Thursday 2 February 2006

Reporting: Talbott's New Year holidays

This was aired 27 Jan 2006. The fourth and final installment of our representatives' New Year's.

Slug: Talbott’s New Year Holidays

The Honduran ambassador, Marlene Villela-Talbott, appreciates the different cultures she encounters in the line of her duties. She told FTV’s Michella Weng about memorable Lunar New Year Holidays she has had.##

Honduran Ambassador Marlene Villela-Talbott invited FTV into her home, to where she’s brought back a piece of every culture she has come in contact with. 年節將近 宏都拉斯大使Marlene Villela-Talbott邀請民視到官邸一聚

This Lunar New Year Holiday, Ambassador Talbott won’t get to do much because she is writing her master’s thesis on Taiwan studies, but she did have some interesting experiences -- in temples.
今年的農曆過年 Talbott大使沒有辦法好好的享受
因為她得完成碩士論文 不過她說往年在寺廟裡體驗的新年很有趣

Sound bite:
Marlena Villela-Talbott
Honduran Ambassador
It was an amazing experience to see how it's celebrated at midnight, and to have the opportunity to share the food and to share the joys of the occasion. Even though I don't speak Mandarin and people didn't speak English or Spanish, people were very warm, very welcome, and I had a lot of fun.
看大家半夜在那邊 然後我們一起吃東西 一起慶祝 真的是個特別的經驗
雖然我不會講國語 那邊的人也不會講英文或西班牙文
但是大家都很熱情的歡迎我們 真的玩得很快樂

Possibly at the end of her term in Taiwan, Talbott does seem to have collected enough memories and furniture for her to remember Taiwan and the Taiwanese well.
雖然大使即將要調離台灣了 但是她似乎已經收藏了足夠的台灣文物和傢具讓她有個好的回憶

[[NS Gonxifachai Xinnienkuaile]]

Michella Weng, Formosa TV, Taiwan.
民視新聞 蔡明和 翁郁容 台北報導

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