Wednesday 20 January 2016

Info on episode 15: Dajia by Taiwan Tour Bus 搭觀巴到大甲

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 15: Dajia by Taiwan Tour Bu...
Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 15: Dajia by Taiwan Tour Bus2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第十五集: 搭觀巴到大甲Transcript 文字稿:Every year around the third month of the lunar calendar, the Mazu Festival of Dajia, Taichung takes place. It’s said that more than a million people take part in the nine day pilgrimage. Today we’re going to Dajia’s Jenn Lann Temple.每年大約農曆三月的時候,台中市大甲區都會舉辦媽祖遶境的活動,據說九天的出巡,超過100萬人共襄盛舉。今天我們要到大甲鎮瀾宮。I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to try new things, play with new toys, and visit old places in a new way. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡嘗試新東西,玩新玩具,用新的方式體驗旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。We’re on the Taiwan Tour Bus’s Sanyi Wood Sculpture & Da Jia Mazu day tour. Taiwan Tour Buses can pick you up and drop you off at your hotel or major train stations, and are equipped with free wifi, a tablet that has audio and photo explanations of each of the stops in English, Japanese, Korean and Mandarin Chinese. Sometimes you can even request for an English speaking guide.我們參加的是台灣觀巴三義木雕大甲媽祖行程,台灣觀巴可以到飯店或主要火車站接送客人,車上有無線網路,還有一台平板。平板裡有行程中各站的語音和照片介紹,語言包括英文,日文,韓文,還有中文。有時候還可以申請英語的導覽員。We are arriving Mazu Temple.我們來到媽祖廟。Mazu Temple.媽祖廟。Yeah. This is the center (of worship) of local residents. The older generation come here to seek fortune and also health.對。當地居民的信仰中心。老一輩的人都是來這裏祈福,祈求身體健康平安。Mazu, a Taoist goddess, is said to protect seafarers. Her worshippers were mostly people who lived in the coastal regions of China.媽祖是道教裡面的神明,是航海人的守護神,信徒之前以中國沿海地區為主。In 1730, a man from Fujian, China named Lin Yongxing decided to move to Taiwan. He brought a sculpture of Mazu on the boat with him, in hopes that she will keep him from ending up in the bottom of the Taiwan Strait. Eventually he made it across, escaping the fate of becoming fish food.1730年來自中國福建地區的林永興決定到台灣開墾,旅途上他帶了媽祖神像,希望媽祖會讓幫助他順利抵達台灣,而不是沉到海底餵魚。So Lin safely landed in Taiwan and for a period of time, him and his neighbors worshipped Mazu in Lin’s house. In 1770, they built a temple for her. Renovated several times over, this is the latest Mazu temple, the center of worship in Dajia.到了台灣之後,林永興和鄰居們一開始都在林永興家裡祭拜媽祖,後來在1770年為媽祖蓋了一間廟,翻修再翻修,就是我們現在看到的鎮瀾宮,大甲民眾的信仰中心。When people pray to Mazu and their prayers are answered, a lot of them come back and repay Mazu in bits of gold. In 2005, all the gold collected up until then was melted and made into this.願望實現之後,大部分的人都會回來打金牌還願。2005年,廟方將當時所有金牌溶在一起,打造成這個。This Mazu sculpture is solid gold. It weighs 276kg. Currently (the gold) valued at about US$9.5 million. But to worshippers, who account for more than half the people in Taiwan, it’s priceless.這座純金的媽祖神像總共276公斤。以目前的金價來計算,價值大約950萬美金,不過對信眾來說,無價。Every year around Mazu’s birthday, which is in the third month of the lunar calendar, a festival is held in her honor and worshippers take her on a nine day, 300km pilgrimage to Yunlin. Some say this is one of the largest religious festivals in the world, as more than one million people take part in it.每年農曆三月左右,媽祖的生日,廟方會舉行為期九天,300公里遠的媽祖遶境活動,這是世界上最盛大的宗教活動之一,每年超過100萬人參與。Some people walk alongside the procession, some crawl under Mazu’s sedan chair as it passes through. In the old days, it was a way to repay Mazu for an answered prayer - covering the ground with their body so the dust doesn’t get on the sedan chair or the Mazu sculpture. These days people do it as a form of prayer.有些人隨著媽祖神轎行走,有些人會「鑽轎腳」。早期鑽轎腳是為了還願,信徒把自己的身體蓋在泥巴上,避免神轎和神像被泥巴揚塵弄髒。現在民眾鑽轎腳是為了祈福。In the very beginning, the pilgrimage would go back to Fujian, where Mazu came from, every twelve years, but during the Japanese occupation, people couldn’t travel as they wished. So during the occupation, the destination of the pilgrimage was changed to the temple in Yunlin where Mazu’s parents are worshipped. Over the years, the number of followers increased exponentially, and now over a million people participate in it every year.最早以前,信眾固定每12年將媽祖帶回福建老家一趟,不過日治時代,出入台灣不容易,因此信眾將目的地改為雲林一間祭拜媽祖的父母的廟。從此以後,陪著媽祖回娘家的信眾越來越多,最後行程現在每年超過100萬人和媽祖一起出巡到雲林的傳統。Dajia is known for a few things, Jenn Lann Temple is just one of them, taro, this root vegetable is another.大甲有好幾樣東西很有名,鎮瀾宮是其中之一,芋頭也是。Taro is a root vegetable that is supposed to be one of the earliest cultivated plants, as early as 7,000 years ago. It’s kind of like a potato, but is creamier, more nutritious and has a lower GI. I personally like it.芋頭是一個梗莖類食物,是人類最早開始耕種的食物之一,已經有7,000年歷史。它有點像馬鈴薯,不過口感更圓潤,比較有營養,GI值也比較低。我個人非常喜歡。Here in Dajia, the soil is sandier, so it drains really well, and the weather compared to northern or souther Taiwan, is much milder and the water is quite clean. For these reasons, taro grows really well here.大甲的芋頭這麼有名的原因是,土壤比較鬆,氣候比較溫和,水也很乾淨,所以芋頭在這裏長得特別好。People in Taiwan eat taro boiled in hot pots, as ice-cream, as chewy, glutinous snacks, and as a filling inside cakes and pastries. This is a factory that makes these cute little taro pastries that Dajia is also famous for.台灣人如何吃芋頭呢?在火鍋裡煮,做成冰淇淋,QQ的點心,或者做成糕餅餡料。這間工廠製作的是這些來自大甲,超級有名的芋頭酥。Flaky on the outside, sweet, creamy and buttery is the filling on the inside. Oh I love taro. By the way, taro doesn’t fall apart as easily when you cook it. So I think when I go home, I'm going to try making a taro curry.外皮香香酥酥的,裡面有糖,奶油,芋頭。喔,我還愛吃芋頭。你知道嗎?比起馬鈴薯,芋頭煮起來比較不容易溶解。回家之後我想來試試芋頭咖喱。Dajia, Taichung is one of those places you normally wouldn't think of visiting, but I think it’s kind of a hidden gem. During the Mazu Festival, it’s incredibly lively. Among the one million people that come are several of my friends and coworkers. They come to enjoy the colors, the sounds, the food and drinks that are put out by local families for people to enjoy as they pass through. Schools, temples, community centers, people’s homes and trucks open up to worshippers who are perfect strangers to spend the night. It’s a great feeling and one of those memories that you would probably remember the rest of your life. You should come.台中大甲平常是個比較不起眼的地方,不過我覺得是個寶。媽祖遶境時,非常熱鬧,我好幾個朋友和同事也會來參加。他們來看的是鮮豔的色彩,來聽獨特的演奏,感受沿途居民的熱情,和他們提供遶境民眾的食物和飲料。晚上,很多學校,廟宇,社區活動中心,民宅還開門讓遶境民眾借住一晚。感覺很棒,是個一生難忘的回憶。大家要來喔!——————————Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:My DSLR pictures are gone again. I crashed our drone that day and kind of had my hands full trying to get it to fly again so I don’t know what I did with the pictures. Oh well. At least the drone works again!我單眼的照片又不見了。那天空拍機摔機,手忙腳亂,最後空拍機有修好,照片就...算了吧。沒有就沒有。The Dajia Mazu pilgrimage is famous and learning about it this time was a lot of fun for me. How the pilgrimage started, why people crawl under the sedan chair, and why it takes the long, windy route to its destination was great to learn about. I’m not Taoist, but I do like hearing stories. It’s around 100km between Dajia and Beigang, but the pilgrimage is more than 300km and the reason is because they try to take the same path every single year, so decades ago before there were roads that went through mountains, bridges over rivers, they would have to take lots of detours. But now there are roads, bridges, highways, so why not take them? Because people who have been used to Mazu coming through their town, passing by their house and feeling very blessed and special don’t want that tradition to end. My guide from the temple told me people complain and protest when they try to change the route.大甲媽祖遶境很有名,這次收穫很多,瞭解了出巡及鑽轎腳的由來,還有為什麼大甲到北港才100公里左右但遶境要300多公里。我不是道教徒,但我很喜歡聽故事,而道教的故事可真多~ 那為什麼遶境要300多公里呢?以前的路不好走,碰到山,碰到水都要轉彎,所以以前到北港的牛車路,就要300多公里。現在有高速公路, 有橋,那麼方便,為什麼還繼續走300公里呢?廟方說很多民眾已經習慣每年都有媽祖經過他們家,很幸運, 很特別, 很有福氣,如果要改道,他們會抱怨抗議。原來如此。This one day tour on the Taiwan Tour Bus is quite intense. It starts in Sanyi, takes you to a wood sculpture town, then to Dajia where there’s Jenn Lann Temple and a taro cake factory (the taro cake you get to DIY is special - no food coloring added, which makes it that much healthier, and you get to eat it piping hot, straight from the oven). Make sure to get enough sleep the night before! The van we were in was quite old and didn’t have a tablet or wifi like they usually do, so hopefully you’ll have better luck than us.這一個台灣觀巴行程非常豐富,從三義木雕村開始,一直帶你玩到大甲鎮瀾宮和阿聰師芋頭酥觀光工廠(在這裏DIY的芋頭酥很不錯,沒有色素,烤好馬上吃,美味又健康的感覺),所以前一晚要好好休息,不然會累壞。我們拍的這台觀巴沒有wifi,沒有平板,也蠻有歲月的,或許之後會更新。While we were in Dajia, we had meat buns at our coworker’s sister’s shop. They’re really close to the temple and the buns are quite good. I especially liked the meat+bamboo shoot bun.我們去大甲的時候都會到我們一位同事的姐姐的「上海三六九」包子店,他們離鎮瀾宮很近,包子很好吃,我最喜歡的是筍包~We stayed near downtown Taichung at Talmud on Yizhong Street, an affordable business hotel chain. It’s clean and the staff is usually very friendly, but the walls are very thin so if you have a neighbor that has noisy sex or kids that like to run around and make a little bit of noise, don’t expect to sleep very well. The towels are thin, but clean so far. The one on Yizhong Street is quite convenient, there’s a McDonald’s on the corner of the street, a night market downstairs and lots of restaurants and shops nearby.我們這陣子到台中都住塔木德連鎖飯店一中分店,價錢合理,乾淨,服務人員通常都很客氣,不過房間隔音不太好,所以你的鄰居晚上炒飯很吵或者有小孩跑來跑去,美容覺可以直接放棄了。毛巾目前還乾淨,不過薄薄的。一中分店很方便,附近有麥當勞,夜市,餐廳,商店。We had a dinner of pig’s foot rice and it was really, really tasty. We had to wait what seemed like forever, the floors were slippery with food and oil and the restaurant staff is so busy that being polite wasn’t so important anymore, but the food really is delicious so I think the next time we stop by, we’ll get it to go.我們晚餐吃了好好吃的豬腳飯。等待時間好久好久,除了豬腳油油滑滑的,地板也油油滑滑的,店員忙到也不太有禮貌了,所以下次去,我應該會外帶。If you’re looking for coffee in downtown Taichung, you can try our old coworker’s new shop “烘 work.” The coffee is decent and the shop is kind of cute. Another one to try is 珈琲院 near the museum. The owner is a buddy of mine and has great coffee. Top restaurants order coffee beans that he personally roasts, and he’s a nice and really funny guy.到了台中想喝咖啡的話可以試試我們以前同事開的烘work,咖啡不錯,店面也蠻可愛的。還有另一個選擇,我一個朋友開的珈琲院,他的咖啡很厲害喔,一些頂級餐廳都跟他訂他自己烘焙的豆子,人也很有趣善良。You should come!大家要來喔!——————————Links 連結:Taiwan Tour Bus, Sanyi Wood Sculpture and Dajia Mazu 台灣觀巴三義木雕大甲媽祖行程: cake factory 阿聰師芋頭文化館 - 觀光工廠: bun shop 上海三六九包子店:台中市大甲區順天路123號04 2687 0305Pig’s foot rice restaurant 豬腳飯餐廳東興市滷肉義 台中市北區漢口路四段88號04 2297 0450Cafe 烘work: 珈琲院: 台中市西區存中街165號04 2376 1273Open from noon, closed Mondays and TuesdaysTalmud Hotel on Yizhong Street 塔木德飯店,一中街 塔木德ㄧ中館:——————————Accessories 配件:Shirt: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.comWatch: Martian摩絢錶 器材:UAV: 3DR Solo
Posted by FTV Time for Taiwan 民視 台灣好好玩 on Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 15: Dajia by Taiwan Tour Bus
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第十五集: 搭觀巴到大甲

Transcript 文字稿:

Every year around the third month of the lunar calendar, the Mazu Festival of Dajia, Taichung takes place. It’s said that more than a million people take part in the nine day pilgrimage. Today we’re going to Dajia’s Jenn Lann Temple.

I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to try new things, play with new toys, and visit old places in a new way. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

We’re on the Taiwan Tour Bus’s Sanyi Wood Sculpture & Da Jia Mazu day tour. Taiwan Tour Buses can pick you up and drop you off at your hotel or major train stations, and are equipped with free wifi, a tablet that has audio and photo explanations of each of the stops in English, Japanese, Korean and Mandarin Chinese. Sometimes you can even request for an English speaking guide.

We are arriving Mazu Temple.

Mazu Temple.


Yeah. This is the center (of worship) of local residents. The older generation come here to seek fortune and also health.

Mazu, a Taoist goddess, is said to protect seafarers. Her worshippers were mostly people who lived in the coastal regions of China.

In 1730, a man from Fujian, China named Lin Yongxing decided to move to Taiwan. He brought a sculpture of Mazu on the boat with him, in hopes that she will keep him from ending up in the bottom of the Taiwan Strait. Eventually he made it across,  escaping the fate of becoming fish food.

So Lin safely landed in Taiwan and for a period of time, him and his neighbors worshipped Mazu in Lin’s house. In 1770, they built a temple for her. Renovated several times over, this is the latest Mazu temple, the center of worship in Dajia.

When people pray to Mazu and their prayers are answered, a lot of them come back and repay Mazu in bits of gold. In 2005, all the gold collected up until then was melted and made into this.

This Mazu sculpture is solid gold. It weighs 276kg. Currently (the gold) valued at about US$9.5 million. But to worshippers, who account for more than half the people in Taiwan, it’s priceless.

Every year around Mazu’s birthday, which is in the third month of the lunar calendar, a festival is held in her honor and worshippers take her on a nine day, 300km pilgrimage to Yunlin. Some say this is one of the largest religious festivals in the world, as more than one million people take part in it.

Some people walk alongside the procession, some crawl under Mazu’s sedan chair as it passes through. In the old days, it was a way to repay Mazu for an answered prayer - covering the ground with their body so the dust doesn’t get on the sedan chair or the Mazu sculpture. These days people do it as a form of prayer.

In the very beginning, the pilgrimage would go back to Fujian, where Mazu came from, every twelve years, but during the Japanese occupation, people couldn’t travel as they wished. So during the occupation, the destination of the pilgrimage was changed to the temple in Yunlin where Mazu’s parents are worshipped. Over the years, the number of followers increased exponentially, and now over a million people participate in it every year.

Dajia is known for a few things, Jenn Lann Temple is just one of them, taro, this root vegetable is another.

Taro is a root vegetable that is supposed to be one of the earliest cultivated plants, as early as 7,000 years ago. It’s kind of like a potato, but is creamier, more nutritious and has a lower GI. I personally like it.

Here in Dajia, the soil is sandier, so it drains really well, and the weather compared to northern or souther Taiwan, is much milder and the water is quite clean. For these reasons, taro grows really well here.

People in Taiwan eat taro boiled in hot pots, as ice-cream, as chewy, glutinous snacks, and as a filling inside cakes and pastries. This is a factory that makes these cute little taro pastries that Dajia is also famous for.

Flaky on the outside, sweet, creamy and buttery is the filling on the inside. Oh I love taro. By the way, taro doesn’t fall apart as easily when you cook it. So I think when I go home, I'm going to try making a taro curry.

Dajia, Taichung is one of those places you normally wouldn't think of visiting, but I think it’s kind of a hidden gem. During the Mazu Festival, it’s incredibly lively. Among the one million people that come are several of my friends and coworkers. They come to enjoy the colors, the sounds, the food and drinks that are put out by local families for people to enjoy as they pass through. Schools, temples, community centers, people’s homes and trucks open up to worshippers who are perfect strangers to spend the night. It’s a great feeling and one of those memories that you would probably remember the rest of your life. You should come.

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

My DSLR pictures are gone again. I crashed our drone that day and kind of had my hands full trying to get it to fly again so I don’t know what I did with the pictures. Oh well. At least the drone works again!

The Dajia Mazu pilgrimage is famous and learning about it this time was a lot of fun for me. How the pilgrimage started, why people crawl under the sedan chair, and why it takes the long, windy route to its destination was great to learn about. I’m not Taoist, but I do like hearing stories. It’s around 100km between Dajia and Beigang, but the pilgrimage is more than 300km and the reason is because they try to take the same path every single year, so decades ago before there were roads that went through mountains, bridges over rivers, they would have to take lots of detours. But now there are roads, bridges, highways, so why not take them? Because people who have been used to Mazu coming through their town, passing by their house and feeling very blessed and special don’t want that tradition to end. My guide from the temple told me people complain and protest when they try to change the route.
大甲媽祖遶境很有名,這次收穫很多,瞭解了出巡及鑽轎腳的由來,還有為什麼大甲到北港才100公里左右但遶境要300多公里。我不是道教徒,但我很喜歡聽故事,而道教的故事可真多~ 那為什麼遶境要300多公里呢?以前的路不好走,碰到山,碰到水都要轉彎,所以以前到北港的牛車路,就要300多公里。現在有高速公路, 有橋,那麼方便,為什麼還繼續走300公里呢?廟方說很多民眾已經習慣每年都有媽祖經過他們家,很幸運, 很特別, 很有福氣,如果要改道,他們會抱怨抗議。原來如此。

This one day tour on the Taiwan Tour Bus is quite intense. It starts in Sanyi, takes you to a wood sculpture town, then to Dajia where there’s Jenn Lann Temple and a taro cake factory (the taro cake you get to DIY is special - no food coloring added, which makes it that much healthier, and you get to eat it piping hot, straight from the oven). Make sure to get enough sleep the night before! The van we were in was quite old and didn’t have a tablet or wifi like they usually do, so hopefully you’ll have better luck than us.

While we were in Dajia, we had meat buns at our coworker’s sister’s shop. They’re really close to the temple and the buns are quite good. I especially liked the meat+bamboo shoot bun.

We stayed near downtown Taichung at Talmud on Yizhong Street, an affordable business hotel chain. It’s clean and the staff is usually very friendly, but the walls are very thin so if you have a neighbor that has noisy sex or kids that like to run around and make a little bit of noise, don’t expect to sleep very well. The towels are thin, but clean so far. The one on Yizhong Street is quite convenient, there’s a McDonald’s on the corner of the street, a night market downstairs and lots of restaurants and shops nearby.

We had a dinner of pig’s foot rice and it was really, really tasty. We had to wait what seemed like forever, the floors were slippery with food and oil and the restaurant staff is so busy that being polite wasn’t so important anymore, but the food really is delicious so I think the next time we stop by, we’ll get it to go.

If you’re looking for coffee in downtown Taichung, you can try our old coworker’s new shop “烘 work.” The coffee is decent and the shop is kind of cute. Another one to try is 珈琲院 near the museum. The owner is a buddy of mine and has great coffee. Top restaurants order coffee beans that he personally roasts, and he’s a nice and really funny guy.

You should come!


Links 連結:

Taiwan Tour Bus, Sanyi Wood Sculpture and Dajia Mazu 台灣觀巴三義木雕大甲媽祖行程:

Taro cake factory 阿聰師芋頭酥觀光工廠:

Meat bun shop 上海三六九包子店:
04 2687 0305

Pig’s foot rice restaurant 豬腳飯餐廳東興市滷肉義 
04 2297 0450

Cafe 珈琲院: 
04 2376 1273
Open from noon, closed Mondays and Tuesdays

Talmud Hotel on Yizhong Street 塔木德飯店,一中街:


Accessories 配件:
Shirt: kotipesä

Gear 器材:
UAV: 3DR Solo 

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