Friday, 22 January 2016

Info on episode 17: Pingxi by train 搭火車到平溪

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 17: Pingxi by Train 搭火車到平溪 ...
Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 17: Pingxi by Train2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第十六集: 搭火車到平溪Transcript 文字稿:Pingxi is perhaps best known for its Sky Lantern Festival, which takes place at night. I’m going to show you what you can do before the festival, during the day.平溪最有名的或許是天燈節,是在晚上舉辦的活動。今天我想要跟大家分享的是,白天來這邊可以玩什麼。I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to try new things, play with new toys, and visit old places in a new way. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡嘗試新東西,玩新玩具,用新的方式體驗旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。From Taipei, you can take the train to Ruifang, then hop on the Pingxi Line. The scenery along the way is quite nice - lots of mountains and trees, which are very soothing to look at. We’re going to get off at Shifen Station.從台北來這邊的話,可以搭火車到瑞芳,然後轉平溪線,沿途的風景綠意盎然,有很多山,很多樹,很療癒。我們要在十分站下車。The Sky Lantern Festival takes place in this area ever year in the first month of the lunar new year. In the old days, sky lanterns were used to signal various things to people far away, like “the coast is clear, come on over,” or maybe “it’s mahjong night, we need one more player here.” Maybe. For sure nowadays, it’s a way for people to get their prayers heard by the heavens. I suppose it’s kind of like sending a wish list to Santa.平溪天燈節每年農曆過年後舉辦,古時候天燈是一種信號,跟遠方的人們傳遞訊息的工具。什麼樣的訊息?譬如說「可以過來了,現在很安全」,或者「今晚麻將三缺一喔」。或許啦。不過現在民眾來平溪放天燈都是為了祈福,跟神明說他們需要什麼,有點像西方的小孩寫信給耶誕老公公那樣。We’re here, and I want to show you this place, an old coal mine.我們現在在這裏,今天想要帶大家到這裏,一座煤礦坑。This railroad was built during the Japanese occupation, when coal was discovered here. The trains would haul away the coal, which by the way wasn’t excavated by machines, but by men, women and children.這條鐵道是在日治時代舖設的,當時是因為在這裡發現了煤礦。火車將煤礦從這裏載走。當時這裏採礦不是用機械,而是採取人工採礦,礦工不只有男人,還有女人甚至小孩。Pingxi was the largest coal mining area in Taiwan. These carts used to transport both coal and workers. This is a weighing station. This is where coal gets weighed. And then the carts would be taken over to the next station, all the way around over there where they’re flipped over and the coal is dumped into a processing plant where they’re sorted and washed. Look, you can still see some coal down there.平溪曾經是台灣最大的煤礦區。這些礦車載礦,也載礦工。採出來的煤礦會載到這裏秤重,之後再到翻車台。煤礦就從這裏倒下去,之後還有篩選和清洗的過程。還看得到煤礦耶。This is an old mine shaft, and it goes straight in for about 1,000 meters. Out here it’s really wide and it feels a little bit chilly, but as you go in, it gets narrower, deeper and hotter. It gets so hot in there that some of the menu used to work only in their birthday suits.這是以前的坑道,直直進去大概有一公里的距離。站在外面,這裏感覺滿寬闊的,也涼涼的,不過越裡面,空間越小,越熱。很多男生直接光溜溜的在裡面工作。Coal seams in Taiwan are relatively narrow. Here they’re only about 40-90 cm wide, so workers would have to excavate on their backs, on their sides and sometimes on their stomachs. It was really tough work.台灣的煤脈只有40-90公分,比起國外幾百公分,真的很小。因為很小,礦工必須躺著或側著,或趴著採礦,真的很辛苦。Not only was the work tough, it was dangerous, too. Where there’s coal, you’ll probably find methane gas. One tiny spark can cause a fireball that will burn up all the oxygen in the shaft. The ones that don’t die from the fire might die instead of carbon monoxide poisoning.除了辛苦之外,這種工作也很危險。有煤的地方,大概都有沼氣,一個小火花就可以形成一個大火球,燃燒掉所有氧氣。沒有被炸死的人,最後也可能是一氧化碳中毒死亡。These are oxygen canisters and they have about 45 minutes worth of the lifesaving gas. Each worker is supposed to bring one into the mine shaft with them when they go to work, but a lot of them opt not to, and the reason is because rescue operations usually take much longer than 45 minutes. So the only days they have these canisters with them are the days when an inspection is supposed to take place.這是氧氣罐,裡面有大約45分鐘的氧氣可以使用,每個人進去礦坑之前都必須要帶一瓶氧氣罐,不過萬一發生意外,救援時間通常都不只45分鐘,氧氣根本撐不到那時候,所以很多礦工根本不帶,唯一帶的時候,可能是礦務局官員來檢查的時候。Because of the risks involved, they were paid quite well. But for a lot of the workers, as soon as they were paid, they’d spend the money, knowing that they might not make it out alive after the next work day. The dangerous profession was put to an end in the last century when coal became much cheaper to import.因為工作風險很高,礦工薪水都不錯,但是領到薪水後,很多礦工還是很快就把錢花光了,因為他們覺得,搞不好活不過明天。這個危險的行業在上個世紀末完全結束,因為進口的煤炭便宜多了。Enjoying what you have and living in the moment was quite important for a lot of the miners. This is a miner’s lunch. There’s cabbage, bok choy, carrots, corn, pickled vegetables, a braised egg, pork, sausage and tofu. This looks really good.對礦工來說,及時行樂蠻重要的。這是礦工便當,裡面有白菜,青江菜,紅蘿蔔,玉米,醬菜,滷蛋,豬肉,香腸,豆腐乾,看起來好好吃喔。Pingxi is also known for waterfalls. This one here is Shifen Waterfall. This is where the Keelung River, which runs through Taipei, begins. There are about ten trails here, and three or four, including this one, are really easy and picturesque.平溪有名的東西,還有瀑布。這個瀑布就是基隆河的源頭。基隆河從這邊開始,經過台北再出海。,包括這一條,這邊約有十條步道,當中有三四條好走又漂亮。Walking around the old coal mine really reminded me that you never know when life is going to end, be it your own, or that of someone you care about. So, we should try to enjoy it while we can. You should come.走完礦坑,我的感想是,生命也許非常短暫,我們沒人知道生命什麼時候會結束,不管是自己的還是自己在乎的人。我們應該及時行樂。大家要來喔!——————————Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:On the day of scouting, we had a really wonderful guide. His father worked in the mines and he did for a little bit too, mostly for research. His stories were fantastic. He said he used to wait by the entrance of the mines everyday after school for his father to come out, just like all the other kids did. But when they came out, all of them would be covered in charcoal dust and no one would be able to tell who’s who, but you knew who your father was because he’d come and give you 5NT to go buy a sausage, which was quite a luxury, and this happened every day. Mine workers made quite a bit of money and saving as much as they could wasn’t really a tradition, because of the risks involved in their job. Our guide said, “One day I was there outside the mine waiting for my dad just like any other day but the hours went by and my dad never came out. I went home crying to my mother saying there was an accident and dad didn’t make it.” Then he realized, hey there’s dad sitting on the couch watching TV! His dad said, “Sorry son, I didn’t have a 5NT coin for you today and felt a little bad about it so I came straight home.” The mines shut down around the turn of the 21st century, and our guide went in for research sometime after that. An old miner lead the way and he said it was really scary. “You go in on your stomach and as if that isn’t tough enough, as you are excavating the coal, rocks, dirt and pebbles are falling on you. So we’re on your backs, on our sides, on our stomachs and after a while, my legs started cramping so we decided to call it a day and start the crawl back out. But my legs were so cramped that I really couldn’t move anymore. The old miner took something out of his pocket and tome me to put in my mouth. It was round and looked like a candy under our headlamps. I immediately knew what it was - salt. Very quickly I recovered and we made it back out. Under the sun, I took a closer look at the salt and noticed that it’s yellow in color. I asked why is it yellow? He said, ‘That’s been in my pocket all these years and whenever I need it, I just take it out of my pocket, suck on it, and put it back and I feel better.’ I wish I hadn’t asked.”我們去勘景的時候,其中一位解說員實在好棒。他爸爸曾經是礦工,自己因為好奇和研究,也有一些採礦的經驗。他分享的故事,真的很讚。他說小時候都會和其他小朋友在礦坑口等爸爸下班,不過爸爸們出來時,沒有人分辨出誰是誰的爸爸,直到有一個人走過來拿5塊錢去讓你買香腸,那個就是你爸爸。那時候的五塊錢很多錢耶,每天一根香腸實在很奢華,礦工薪水不錯,但也不會特別想存很多錢,因為工作危險,盡量及時享樂。有一天解說員等他的爸爸,但爸爸一直沒出來,所有的小朋友都領到5塊錢,去買香腸了,但他爸爸...沒出來。於是他哭著跑回家跟媽媽說,「爸爸出事了,爸爸出事了!」沒想到爸爸坐在沙發上看電視。爸爸說「爸爸今天沒有準備五塊錢給你,覺得有一點不好意思就直接回家了」。後來煤礦結束營業,解說員因為想要實際體驗看看挖礦的感覺,於是請了一位老礦工帶他進去。他說要躺著,側著,趴著,已經夠辛苦了,邊挖,頭頂上還邊掉石頭下來,很恐怖。他說挖一挖,腳開始有點抽筋,決定出去了,但爬著爬著,抽筋變得更劇烈,沒辦法再趴了。老礦工拿了一顆圓圓像糖果的東西,叫他放嘴巴。一放進嘴巴就知道是什麼了:鹽巴。過一會兒,腳真的不抽筋了。到了外面,在足夠的光線下解說員看了一下那顆鹽,問老礦工怎麼黃黃的。「喔這個我都一直帶在身上,抽筋的時候放嘴巴含著,好了就拿出來塞回口袋,都這樣啊!」解說員覺得,他幹嘛這麼好奇去問這個問題。。。There is a checkin station at the mine, where every worker starts his/her day. The worker would get two tags with their names on them, a yellow one and a white one. After a quick physical and a check to see that you don’t have a lighter or matches on you that might cause an accident, you put the white tag on the board - this means you’ve gone into the mines. Then you go to pick up a set of tools and you leave the yellow tag at the tool station. After work, you get your yellow tag back after you return the tools and remove the white tag off the board so people don’t go looking after you thinking you’re still in the mines.每位礦工上工前要先check in,領兩張寫著自己名字的牌子,一張白的,一張黃的。檢查完身上沒有打火機,火柴等危險物品之後,就把白色牌子掛上去,代表你要進坑了。接著就去拿工具,黃色牌子掛在工具站,出來還工具時,黃色牌子領回來,然後也要去把白色牌子收起來,避免大家以為你在裡面罹難,開始搜救工作。I think the mine will take about an hour to walk through. Don’t expect too much, they seem to be in a transitional phase… After that, you can take the trail with the waterfalls. After the waterfalls, better when it starts to get dark, you can go light a sky lantern. There are lots of shops that have sky lanterns, from tiny ones that you can take home to the ones that can be lit and floated into the sky. A lot of the staff there speak a second or third language because the area has become such a huge tourist attraction. The tiny sky lantern souvenirs are really cute. The shop will even write Chinese calligraphy on it for you.礦業園區(這裏最近換老闆,改名字,我不記得新的叫什麼)大概一個小時就逛完,不要太期待,看來在轉型中。之後可以到十分瀑布去走走,然後天開始黑的時候去放天燈。十分老街那邊有很多天燈的店家,有一般天燈,有天燈紀念品,因為遊客很多,感覺大部分店家都至少會個兩三個語言。小天燈的店,還有毛筆字服務~We had a hot pot lunch at the restaurant housed in the old coal mine office. The owner’s last name is “Hu,” which apparently is a very, very common surname in that area.我們去的時候到一家曾經是礦坑辦公室的餐廳「樓仔厝」吃火鍋,還OK。老闆姓胡,聽說十分很多人都姓胡,一定很幸福。If you are a big train buff, you might enjoy the station and its very traditional mechanics. Signals are changed by cranking giant levers, and traffic is controlled by a very ancient looking device that I’ve yet to study…喜歡火車的人,十分車站可能會很有趣,信號都還是手動,交通管控有很多老雞絲,看來很有故事,但我還沒機會好好研究。Pingxi is quite interesting and close to downtown Taipei. It makes a really good day trip. You should come!平溪距離台北市區很近,是個一日遊的好地點。大家要來喔!We have one new piece of fun gear in this episode, Koziro Cinema Mount, a phone cage for shooting video or time lapses. It really helps stabilize footage! It’s really great!! It also comes with a macro lens, a cold shoe, wide angle lens and some filters with gradation. On the cage itself are two places where you can attach the cold shoe our a tripod base plate. In the very beginning I bought this cage so I can attach my shotgun mic to it when I’m shooting some home videos with my phone. This isn’t the first and it won’t be the last time personal gear gets mixed in with company gear. Ha! A lot of shots in this episode were taken with my iPhone 6S in the Cinema mount.這一集裡面又有一個新玩意兒,Koziro Cinema Mount手機框架,在拍攝影片和縮時都很好用。我當初買這個是為了用手機拍一些home video的時候能夠架一支指向性麥克風,沒想到又變成私器公用了,真的讓影片穩多了!!這一集很多畫面是拿著Cinema Mount,用iPhone 6S拍的。Cinema Mount 有付漸層濾鏡片,廣角鏡,微距鏡,冷靴,兩個可以接冷靴或腳架地盤的孔。不錯的小東西~——————————Links 連結:Taiwan Railways Administration 台鐵: mine museum/park 新平溪煤礦博物園區: restaurant 樓仔厝:——————————Accessories 配件:Shirt: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.comWatch: Martian摩絢錶 Timberland ispack 器材:Koziro Cinema Mount 楔石攝影怪兵器 KEYSTONE 手機拍攝框: 空拍機: 3DR Solo
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan 民視 台灣好好玩 on Friday, January 22, 2016

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 17: Pingxi by Train
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第十六集: 搭火車到平溪

Transcript 文字稿:

Pingxi is perhaps best known for its Sky Lantern Festival, which takes place at night. I’m going to show you what you can do before the festival, during the day.

I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to try new things, play with new toys, and visit old places in a new way. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

From Taipei, you can take the train to Ruifang, then hop on the Pingxi Line. The scenery along the way is quite nice - lots of mountains and trees, which are very soothing to look at. We’re going to get off at Shifen Station.

The Sky Lantern Festival takes place in this area ever year in the first month of the lunar new year. In the old days, sky lanterns were used to signal various things to people far away, like “the coast is clear, come on over,” or maybe “it’s mahjong night, we need one more player here.” Maybe. For sure nowadays, it’s a way for people to get their prayers heard by the heavens. I suppose it’s kind of like sending a wish list to Santa.

We’re here, and I want to show you this place, an old coal mine.

This railroad was built during the Japanese occupation, when coal was discovered here. The trains would haul away the coal, which by the way wasn’t excavated by machines, but by men, women and children.

Pingxi was the largest coal mining area in Taiwan. These carts used to transport both coal and workers. This is a weighing station. This is where coal gets weighed. And then the carts would be taken over to the next station, all the way around over there where they’re flipped over and the coal is dumped into a processing plant where they’re sorted and washed. Look, you can still see some coal down there.

This is an old mine shaft, and it goes straight in for about 1,000 meters. Out here it’s really wide and it feels a little bit chilly, but as you go in, it gets narrower, deeper and hotter. It gets so hot in there that some of the menu used to work only in their birthday suits.

Coal seams in Taiwan are relatively narrow. Here they’re only about 40-90 cm wide, so workers would have to excavate on their backs, on their sides and sometimes on their stomachs. It was really tough work.

Not only was the work tough, it was dangerous, too. Where there’s coal, you’ll probably find methane gas. One tiny spark can cause a fireball that will burn up all the oxygen in the shaft. The ones that don’t die from the fire might die instead of carbon monoxide poisoning.

These are oxygen canisters and they have about 45 minutes worth of the lifesaving gas. Each worker is supposed to bring one into the mine shaft with them when they go to work, but a lot of them opt not to, and the reason is because rescue operations usually take much longer than 45 minutes. So the only days they have these canisters with them are the days when an inspection is supposed to take place.

Because of the risks involved, they were paid quite well. But for a lot of the workers, as soon as they were paid, they’d spend the money, knowing that they might not make it out alive after the next work day. The dangerous profession was put to an end in the last century when coal became much cheaper to import.

Enjoying what you have and living in the moment was quite important for a lot of the miners. This is a miner’s lunch. There’s cabbage, bok choy, carrots, corn, pickled vegetables, a braised egg, pork, sausage and tofu. This looks really good.

Pingxi is also known for waterfalls. This one here is Shifen Waterfall. This is where the Keelung River, which runs through Taipei, begins. There are about ten trails here, and three or four, including this one, are really easy and picturesque.

Walking around the old coal mine really reminded me that you never know when life is going to end, be it your own, or that of someone you care about. So, we should try to enjoy it while we can. You should come.

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

On the day of scouting, we had a really wonderful guide. His father worked in the mines and he did for a little bit too, mostly for research. His stories were fantastic. He said he used to wait by the entrance of the mines everyday after school for his father to come out, just like all the other kids did. But when they came out, all of them would be covered in charcoal dust and no one would be able to tell who’s who, but you knew who your father was because he’d come and give you 5NT to go buy a sausage, which was quite a luxury, and this happened every day. Mine workers made quite a bit of money and saving as much as they could wasn’t really a tradition, because of the risks involved in their job. Our guide said, “One day I was there outside the mine waiting for my dad just like any other day but the hours went by and my dad never came out. I went home crying to my mother saying there was an accident and dad didn’t make it.” Then he realized, hey there’s dad sitting on the couch watching TV! His dad said, “Sorry son, I didn’t have a 5NT coin for you today and felt a little bad about it so I came straight home.” The mines shut down around the turn of the 21st century, and our guide went in for research sometime after that. An old miner lead the way and he said it was really scary. “You go in on your stomach and as if that isn’t tough enough, as you are excavating the coal, rocks, dirt and pebbles are falling on you. So we’re on your backs, on our sides, on our stomachs and after a while, my legs started cramping so we decided to call it a day and start the crawl back out. But my legs were so cramped that I really couldn’t move anymore. The old miner took something out of his pocket and tome me to put in my mouth. It was round and looked like a candy under our headlamps. I immediately knew what it was - salt. Very quickly I recovered and we made it back out. Under the sun, I took a closer look at the salt and noticed that it’s yellow in color. I asked why is it yellow? He said, ‘That’s been in my pocket all these years and whenever I need it, I just take it out of my pocket, suck on it, and put it back and I feel better.’ I wish I hadn’t asked.”

There is a checkin station at the mine, where every worker starts his/her day. The worker would get two tags with their names on them, a yellow one and a white one. After a quick physical and a check to see that you don’t have a lighter or matches on you that might cause an accident, you put the white tag on the board - this means you’ve gone into the mines. Then you go to pick up a set of tools and you leave the yellow tag at the tool station. After work, you get your yellow tag back after you return the tools and remove the white tag off the board so people don’t go looking after you thinking you’re still in the mines.
每位礦工上工前要先check in,領兩張寫著自己名字的牌子,一張白的,一張黃的。檢查完身上沒有打火機,火柴等危險物品之後,就把白色牌子掛上去,代表你要進坑了。接著就去拿工具,黃色牌子掛在工具站,出來還工具時,黃色牌子領回來,然後也要去把白色牌子收起來,避免大家以為你在裡面罹難,開始搜救工作。

I think the mine will take about an hour to walk through. Don’t expect too much, they seem to be in a transitional phase… After that, you can take the trail with the waterfalls. After the waterfalls, better when it starts to get dark, you can go light a sky lantern. There are lots of shops that have sky lanterns, from tiny ones that you can take home to the ones that can be lit and floated into the sky. A lot of the staff there speak a second or third language because the area has become such a huge tourist attraction. The tiny sky lantern souvenirs are really cute. The shop will even write Chinese calligraphy on it for you.

We had a  hot pot lunch at the restaurant housed in the old coal mine office. The owner’s last name is “Hu,” which apparently is a very, very common surname in that area.

If you are a big train buff, you might enjoy the station and its very traditional mechanics. Signals are changed by cranking giant levers, and traffic is controlled by a very ancient looking device that I’ve yet to study…

Pingxi is quite interesting and close to downtown Taipei. It makes a really good day trip. You should come!

We have one new piece of fun gear in this episode, Koziro Cinema Mount, a phone cage for shooting video or time lapses. It really helps stabilize footage! It’s really great!! It also comes with a macro lens, a cold shoe, wide angle lens and some filters with gradation. On the cage itself are two places where you can attach the cold shoe our a tripod base plate. In the very beginning I bought this cage so I can attach my shotgun mic to it when I’m shooting some home videos with my phone. This isn’t the first and it won’t be the last time personal gear gets mixed in with company gear. Ha! A lot of shots in this episode were taken with my iPhone 6S in the Cinema mount.
這一集裡面又有一個新玩意兒,Koziro Cinema Mount手機框架,在拍攝影片和縮時都很好用。我當初買這個是為了用手機拍一些home video的時候能夠架一支指向性麥克風,沒想到又變成私器公用了,真的讓影片穩多了!!這一集很多畫面是拿著Cinema Mount,用iPhone 6S拍的。Cinema Mount 有付漸層濾鏡片,廣角鏡,微距鏡,冷靴,兩個可以接冷靴或腳架地盤的孔。不錯的小東西~


Links 連結:

Taiwan Railways Administration 台鐵:

Coal mine museum/park 新平溪煤礦博物園區:

Louachu restaurant 樓仔厝:


Accessories 配件:
Shirt: kotipesä
Shoes: Timberland
Backpack: ispack

Gear 器材:

Koziro Cinema Mount 手機拍攝:
UAV 空拍機: 3DR Solo 

Info on episode 16: Alishan by Taiwan Tour Bus 搭觀巴到阿里山

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 16: Alishan by Taiwan Tour ...
Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 16: Alishan by Taiwan Tour Bus2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第十六集: 搭觀巴到阿里山Transcript 文字稿:Today I’m taking you to one of the most picturesque places in Taiwan, Alishan! Hopefully we’ll be able to catch the famous sunrise over the mountains and clouds.今天我們要到台灣景色最漂亮的地方之一,阿里山!希望我們能夠看到阿里山超有名的日出。'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to try new things, play with new toys, and visit old places in a new way. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡嘗試新東西,玩新玩具,用新的方式體驗旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。We got up at four this morning. It’s about six right now. We’re on the train to see the sunrise. There are a couple of different itineraries for Alishan on the Taiwan Tour Bus service. The B tour starts in Alishan with the sunrise and will a few stops along the way down the mountain.我們凌晨四點起床,現在大概六點。我們要去搭看日出的小火車。台灣觀巴有兩個阿里山行程,其中一個行程從看阿里山日出開始,然後一路玩下山。Getting up at four in the morning to see a sunrise that may or may not turn out be beautiful is quite a gamble. So was it worth it today? Yeah, I think it was. I just wish my family were here to see it with me.看日出要清晨四點起床,但不一定保證看得到,今天這麼早起值得嗎?嗯,我覺得很值得。可惜我的家人沒辦法一起來~Alishan’s a great place if you like nature. There are lots of hiking trails and beautiful natural scenery. This is Sister Pond. Legend has it, a pair of sisters fell in love with the same man, but they couldn’t bear to hurt each other, so they decided to end their lives together by jumping into this pond. Very tragic. But nobody ever talks about the man. I want to know what happened to the guy!喜歡大自然的人就會喜歡阿里山。這裏有很多登山步道和自然景觀。這是姊妹潭,據說有一對姊妹愛上同一個男人,不過他們不想傷害彼此,因此決定一起跳湖自殺。有點淒慘。不過我比較想知道那個男的怎麼了,他最後怎麼樣。Next on the itinerary is Fenqihu, an old station where trains needed to stop and refuel. Passengers would take this time to buy lunch.下一站是奮起湖,以前是個火車補充煤炭的中繼站,旅客都會在這趁空檔吃個午餐。Piping hot is the way most Taiwanese people like their food.大部分台灣人都喜歡吃燒燙燙的東西。The thing about these lunch boxes is, they’re made in advance and are kept warm, so the ingredients inside needs to be the kind that can be heated or reheated and still taste good. Braised meats and tofus and pickled vegetables usually work really well in this situation. Most lunch boxes in Taiwan will have this kind of food. Personally I think it’s quite delicious.這些便當都是事先做好然後保溫著,所以食材必須要可以不斷的被加熱然後味道不變,滷過的肉,豆腐,醬菜都很適合。台灣很多便當都長這樣。我覺得很好吃。Alishan is also interesting culturally. On the A tour, they’ll take you here.阿里山的文化也蠻有趣的。另一個行程會到這個地方。This is Yuyupas, a very nice for people to learn the culture of Tsou people. They’re indigenous people living on this island.這是一個鄒族文化村,來這裡可以認識鄒族文化。鄒族是台灣原住民的一支。In addition to the tablet that gives you information in English and three other languages, you can also get an English guide on the Alishan tours as well. The guide that we had was really nice.車上的平板電腦有提供英語等四個語言的介紹,阿里山路線的台灣觀巴也有提供英語解說員的服務。帶我們的這位真的很棒。Alishan means “ali mountain.” What is Ali? It’s the name a person, actually. Once upon a time there was a man named Ali from the Tsou tribe. He was a great hunter that everyone respected. He led teams of hunters and they always brought back lots of meat to feed the rest of the village. But one day when he was hunting here, a storm hit. The others that went out with him returned to camp but he didn’t. A few days later, he was found dead in a tree. This group of 18 mountains was named Alishan in his honor.阿里山的名稱由來是什麼呢?阿里其實是一個人的名字。很久以前有一個叫做阿里的鄒族人。他很會打獵,所有的族人都很尊敬他。每次他帶人出去打獵,都會帶著很多獵物回來讓整村的人都有東西吃。不過有一次出去打獵,他們碰到一場暴風雨,除了阿里,所有人都安全回到部落,過幾天之後阿里被發現吊掛在一棵樹上,已經沒有生命跡象。大家決定把這18座山命名「阿里山」,紀念阿里。This is a scaled down version of a traditional Tsou home. The original ones are much much bigger and sleep about 50 people.這是鄒族傳統家屋的縮小版,原本的非常大,可以住50個人。I just walked through the men’s entrance. Next to the men’s entrance are weapons and tools for hunting. Women are not supposed to go near them or touch them so they have their own entrance, which is on the other side of the house.我剛才從男生走的門進來,門口放著武器還有打獵的工具,這些東西,女生都不准碰,也不能接近,所以女生有自己的門,在房子的另外一頭。Over here… This is the trophy rack. Look at these skeletons, skulls of wild boars. This is where grandpa would once stand and tell the kids. You know your grandpa caught this boar with his eyes blindfolded and hands tied behind his back. And the kids would say “yeah, ok Grandpa.”這裏呢...是戰利品的展示櫃,你看這些骨頭,山豬的骷顱頭。阿公可能會站在這裏對小朋友說,以前你阿公是矇著眼睛,雙手綁在背後獵下這頭山豬的喔,然後小朋友可能敷衍一下阿公,就自己去玩了。Anyway, this is the kitchen area. There are two fire pits. This one here is used for drying damp millet seeds and over here, this one is for actual cooking.這裏呢,是廚房區,有兩個火爐。這一個是將小米乾燥用的,這一個是煮飯用的。This are is where the men would work on leather. They would put the skin of the animal through this and pull it back and forth to soften it, to make it pliable and able to be worn.這一區是做揉皮的工作。男生們會將一整張皮穿過這裏,不斷的拉來拉去,將皮揉軟,這樣才能穿。Here, this is the bed area. People would sleep here.這是臥室,睡覺的地方。And interestingly, next to the bed area is the grave where family members would be buried.有趣的是,旁邊呢是墓穴,家人都是葬在這裏的。Dead Tsou’s are buried in the house, in a squatting position. They squat a lot, around the fire and whenever they need to take a break from standing. It’s a natural position for them. The reason bodies are buried in the house is because people want to keep their loved ones close. It supposedly gives them a chance to crawl out of the grave if they’re not completely dead.鄒族都將家人葬在家裡面,下葬的姿勢是蹲著的。鄒族人圍著火爐,休息的時候都是蹲著的,所以這對他們來說是一個很自然的姿勢。據說如果家人還沒死,這樣下葬,還有機會自己從墓穴裡面爬出來。The scenery in Alishan without a doubt is beautiful, from sunrise to sunset. If you get a chance, I highly recommend taking the A tour as well and visit the Tsou tribe culture village. It’s truly unique and perhaps something you probably can’t find anywhere else in the world. You should come!阿里山的風景,從日出到日落都非常漂亮。有機會的話,我建議大家也參加另一行程,參訪鄒族文化村,因為真的很特別,全世界可能只有這裏看得到鄒族文化。大家要來喔!——————————Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:The sunrise is quite amazing, and perhaps it’s because the air is so clean up there, you really need sunglasses when you watch the sunrise or you might hurt your eyes. After watching the sunrise, we walked through the forest a little bit. There are lots and lots of trails in Alishan, some really famous and packed with noisy tourists from the mainland and some not so well known and a little more peaceful. We went the tourist route, and though it was annoying sometimes, we did get some peace once in a while.這裏的日出真的蠻美的,大家要記得帶太陽眼鏡,因為在阿里山看日出,超亮的!看完日出,我們走了一條森林步道。阿里山有很多森林步道,有一些很有名的,嗓門大的出名的陸客常在這裡出沒,不過偶爾還是能享受到鳥叫的聲音。One thing I can’t stop thinking about is how cool Yuyupas was. The house was really cool and because you can walk through it, it has a really lasting impression. I’ll probably remember for a long, long time that Tsou people are buried in the home in a squatting position. There are lots of other things there that I didn’t get to talk about in the show, and they’re really worth going to learn about. For example, there is this chart of Chinese names and Tsou names, and every young girl and boy have to go and memorize the chart because if they don’t, they might end up falling in love with someone they shouldn’t. A long time ago indigenous people all over Taiwan were forced by the government to adopt Chinese names, because everyone needed to be accounted for and it was easier to give them Chinese names than to translate their indigenous names into Chinese characters. Each clan in the Tsou tribe was given about eight Chinese surnames. To prevent incestuous tragedy, everyone had to be taught to know all the last names of their family, because if John Smith and Mary Johnson fell in love with each other and it turns out that they have the same grandparents, that would be horrible. In the museum, you’ll also learn that the colors of their traditional clothing come from the colors of the Formosan Magpie, who in Tsou legend, saved them from extinction by bringing fire to them after the entire world had flooded and all fires had been extinguished. One thing you might not want to miss is the show they have there. The show during the day and the show at night are different. The one at night is supposed to be really something, with performers running into the village from the other side of the tea farm, torch in hand.這次到阿里山,我印象最深刻的是優遊吧斯,一間員工幾乎都是鄒族原住民的鄒族文化村。傳統家屋的展示好有趣,我覺得我應該永遠不會忘記鄒族人把死去的家人蹲葬在家裡這個傳統。這裏還有更多值得大家去的原因,在節目裡沒辦法全部講出來。其中我覺得蠻有趣的包括一張所有鄒族人都必須要背的一張表。很久以前政府要普查,可是原住民的名字太難處理了,所以決定幫他們取中國名字,每一個家族都分配好幾個姓氏。需要背好才不會愛上不該愛的人,最後發現原來是同個阿公阿嬤,就會發生悲劇。。。另外,文化館裡面也有解說鄒族傳統服裝的顏色,來自藍鵲的顏色,因為傳說中,有一次地球被大洪水淹沒,所有的火都被熄滅了,是一隻藍鵲帶著火把給鄒族人,讓他們能夠繼續生活生存。之類這些我覺得還蠻有趣的故事。喔,建議大家看他們的表演,白天和晚上的不一樣喔,晚上的,他們會從茶園梯田的另一頭,帶著火把跑進來,聽說很壯觀,很好看。The food looked quite interesting, but I didn’t have any. I unfortunately caught a stomach flu when I was in Alishan.優遊吧斯的料理看起來還蠻有趣的,不過我沒吃,因為上了阿里山之後我發生了腸胃炎。The Taiwan Tour Bus we shot was quite new, had all the prerequisite tablet, wifi and amazing guide who spoke English. The travel agency Golden Founders that runs this tour is fantastic and they give me the feeling that they’re trying to be better and better. I hope to work with them again!我們這次拍的台灣觀巴很讚,該有的都有,包括平板,wifi,車子很新,然後還有英語解說員。負責經營這條路線的旅行社「金建旅行社」給我的感覺是,很用心,想不斷的突破,不斷的創新。希望以後還有機會跟他們合作!We stayed at Ying Shan Hotel, where I walked in with loads of gear and luggage and didn’t get any of the usual Taiwanese hospitality that we’re so famous for here. Maybe with all the stuff I looked like the bellboy and they thought I was one of them. They have indoor heaters at Ying Shan, but they don’t turn on unless the temperature falls below 10C. I’m not used to weather that cold so I was a bit miserable. My Captain America sleeping bag suit helped keep me warm when I had it on, but I really didn’t enjoy the experience of being cold all the time, the stained carpets, yellowed and cracked paint/silicone in the bathroom, and grey and slimy towels. Some people say you get what you pay for. We paid the company budget. And I’m hard to please. Sigh.這次我們住在櫻山大飯店。走進去的時候大包小包的,可能看起來太像他們的工作人員在幫客人搬行李,所以只看著,沒有人來幫忙,我覺得好像出了台灣,沒有什麼台灣人情味。這裏有暖氣,不過低於10度C才會開啟。我很不習慣阿里山上的氣候,所以我那幾天在飯店裡都覺得很冷,很難受。還好我帶了美國超人睡袋人,不然我應該半夜就逃下山了。冷,加上地毯的污漬,廁所幹掉裂掉的矽立康和油漆,灰灰滑滑的毛巾,我真的很想回家。有些人說你付出多少就應該得到多少,我想我們公司的預算加上我超難搞的個性,讓我認真的思考,下次要換另外一家試試看。On a happier note, I brought along a few fun new things on this trip. The Selkbag Captain America sleeping bag suit was fun and warm. The booty that you can detach by unzipping was a very nice feature. The selkbag should be great for camping, because you can sleep in it and walk in it, or even sleepwalk in it. I wear it at home during couch potato time, and it’s really great because if I need to get up and get something, like more tea, I can do it without having to suffer the cold air. The build quality and materials feel so so. If they had a version with down, I might have nothing to complain about, except the price.轉換一下心情,跟大家分享這次帶出門的新玩意兒。美國超人睡袋人好玩又溫暖,腳部有個拉鍊可以拆開,讓你穿自己的鞋子。我覺得睡袋人很適合露營,因為可以睡在裡面,也可以穿著走動,夢遊也很方便。我在家當沙發馬鈴薯的時候也會穿,這樣要起來那東西,像是倒茶的時候不會感覺冷吱吱。品質還好,如果有個羽絨的版本,我應該就沒什麼好抱怨了吧,出了價格以外,哈。I had on a pair of short snow boots from Nordic Grip, and they were quite toasty and comfortable. I wore the boots on our camping show and I really think they’re great for camping. When you’re camping, you’re constantly walking in and out of your own tent and your friends’ tents and here in Taiwan, we take our shoes off when we go inside a home. These are so easy to take off and put on! And they’re warm! One small complaint I have is that my feet are really small (about size 5 in the US) and the smallest they come in is at least a 6 or 6.5 so I had to put in a pair of Super Feet inserts, and that seemed to do the trick.這次穿了Nordic Grip的短雪靴上去,溫暖又舒適。其實我也穿去「露營好好玩」,然後我發現,這好適合露營喔!原因是露營的時候常常進進出出,一下自己的家,一下朋友的家,走進走出都要拖鞋穿鞋,這款鞋的好處是,好拖也好穿,而且好溫暖!唯一小抱怨是,我的腳很小,大概美國size5吧,但這雪靴最小至少也是個6或6.5,最後我塞了Super Feet鞋墊,沒想到結果剛剛好。The backpack I have is from ispack, and aside from some defects of the particular one I had, I really loved it and was able to trade it in without a fuss for a second generation pack. What’s so great about the ispack is that there is a very lightweight folding chair attached to it. When we were on the train to see the sunrise, I gave up my seat to an elderly person. I pulled open the chair on the backpack and I had a seat again. Super convenient for when I’m taking the subway in Taipei too. You can even separate the seat and the pack, for times like when you’re camping and you’re just taking a short hike and want to leave the seat back at the camp.背包呢是ispack的折疊椅背包。這幾集背的這一包,剛好一些瑕疵,拿回廠商的時候他們二話不說換了一個給我,這次是第二代的折疊椅包,更棒,防水!二代包改天再講。ispack的好處是上面有一把很輕盈的折疊椅字,我們搭阿里山小火車去看日出的時候,我把我的位子讓給老人家,然後包包的椅子攤開,我就有地方可以坐了。好幾次在台北搭捷運的時候也是沒位子,坐自己的椅子,超方便。包包和椅子可以分離,譬如說露營的時候可能我們只是要去小小散步,椅子留著,包包帶著,很輕巧。All three of these things are quite cool and useful.三個東西都很不錯,好物推薦給大家!——————————Links 連結:Taiwan Tour Bus, Sanyi Wood Sculpture and Dajia Mazu 台灣觀巴三義木雕大甲媽祖行程: 優遊吧斯: http://www.yuyupas.comYing Shan Hotel 櫻山大飯店:——————————Accessories 配件:Shirt: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.comWatch: Martian摩絢錶 Nordic Grip ispack America sleeping bag suit: 器材:UAV: 3DR Solo http://www.3drobotics.com癮科技 金建旅行社
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan 民視 台灣好好玩 on Thursday, January 21, 2016

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 16: Alishan by Taiwan Tour Bus
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第十六集: 搭觀巴到阿里山

Transcript 文字稿:

Today I’m taking you to one of the most picturesque places in Taiwan, Alishan! Hopefully we’ll be able to catch the famous sunrise over the mountains and clouds.

'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to try new things, play with new toys, and visit old places in a new way. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

We got up at four this morning. It’s about six right now. We’re on the train to see the sunrise. There are a couple of different itineraries for Alishan on the Taiwan Tour Bus service. The B tour starts in Alishan with the sunrise and will a few stops along the way down the mountain.

Getting up at four in the morning to see a sunrise that may or may not turn out be beautiful is quite a gamble. So was it worth it today? Yeah, I think it was. I just wish my family were here to see it with me.

Alishan’s a great place if you like nature. There are lots of hiking trails and beautiful natural scenery. This is Sister Pond. Legend has it, a pair of sisters fell in love with the same man, but they couldn’t bear to hurt each other, so they decided to end their lives together by jumping into this pond. Very tragic. But nobody ever talks about the man. I want to know what happened to the guy!

Next on the itinerary is Fenqihu, an old station where trains needed to stop and refuel. Passengers would take this time to buy lunch.

Piping hot is the way most Taiwanese people like their food.

The thing about these lunch boxes is, they’re made in advance and are kept warm, so the ingredients inside needs to be the kind that can be heated or reheated and still taste good. Braised meats and tofus and pickled vegetables usually work really well in this situation. Most lunch boxes in Taiwan will have this kind of food. Personally I think it’s quite delicious.

Alishan is also interesting culturally. On the A tour, they’ll take you here.

This is Yuyupas, a very nice for people to learn the culture of Tsou people. They’re indigenous people living on this island.

In addition to the tablet that gives you information in English and three other languages, you can also get an English guide on the Alishan tours as well. The guide that we had was really nice.

Alishan means “ali mountain.” What is Ali? It’s the name a person, actually. Once upon a time there was a man named Ali from the Tsou tribe. He was a great hunter that everyone respected. He led teams of hunters and they always brought back lots of meat to feed the rest of the village. But one day when he was hunting here, a storm hit. The others that went out with him returned to camp but he didn’t. A few days later, he was found dead in a tree. This group of 18 mountains was named Alishan in his honor.

This is a scaled down version of a traditional Tsou home. The original ones are much much bigger and sleep about 50 people.

I just walked through the men’s entrance. Next to the men’s entrance are weapons and tools for hunting. Women are not supposed to go near them or touch them so they have their own entrance, which is on the other side of the house.

Over here… This is the trophy rack. Look at these skeletons, skulls of wild boars. This is where grandpa would once stand and tell the kids. You know your grandpa caught this boar with his eyes blindfolded and hands tied behind his back. And the kids would say “yeah, ok Grandpa.”

Anyway, this is the kitchen area. There are two fire pits. This one here is used for drying damp millet seeds and over here, this one is for actual cooking.

This are is where the men would work on leather. They would put the skin of the animal through this and pull it back and forth to soften it, to make it pliable and able to be worn.

Here, this is the bed area. People would sleep here.

And interestingly, next to the bed area is the grave where family members would be buried.

Dead Tsou’s are buried in the house, in a squatting position. They squat a lot, around the fire and whenever they need to take a break from standing. It’s a natural position for them. The reason bodies are buried in the house is because people want to keep their loved ones close. It supposedly gives them a chance to crawl out of the grave if they’re not completely dead.

The scenery in Alishan without a doubt is beautiful, from sunrise to sunset. If you get a chance, I highly recommend taking the A tour as well and visit the Tsou tribe culture village. It’s truly unique and perhaps something you probably can’t find anywhere else in the world. You should come!

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

The sunrise is quite amazing, and perhaps it’s because the air is so clean up there, you really need sunglasses when you watch the sunrise or you might hurt your eyes. After watching the sunrise, we walked through the forest a little bit. There are lots and lots of trails in Alishan, some really famous and packed with noisy tourists from the mainland and some not so well known and a little more peaceful. We went the tourist route, and though it was annoying sometimes, we did get some peace once in a while.

One thing I can’t stop thinking about is how cool Yuyupas was. The house was really cool and because you can walk through it, it has a really lasting impression. I’ll probably remember for a long, long time that Tsou people are buried in the home in a squatting position. There are lots of other things there that I didn’t get to talk about in the show, and they’re really worth going to learn about. For example, there is this chart of Chinese names and Tsou names, and every young girl and boy have to go and memorize the chart because if they don’t, they might end up falling in love with someone they shouldn’t. A long time ago indigenous people all over Taiwan were forced by the government to adopt Chinese names, because everyone needed to be accounted for and it was easier to give them Chinese names than to translate their indigenous names into Chinese characters. Each clan in the Tsou tribe was given about eight Chinese surnames. To prevent incestuous tragedy, everyone had to be taught to know all the last names of their family, because if John Smith and Mary Johnson fell in love with each other and it turns out that they have the same grandparents, that would be horrible. In the museum, you’ll also learn that the colors of their traditional clothing come from the colors of the Formosan Magpie, who in Tsou legend, saved them from extinction by bringing fire to them after the entire world had flooded and all fires had been extinguished. One thing you might not want to miss is the show they have there. The show during the day and the show at night are different. The one at night is supposed to be really something, with performers running into the village from the other side of the tea farm, torch in hand.

A big phallic wooden sculpture like this appears in each Tsou village. It wards off bad happenings. Our guide said that he remembers when he was little, the elders in his village would point the sculpture in the direction of a tribe that was having trouble with one thing or another. It sounds like a magic wand for peace and positive energy. There’s a story behind it, and it involves a floor sweeping goddess. The Tsous used to believe that earthquakes are caused by the Floor Sweeping Goddess sweeping the floor. Every time she sweeps the floor, a temblor would rumble through the land, causing disaster and unrest. Once time a succession of earthquakes occurred and a group of men were very distraught and stressed out at the situation. They took out their frustration by hacking away at a tree and incidentally the “sculpture” ended up looking like an erect penis. Some time later, the Floor Sweeping Goddess happened to see it from far away. She thought, “oh dear, there’s a male god over there, I mustn’t disturb him.” So she went away and never swept near that sculpture again, and the village was spared from further earthquakes. When other villages heard about the newfound cure for earthquakes, each village made one of their own. I’ve heard of phallic sculptures symbolizing the creation of more life and descendants, but to avoid earthquakes - that’s a first. Very cool!


The food looked quite interesting, but I didn’t have any. I unfortunately caught a stomach flu when I was in Alishan.

The Taiwan Tour Bus we shot was quite new, had all the prerequisite tablet, wifi and amazing guide who spoke English. The travel agency Golden Founders that runs this tour is fantastic and they give me the feeling that they’re trying to be better and better. I hope to work with them again!

We stayed at Ying Shan Hotel, where I walked in with loads of gear and luggage and didn’t get any of the usual Taiwanese hospitality that we’re so famous for here. Maybe with all the stuff I looked like the bellboy and they thought I was one of them. They have indoor heaters at Ying Shan, but they don’t turn on unless the temperature falls below 10C. I’m not used to weather that cold so I was a bit miserable. My Captain America sleeping bag suit helped keep me warm when I had it on, but I really didn’t enjoy the experience of being cold all the time, the stained carpets, yellowed and cracked paint/silicone in the bathroom, and grey and slimy towels. Some people say you get what you pay for. We paid the company budget. And I’m hard to please. Sigh.

On a happier note, I brought along a few fun new things on this trip. The Selkbag Captain America sleeping bag suit was fun and warm. The booty that you can detach by unzipping was a very nice feature. The selkbag should be great for camping, because you can sleep in it and walk in it, or even sleepwalk in it. I wear it at home during couch potato time, and it’s really great because if I need to get up and get something, like more tea, I can do it without having to suffer the cold air. The build quality and materials feel so so. If they had a version with down, I might have nothing to complain about, except the price.

I had on a pair of short snow boots from Nordic Grip, and they were quite toasty and comfortable. I wore the boots on our camping show and I really think they’re great for camping. When you’re camping, you’re constantly walking in and out of your own tent and your friends’ tents and here in Taiwan, we take our shoes off when we go inside a home. These are so easy to take off and put on! And they’re warm! One small complaint I have is that my feet are really small (about size 5 in the US) and the smallest they come in is at least a 6 or 6.5 so I had to put in a pair of Super Feet inserts, and that seemed to do the trick.
這次穿了Nordic Grip的短雪靴上去,溫暖又舒適。其實我也穿去「露營好好玩」,然後我發現,這好適合露營喔!原因是露營的時候常常進進出出,一下自己的家,一下朋友的家,走進走出都要拖鞋穿鞋,這款鞋的好處是,好拖也好穿,而且好溫暖!唯一小抱怨是,我的腳很小,大概美國size5吧,但這雪靴最小至少也是個6或6.5,最後我塞了Super Feet鞋墊,沒想到結果剛剛好。

The backpack I have is from ispack, and aside from some defects of the particular one I had, I really loved it and was able to trade it in without a fuss for a second generation pack. What’s so great about the ispack is that there is a very lightweight folding chair attached to it. When we were on the train to see the sunrise, I gave up my seat to an elderly person. I pulled open the chair on the backpack and I had a seat again. Super convenient for when I’m taking the subway in Taipei too. You can even separate the seat and the pack, for times like when you’re camping and you’re just taking a short hike and want to leave the seat back at the camp.

All three of these things are quite cool and useful. Two thumbs up!


Links 連結:

Taiwan Tour Bus, Sanyi Wood Sculpture and Dajia Mazu 台灣觀巴三義木雕大甲媽祖行程:

Yuyupas 優遊吧斯:

Ying Shan Hotel 櫻山大飯店:


Accessories 配件:
Shirt: kotipesä
Shoes: Nordic Grip
Backpack: ispack
Captain America sleeping bag suit:

Gear 器材: