Monday 13 June 2016

Info on episode 26: Cihu Mausoleum

Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 26: Cihu Mausoleum
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第二十六集: 好行慈湖陵寢

Transcript 文字稿:

Today we’re in Cihu, Taoyuan the mausoleum of former president Chiang Kai-shek.

To get to Cihu, you can take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle from Zhongli Station. The one day pass is just NT$100, which you can get on the bus.

This is the temporary resting place of late president Chiang Kai-shek, who said he wanted to be buried in their hometown in China after he retakes China, so this is where they lay in state.

Chiang Kai-shek really loved Cihu, he said it reminded him of his hometown in China, and so decided to build a residence here. The room his sarcophagus is placed in is the main hall of the residence.

The lake area is about 8 acres and it’s quite a nice place to walk around in. This entire place was off limits to the public until just a few years ago. There’s a secret about this place, and you can kind of tell by the occasional sentry posts.

When Chiang and his army retreated to Taiwan, he vowed that he would retake China, and Cihu was his secret command center to do so. The US who funded Chiang said he can wage war on China under the condition that he uses the atomic bomb and be done with it as quickly as possible to avoid WWIII, but Chiang was unwilling to use the atomic bomb so he continued his plans in secret. Eventually the chances of winning became so small the project was cancelled.

When Chiang came in 1949, he placed Taiwan under martial law. 蔣介石1949年來台,宣布戒嚴。

This sculpture came from Kaohsiung City Hall. It was in the process of being torn apart when someone said “stop, let’s not completely destroy it. It is a part of our history,” so it ended up here. Cihu is a great place to learn about the history of Taiwan. For me, it reminds me to remember all the right and wrong things I’ve done. You should come!

Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:

Politically and culturally, Taiwan has developed quite differently from China, where most of our ancestors came from. I think the divergence has much to do with Mr Chiang. Come see his story, you might have a better understanding of Taiwan.


Links 連結:

Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Cihu Route 台灣好行慈湖線

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