了這些客家聚落的地名。這裡是六堆客家文化園區。
Here at the cultural park, you can learn a lot about Hakka culture, including what Hakka people in southern Taiwan eat.來到這裡,可以認識客家文化,包括南部的客家美食。
This is pork knuckles. Savory, spicy and garlic-y.這個是豬腳,沾醬,鹹鹹辣辣,大蒜的香味。
There are lots of really great displays here. This was a real tobacco barn, originally built 65 years ago. Lots of tobacco was produced here because the government gave price guarantees on tobacco, which makes good money to begin with.這邊有很多很棒的文化展示,這是一間真的菸樓喔,65年前興建的。這裡以前種植很多菸草,因為政府購買菸草有價錢保證,而菸草的售價本來就不錯。
In the park, rice paddies and tobacco fields are living displays and they cycle through them several times a year.園區裡,輪流種植稻米和菸草,成為一個有生命的文化展示。
This is the “bagong,” or the earth god, a real earth god. When do people pray to him? Once in the morning and once at night. For what do people pray to him? Anything. “Bagong” is like everyone’s uncle, people pray to him like they do to their ancestors.這是伯公,土地公,是真的伯公喔。什麼時候拜呢?早晚都拜。拜什麼呢?什麼都可以。伯公對客家人來說像家人,所以拜伯公有點像拜祖先。
To be honest, this is my first time in Pingtung City and at the Liudui Hakka Cultural Park. We, just like 99% of everyone else, usually go straight to Kenting for the beach to go surfing. If you want to get to know Hakka culture and enjoy this wonderful cultural space, this is where you should come!老實說,這好像是我第一次到屏東市,也是我第一次來到六堆客家文化園區。我們跟99%來屏東玩的人一樣,通常都直接殺到墾丁的沙灘衝浪。如果想要好好認識客家文化,享受一個具有文化意義的空間,大家可以來這裡喔!
Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:
You can budget half a day for Liudui if you’re just going to walk around. Or, you can buy some food from the food court there and enjoy the park, too. When it’s hot, there is an area in the far end of the park towards the left I think where you can soak your feet, heh heh. I think you can get guided tours in English, but you might have to make an appointment first.
Links 連結:
Taiwan Cycling Festival 台灣騎跡 http://taiwanbike.tw/default.aspx?lang=2
Liudui Hakka Cultural Center 六堆客家文化園區 http://thcdc.hakka.gov.tw/wSite/mp?mp=13
Transcript 文字稿:
Today we’re cycling in Pingtung, and we’re going to visit the Liudui Hakka Cultural Park.今天我們來到屏東騎單車,我們要到六堆客家文化園區玩!
Pingtung has public bicycles that you can rent with a credit card or iPass. Today we’re riding on the first and so far the only bicycle path in Taiwan that runs under the freeway.屏東有公共單車,用信用卡或一卡通就可以租借。今天我們要騎台灣第一,也是目前唯一座落於高速公路底下的單車道。
When the Hakkas immigrated to Taiwan from China, one group went to the north and one group came to the south. Around 1721, times were difficult, crime often broke out and looting was prevalent in this part of Taiwan. The Hakkas in the south formed six military camps to protect themselves. “Liudui" means “six camps.” The conflict eventually subsided, but the six villages in which Hakka people in the south lived came to be known as “Liudui.” this is Liudui Hakka Cultural Park.客家人移民來台的時候,有一群人往北部走,有一群則來到南部。1721年時社會動盪不安,台灣這一個地區治安不好,經常有人遭搶,這裡的客家人因此組織了六個隊伍保護自己,「六堆」就是「六隊」的諧音,隨著社會逐漸和諧,天下太平,六堆成了這些客家聚落的地名。這裡是六堆客家文化園區。
Here at the cultural park, you can learn a lot about Hakka culture, including what Hakka people in southern Taiwan eat.來到這裡,可以認識客家文化,包括南部的客家美食。
This is pork knuckles. Savory, spicy and garlic-y.這個是豬腳,沾醬,鹹鹹辣辣,大蒜的香味。
There are lots of really great displays here. This was a real tobacco barn, originally built 65 years ago. Lots of tobacco was produced here because the government gave price guarantees on tobacco, which makes good money to begin with.這邊有很多很棒的文化展示,這是一間真的菸樓喔,65年前興建的。這裡以前種植很多菸草,因為政府購買菸草有價錢保證,而菸草的售價本來就不錯。
In the park, rice paddies and tobacco fields are living displays and they cycle through them several times a year.園區裡,輪流種植稻米和菸草,成為一個有生命的文化展示。
This is the “bagong,” or the earth god, a real earth god. When do people pray to him? Once in the morning and once at night. For what do people pray to him? Anything. “Bagong” is like everyone’s uncle, people pray to him like they do to their ancestors.這是伯公,土地公,是真的伯公喔。什麼時候拜呢?早晚都拜。拜什麼呢?什麼都可以。伯公對客家人來說像家人,所以拜伯公有點像拜祖先。
To be honest, this is my first time in Pingtung City and at the Liudui Hakka Cultural Park. We, just like 99% of everyone else, usually go straight to Kenting for the beach to go surfing. If you want to get to know Hakka culture and enjoy this wonderful cultural space, this is where you should come!老實說,這好像是我第一次到屏東市,也是我第一次來到六堆客家文化園區。我們跟99%來屏東玩的人一樣,通常都直接殺到墾丁的沙灘衝浪。如果想要好好認識客家文化,享受一個具有文化意義的空間,大家可以來這裡喔!
Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:
You can budget half a day for Liudui if you’re just going to walk around. Or, you can buy some food from the food court there and enjoy the park, too. When it’s hot, there is an area in the far end of the park towards the left I think where you can soak your feet, heh heh. I think you can get guided tours in English, but you might have to make an appointment first.
Links 連結:
Taiwan Cycling Festival 台灣騎跡 http://taiwanbike.tw/default.aspx?lang=2
Liudui Hakka Cultural Center 六堆客家文化園區 http://thcdc.hakka.gov.tw/wSite/mp?mp=13
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