Sunday, 24 July 2016

20160724 vlog 030 比基尼挑戰



最近跟朋友「媽媽心 Mamacheers」的版主在討論美的定義,結論是,自信讓人美和快樂。所以我即使還是覺得身材不完美(我跟你你你還有你一樣,肉肉的,不過我想通了,有自信最重要,而我找到那個自信。




Friday, 22 July 2016

20160721 vlog 029 狗狗鮮食





Thursday, 14 July 2016

20160713 vlog 028 黑嚕嚕


Everybody, this is Olulu! 黑嚕嚕~

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

20160711 vlog 027 浴巾脫水法





Sunday, 10 July 2016

20160710 vlog 026 米雪拉的酸麵包 趴兔

我們家的無酵母/免揉/手工/酸麵包是這麼做的~ (part 2)





Music: Peritune "Holiday3"

20160709 vlog 025 米雪拉的酸麵包 趴旺


麵粉:525g (建議用比一般高筋還要高筋的麵粉,例如水手牌特級強力麵粉或莫比T55)

Music by Peritune, Holiday3



Friday, 8 July 2016

160708 vlog 024 罪惡感5萬分的漢堡


推薦給大家西華飯店新推出的舊金山主題buffet,這三個禮拜也有香港非常有名的Butcher's Club Burger的乾式熟成USDA Prime漢堡~


Music: Bosiyaw - Be Mine | | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork


160707 vlog 023 米雪拉的斗篷


Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Info on episode 32: Cycling in Pingtung

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 32: Cycling in Pingdong2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第三十二集: 屏東鐵馬之旅

Transcript 文字稿:
Today we’re cycling in Pingtung, and we’re going to visit the Liudui Hakka Cultural Park.今天我們來到屏東騎單車,我們要到六堆客家文化園區玩!
Pingtung has public bicycles that you can rent with a credit card or iPass. Today we’re riding on the first and so far the only bicycle path in Taiwan that runs under the freeway.屏東有公共單車,用信用卡或一卡通就可以租借。今天我們要騎台灣第一,也是目前唯一座落於高速公路底下的單車道。
When the Hakkas immigrated to Taiwan from China, one group went to the north and one group came to the south. Around 1721, times were difficult, crime often broke out and looting was prevalent in this part of Taiwan. The Hakkas in the south formed six military camps to protect themselves. “Liudui" means “six camps.” The conflict eventually subsided, but the six villages in which Hakka people in the south lived came to be known as “Liudui.” this is Liudui Hakka Cultural Park.客家人移民來台的時候,有一群人往北部走,有一群則來到南部。1721年時社會動盪不安,台灣這一個地區治安不好,經常有人遭搶,這裡的客家人因此組織了六個隊伍保護自己,「六堆」就是「六隊」的諧音,隨著社會逐漸和諧,天下太平,六堆成了這些客家聚落的地名。這裡是六堆客家文化園區。
Here at the cultural park, you can learn a lot about Hakka culture, including what Hakka people in southern Taiwan eat.來到這裡,可以認識客家文化,包括南部的客家美食。
This is pork knuckles. Savory, spicy and garlic-y.這個是豬腳,沾醬,鹹鹹辣辣,大蒜的香味。
There are lots of really great displays here. This was a real tobacco barn, originally built 65 years ago. Lots of tobacco was produced here because the government gave price guarantees on tobacco, which makes good money to begin with.這邊有很多很棒的文化展示,這是一間真的菸樓喔,65年前興建的。這裡以前種植很多菸草,因為政府購買菸草有價錢保證,而菸草的售價本來就不錯。
In the park, rice paddies and tobacco fields are living displays and they cycle through them several times a year.園區裡,輪流種植稻米和菸草,成為一個有生命的文化展示。
This is the “bagong,” or the earth god, a real earth god. When do people pray to him? Once in the morning and once at night. For what do people pray to him? Anything. “Bagong” is like everyone’s uncle, people pray to him like they do to their ancestors.這是伯公,土地公,是真的伯公喔。什麼時候拜呢?早晚都拜。拜什麼呢?什麼都可以。伯公對客家人來說像家人,所以拜伯公有點像拜祖先。
To be honest, this is my first time in Pingtung City and at the Liudui Hakka Cultural Park. We, just like 99% of everyone else, usually go straight to Kenting for the beach to go surfing. If you want to get to know Hakka culture and enjoy this wonderful cultural space, this is where you should come!老實說,這好像是我第一次到屏東市,也是我第一次來到六堆客家文化園區。我們跟99%來屏東玩的人一樣,通常都直接殺到墾丁的沙灘衝浪。如果想要好好認識客家文化,享受一個具有文化意義的空間,大家可以來這裡喔!
Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:
You can budget half a day for Liudui if you’re just going to walk around. Or, you can buy some food from the food court there and enjoy the park, too. When it’s hot, there is an area in the far end of the park towards the left I think where you can soak your feet, heh heh. I think you can get guided tours in English, but you might have to make an appointment first.
Links 連結:
Taiwan Cycling Festival 台灣騎跡
Liudui Hakka Cultural Center 六堆客家文化園區

Info on episode 31: Cycling in Chiayi

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 31: Cycling in Chiayi
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第三十一集: 嘉義鐵馬之旅

Transcript 文字稿:

Today we’re in Chiayi. The oysters here are really good!

Chiayi is in southern Taiwan, right at the Tropic of Cancer. We’re starting our day here, Zhe Cheng Cultural Park, an old sugar factory.

Let’s rent a bike, this is how we're going to get around today.

Most, if not all of the sugar factories in Taiwan were built during the Japanese occupation, between 1895 and 1945. This is no exception, so many of the buildings you see are very Japanese, including these houses, which are workers’ dormitories.

Chiayi County is a great place to travel. Some of the highest mountain peaks in Taiwan are in Chiayi, and at the same time it also borders the sea. Next we’re going to Dongshi Fisherman’s Wharf.

Those things sticking out of the water are oyster racks. Oyster farming is an important part of the economy here. Guess how they’re grown.

This is the shell of an oyster we had last night. A worker will drill a hole into this piece, and workers will put several of these on a line, then tie the line to a rack sitting in brackish water, or water that is a mix of fresh and sea water. Baby oysters will attach themselves to these and grow in clusters. Six months to a year later, they’re ready to eat. Let’s go get some oysters!
這是我們昨天吃剩牡蠣殻。 這一塊之後會被磨成雞或鴨飼料的一部份,補充牠們的鈣質(英文沒有這句話歐!!,是英文沒寫,還是中文多寫了)。 蚵農會在殻上鑽一個洞,一個一個綁在一條線上面,然後把線綁在蚵棚上,蚵棚則架在鹹水和淡水混合的水域中。之後蚵寶寶就會把自己附著在這些殻上面,一群群的成長。六個月到一年後,就可以採收了。走,我們去吃牡蠣!

We’re having oysters six ways today. This is oyster pancake. This is a famous Taiwanese dish, you’ll find it everywhere in Taiwan.

These were stir fried in sesame oil. Delicious.

These were simply grilled. Simply tasty.

This is fried with meat and vegetables. Very filling.

I haven’t tasted oysters this good in a long, long time. They are just so fresh. They’re a little small compared to the ones you might find in other parts of the world, but this is the off season and who cares, they’re so good. The next time I come, I want to have the big ones, the ones as big as my hands. There will be a next time! And I’m really looking forward to it! You should come!


Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

The oysters here are small, but quite good because they’re so fresh. People still warn against eating them raw because the water might not be super clean. I had a couple and am still OK, but try at your own risk. Some of the restaurants aren’t open on Mondays, just be aware.

As for sugar farm, take time to walk around. You can spend a couple of hours there, taking a ride on the sugar cane train, walking around the neighborhood, checking out the old workers’ dormitories, which are Japanese style and built about a century ago. Cycling around there is nice too, especially going across the bridge that takes you out of the farm and towards the fisherman’s wharf. But it’s a long, long ride and might take a couple of hours each way. Bring snacks on the ride!

We stayed at Renyi Lake Hotel, and it’s new and clean. Would stay there again! Just be aware there’s a shooting range nearby, so it can get a little noisy during the day sometimes. We didn’t get a chance to, but taking a walk around the lake must be very nice.





Links 連結:

Taiwan Cycling Festival 台灣騎跡

Zhe Cheng Cultural Park 蒜頭蔗埕糖廠

Dongshi Fisherman’s Wharf 東石漁人碼頭

Renyi Lake Hotel 仁義湖岸大飯店

Monday, 4 July 2016

160704 vlog 021 hoka one one clifton 2 評價

160704 vlog hoka one one clifton 2 評價


0-50km 評價

Sunday, 3 July 2016

160703 vlog 020 重新啟動vlog 我要買...


Music: Nicolai Heidlas, Swingin' Jazz

Monday, 20 June 2016

160620 香煎乳酪三明治


Sunday, 19 June 2016

Info on episode 30: Cycling in Houli

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 30: Cycling in Houli
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第三十集: 台中后豐鐵馬之旅

Transcript 文字稿:

One way to say “bicycle” in Chinese is “iron horse.” Today we’re going cycling in Taichung.

The Houfeng and Dongfeng bike trails used to be a railroad. The two trails put together are about 16 km long and take about 3 hours to complete roundtrip if you take a regular bike. We have to finish shooting before it rains, so we’re on electric bikes today.

This is the Houfeng section of the trail and I think it’s really interesting because there’s a bridge that you have to cross and it’s narrow, long and a bit scary if you stay on it too long. Really exciting. After the bridge you’ll come to a tunnel, again long, narrow and really cool.

This tunnel is 1200 meters long, it was built more than 100 years ago during the Japanese occupation. This tunnel is the first in Taiwan to be converted into a bicycle path. I think it’s quite cool.

A great way to repurpose obsolete railroads and tunnels, wouldn’t you say?

At the end of the Houfeng trail, you’ll come to Houli Horse Ranch, previously a military ranch.

This ranch was started during the Japanese occupation. Taiwan was a springboard into southeastern countries for Japan, and the Japanese government established and operated 10 military ranches in Taiwan - the was one of them.

Horses were bred and riders were trained here, when the time came, they were shipped off to war. The Japanese lost the war, and eventually 9 of the 10 ranches closed down. This is the last of them, now open to the public.

Houli Horse Ranch is like a big park. There are lots of old trees to enjoy and paths to walk. Occasionally you’ll see an old stable or building from the occupation. If you’re like me and like horses, you’re going to like it here.

Riding a horse is sort of like riding a bicycle. You only need to learn it once. I haven’t been on a horse in more than ten years, but it comes back to you with a bit of practice.

Houli and Fengyuan are a ways from downtown Taichung, and I never thought they can be so interesting. I knew that Houli is known for saxophones, but bike trails and this ranch too? Holy cow, Houli is fun! You should come!

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

We mostly shot on the Houli portion of the path and it was quite beautiful! The bridge, the tunnel, and the way down to the ranch were all really nice. Would love to see what it’s like on the Fengyuan side sometime!
這次我們主要在后豐自行車道的后里段拍攝,鐵橋,隧道和從隧道到馬場的路很漂亮,很推薦~ 有機會也想騎騎看豐原那一段!


Links 連結:

Taiwan Cycling Festival 台灣騎跡

Houli Horse Ranch 后里馬場

Info on episode 29: Cycling in Baihe

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 29: Cycling in Baihe
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第二十九集: 台南白河鐵馬之旅
Transcript 文字稿:

Today we’re in Baihe, Tainan, which is famous for lotus farms.
Baihe is great for cycling. If you have an iPass or Easycard and a local mobile phone number, you can rent a public bicycle. If not, there are other bike rental shops around too.
There is a network of trails here, with the distance totaling tens of kilometers. The scenery here is peaceful and rural. You get to ride along rice paddies, lotus farms, irrigation channels, reservoirs, and lots of big, beautiful trees.

Come have a look. What do you think this is? These are old train tracks. There used to be a sugar mill around here. Baihe is mostly an agricultural town, in the plains, people produce rice and lotus seeds.

There was a period of time when lotus seeds didn’t sell well, so the townspeople thought, lotuses are beautiful to look at so why don’t we make a tourism industry out of it, too. They invited travelers, who’d stand by the side of the road and look at the lotuses, but it was unbearably hot because there were no trees to provide shade. Shade is bad for rice, that’s why. So people started planting trees along the road where there are lotus farms. These trees included kapok trees, which turned out to become another beautiful tourist attraction.
The stretch of kapok trees here is especially nice in March and April when the flowers bloom. In fact, some even say the kapoks make this one of the prettiest bike paths in the world. Pity we’re here now and not when it’s blooming!

Throughout the ride, you’ll see lots of Sanheyuan, which are traditional houses that you won't find in the city. Also there are lots of farm houses, some with an interesting twist. This is part of an ongoing community building project that is aiming to add a bit of art and youth back into the system.

Baihe reminds me of Chishang, Taitung because of the rice paddies and bike paths that allow you to ride through them. What’s cool about this one is the diversity in scenery, and the fact that not that may people know about this yet. Before it gets too crowded, you should come!

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:
I was really pleasantly surprised at how wonderful cycling in Baihe can be! The sights are beautiful - there are picturesque rice paddies, irrigation channels, reservoirs, lotus farms/ponds, an artistic rice farming village, sanheyuan’s (traditional Chinese houses)… This is a great place to ride, and there are lots of roads and paths so budget more time to spend here. Another thing that also stands out is the B&B where we stayed - Granduncle Home, which was recently built. The owner (“granduncle’s” son, actually) is also a guide that can show you all the best places and tell you the stories. I don’t think he speaks English, but if you follow him, I’m sure the ride will be a good one.

Links 連結:
Taiwan Cycling Festival 台灣騎跡

Granduncle Home 三叔公的家

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Info on episode 28: Amis Folk Village

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 28: Amis Folk Village
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第二十八集: 台東阿美族民俗中心

Transcript 文字稿:

Today we’re on the southeastern coast of Taiwan, in Taitung County.

The coast of Taitung has some of the nicest sceneries in Taiwan. This is Sanxiantai, which literally means “three fairy island.”

We’re on our way to the Amis folk center. We got on the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle from the Taitung Bus Station.

The indigenous people of Taiwan are Austronesians, which also include the aborigines of Hawaii, New Zealand and Africa. This is a place to learn about the Amis tribe, the largest tribe in Taiwan.

This is a recreation of a traditional Amis house, the Loma. This is the bed area. The head of the family sleeps on the right side of the bed on the right side of the house, then the second most powerful person sleeps to the left of that person and so on and so forth.

The roof is really low because the winds in Taitung are really, really strong. The Amis people are matrilineal. A man will marry into a woman’s family, the woman controls and inherits the assets. However, only the men are involved in politics.

This is where men gather to make decisions for the tribe. This is “loma no kakitaan,” house of the spiritual leader.
男士們會聚集在這裡面,做出所有重大的決定。這是「loma no kakitaan」巫師的家。

Famous stories and old ways of life are sculpted on the columns and pillars in the loma no kakitaan, and the floor is covered with rattan. The guys’ hangout is a lot more luxurious than the rest of the houses.

This is what the men use to help protect the village. This is a calcium carbide bamboo canon.

When water is poured on calcium carbide, acetylene gas is released and it makes a huge bang when you light it. It makes a lot of noise but that’s about it.

What a way to remember a place. My ears are still ringing. That was fun.

Taitung is an amazing place. The scenery is magnificent and the culture is truly unique. Come enjoy the show, walk through the loma’s, shoot the  arrows, light the bamboo canon. You’re going to love it. You should come!

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

I had a blast (literally!) at the Amis folk center. The canon was great fun, and learning about the different houses the Amis traditionally live in was cool too. It’s always great to be able to walk around and soak in all 360 degrees with the five senses. Oh even the music show was interactive. I really had fun here.


Links 連結:

Taiwan Tourist Shuttle East Coast Line 台灣好行東海岸線

Info on episode 27: Huwei, Changhua

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 27: Huwei, Changhua2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第二十七集: 好行彰化虎尾

Transcript 文字稿:
We’re in Huwei, Yunlin County today, the heartland of glove puppetry in Taiwan.今天我們來到雲林虎尾,台灣布袋戲重鎮。
I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to try new things, play with new toys, and visit old places in a new way. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.我是米雪拉,在美國矽谷長大,回來台灣當了十年的新聞工作者,喜歡嘗試新東西,玩新玩具,用新的方式體驗旅行。台灣好好玩,到底有多好玩,讓我和你分享。
To get to Huwei, you can take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle from Douliu train station in Yunlin. You can buy a day pass on the bus for NT$150.想要到虎尾,大家可以從雲林的斗六火車站上車,然後買票,一日券150元。
Huwei’s sugar industry was the driving force behind the development of this town, which grew very quickly during the Japanese occupation, so the buildings here are especially interesting.虎尾糖廠曾經是帶動虎尾發展的主因之一,尤其在日治時代,發展的非常快,所以這邊的建築都很有故事喔~
The three most famous buildings in this town are from the colonial days. This was the magistrate’s old residence, but now, kids and adults come here for story time.這裏三棟最有名的建築物都是日治時代興建的。這裏曾經是首長官邸,現是從小朋友到大人都喜歡的故事屋。
This is the magistrate’s old office, now a hand puppet museum. In the Ming Dynasty, hundreds of years ago, a man named Liang Binglin tried and tried but kept failing the county imperial exam. He was quite upset and started playing with string puppets. But one day he thought, “These strings make puppeteering so difficult!” and then went on to invent Chinese glove puppetry.這裏以前是虎尾郡役所,如今轉型為虎尾布袋戲館。明朝有一位叫做梁炳麟的人,多次考秀才落榜,最後一次落榜後,他心情不好,玩起了傀儡,但他覺得因為傀儡要用線操作,複雜又困難,所以後來發明了掌中偶,布袋戲。”
Chinese glove puppetry in Taiwan survived the Cultural Revolution in China and really flourished, especially around here. It was a form of entertainment that kids and even teachers sometimes skipped class to watch.布袋戲在台灣躲過了中國文革,因此倖存,甚至在這裏發揚光大,布袋戲曾經是一種主流娛樂,學生和老師以前有時候還為了布袋戲而翹課。

This was once a police and fire station. Look, the fireman’s pole’s still there. It’s now a bookstore and cafe where you can get something to read, something to drink and just take a break.這裏曾經是警察局和消防局,你看,消防滑竿還在。現在這邊變成書店和咖啡店,大家可以來這裡看書,喝個東西,休息一下。
Someone asked me which of the three buildings is most interesting, and I think they all are interesting in their own ways and are a part of a whole story. Each served a different function so each has its own special charms. You have to see them all. You should come!有人問我,這三棟哪一棟最有看頭,我覺得每一個都有它獨特和有趣的地方,三個拼起來才是一完整的故事。它們當年都有自己的功能,所以也有自己的特色和魅力,一個都不能漏看。大家要來喔!


Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:
You can spend an entire day in Huwei, visiting the old sugar factory, the puppet museum, the story house, the old fire/police station. These are all old buildings (asides from the sugar factory which still does the same thing), buildings that have been repurposed in a very interesting fashion. Hard to make a connection between puppeteering, coffee, books and story time with an old town hall, the official’s residence and a police/fire station, right? But it works so well. I can sit for hours inside the Starbuck’s that was once the fire station - it is across the street from the old town hall and still has the fireman pole intact. I’ve been 2 or 3 times and I still love the place.去虎尾,其實可以待一整天,可以到老糖廠,布袋戲館,故事館,還有很有文青感的書店/咖啡店(好啦,是星巴巴和誠品啦),後面三者都是老屋再利用的喔,布袋戲館以前是日治時代地方政府辦公室,故事館是首長官邸,星巴克和誠品是警消多功能辦公廳。這三個地方被稱為「虎尾三寶」(不是耍寶),可以欣賞一整天。光線好的時候,故事館的日式建築和綠蔭真的很美,星巴克二樓座位可以看到布袋戲館,裡面還有以前留下來的消防滑竿。我已經去過兩三次,還是好喜歡~


Links 連結:
Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Beigang Huwei Line 台灣好行北港虎尾線

Monday, 13 June 2016

Info on episode 26: Cihu Mausoleum

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 26: Cihu Mausoleum
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第二十六集: 好行慈湖陵寢

Transcript 文字稿:

Today we’re in Cihu, Taoyuan the mausoleum of former president Chiang Kai-shek.

To get to Cihu, you can take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle from Zhongli Station. The one day pass is just NT$100, which you can get on the bus.

This is the temporary resting place of late president Chiang Kai-shek, who said he wanted to be buried in their hometown in China after he retakes China, so this is where they lay in state.

Chiang Kai-shek really loved Cihu, he said it reminded him of his hometown in China, and so decided to build a residence here. The room his sarcophagus is placed in is the main hall of the residence.

The lake area is about 8 acres and it’s quite a nice place to walk around in. This entire place was off limits to the public until just a few years ago. There’s a secret about this place, and you can kind of tell by the occasional sentry posts.

When Chiang and his army retreated to Taiwan, he vowed that he would retake China, and Cihu was his secret command center to do so. The US who funded Chiang said he can wage war on China under the condition that he uses the atomic bomb and be done with it as quickly as possible to avoid WWIII, but Chiang was unwilling to use the atomic bomb so he continued his plans in secret. Eventually the chances of winning became so small the project was cancelled.

When Chiang came in 1949, he placed Taiwan under martial law. 蔣介石1949年來台,宣布戒嚴。

This sculpture came from Kaohsiung City Hall. It was in the process of being torn apart when someone said “stop, let’s not completely destroy it. It is a part of our history,” so it ended up here. Cihu is a great place to learn about the history of Taiwan. For me, it reminds me to remember all the right and wrong things I’ve done. You should come!

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

Politically and culturally, Taiwan has developed quite differently from China, where most of our ancestors came from. I think the divergence has much to do with Mr Chiang. Come see his story, you might have a better understanding of Taiwan.


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Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Cihu Route 台灣好行慈湖線