Friday 10 March 2006

Reporting: Japanese eel delicacy

This was aired 20 Feb 2006.

Slug: Japenese Eel Delicacy (1’25’’)

In the past, Taiwan supplied more than 75% of the eel on the Japanese market and while export numbers have since decreased, the popularity of the fish among Taiwanese people has certainly grown. Most Taiwanese only know to eat it grilled and over a bed of rice, so today, FTV's Michella Weng shows you other ways the Japanese eat it.##

[[NS grilling unagi]]
Rich in vitamins and minerals, eel, or "unagi" in Japanese, was traditionally eaten to boost stamina. The Japanese have been eating it for hundreds of years, but the delicacy came to Taiwan only about 40 years ago.
含有營養豐富的unagi鰻魚在日本料理當中 其實已經有幾百年的歷史了
不過這個原本吃來補身養氣的特殊魚類 在台灣的料理史只有短短的40年

This restaurant prepares unagi the way Japanese chefs do east of Nagoya, Japan. They steam it first, and then grill it over charcoal. You can eat it without the kabayaki sauce that is unique to each restaurant, but most people still choose to have the fish with generous amounts of the special sauce.
這裡的鰻魚做法 屬於日本關東的做法 師父先將它蒸過
您可以選擇白燒 不沾在每一家店獨特的蒲燒醬 但是大部分的客人還是喜歡

Michella Weng
FTV Reporter
There are several ways of eating unagi, and we're going to try some of them today.
鰻魚的吃法其實有很多 今天帶您一起來試試

The Japanese chef is making “unagi oshi zushi,” which is eel sushi pressed together in a mold. It takes a pro and a very sharp knife to cut it without having it fall apart.
師父正在為您示範的是 押鰻壽司 就是把鰻魚和飯放在模子裡押出來的壽司
要把它切的漂亮可是要功夫的 還要一隻很利的刀子

This donburi, or rice bowl, consists of the fish cut into bite-sized pieces, spring onions and seaweed. A lid is placed on the bowl to give those things a good steam before eating. You have to mix it well first, and when there’s just a little left, you can try adding tea to it.
鰻魚丼 裡頭有切成小塊的烤鰻魚 蔥花 還有海苔
先把蓋子蓋上 燜一下 香氣會更濃郁
吃之前要稍微攪拌攪拌 吃到最後也可以試試倒一點茶進去 換個口味

This is unagi served over rice steamed in a bamboo basket. After the final layer of sauce is brushed on, kinshi, or golden threads of egg, is layered on top.
接下來的蒸籠鰻魚飯 飯上面有一層刷過醬的鰻魚
再加上一層所謂的金絲 也就是雞蛋

And in between bites of unagi, you can sip some houji tea to reset your taste buds. It really helps you enjoy the flavor from beginning to end.
最後呢 教您一個小祕方 每吃幾口就喝一點houji茶 可以讓您感受到更清新的食感

Michella Weng, Formosa TV, Taipei.
民視新聞 宮仲毅 翁郁容 台北採訪報導

You don't really need sanshou (山椒) with this unagi, since it doesn't have that muddy rank that used to be very common before eel farming techniques greatly advanced. Although this isn't the best unagi I've ever had, it was a nice variation from the regular old unaju. I'd definitely go back, though. But going back to Tokyo sounds so much better.

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