Saturday 9 June 2007

Biggest disaster yet

Just as I had feared, my Taiwanese presenting was a disaster; absolutely, definitely, unarguably, for sure the biggest disaster of my career yet. I tried my best, but there are times when "best" just isn't enough. I give my performance this morning a 30%. Gosh, I feel bad. I know it wasn't my fault, but being put out there and making a fool of myself on national television just isn't pleasant to say the least.

I just called my MD and apologized for the poor performance and told her how terrible I feel about the whole thing. She said she didn't see it, but that it was OK and we all have to start some place. Wait until she actually sees the tape. Oh boy.

Someone left a nasty but honest note on the FTV anchor forum. I replied to it, basically apologizing and promising to do better. Here's the link for people who read Chinese:


I have to say though, what I gained is a triple shot of reinforcement on my will to master Taiwanese, and a very big increase in my embarrassment threshold.

Being humbled is good. Very good indeed.

I would like to especially thank PD 坤冠 for being very patient with me and trying to keep me relaxed and for taking photos of this memorable morning, editor/producer 曉婷 for coming in early to pick stories and for stretching time by cutting over to the MLB match, and Taiwanese editor 天恩 for teaching me Taiwanese and coming into the studio with me.

Here are pictures from this morning, courtesy of PD 坤冠.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michella darling, don't be too hard on yourself. You did a great job. Yes, maybe your taiwanese isn't very fluent...but hey, you still took the challenge. I admire your courage and determination. Sorry that I went back to bed and missed your mandarin section. I bet that went great! I'm sooooo proud of you!