Thursday 9 March 2006

Reporting: V-Day 2006

This story aired 8 Feb 2006. I'm going to see the English showing on Saturday. I think I'm quite a ways from fully embracing the rawness of this type of drama, but it's interesting. My new buddy Nadia has a part in it.

Slug: V-Day (1’22’’)

V-Day is a global movement to help stop violence against women and girls. Taiwan will be holding its second annual V-Day, which will include fundraisers and a Mandarin and English showing of the “Vagina Monologues.” All proceeds from the events will go to charities protecting women and children from sexual abuse. FTV's Michella Weng brings you a preview.##

[[English monologues]]

The “Vagina Monologues” is an award-winning play about various topics on the vagina, from physiology to sexuality and sexual abuse as well. It has been incorporated into a movement called V-Day, which aims to help stop violence against women and girls. The Monologues have been performed over 1,000 times around the world.
獲得美國奧比獎的 “陰道獨白” 是一系列以獨白呈現 和陰道相關連的故事
當中的獨白包括陰道生理 性生活 以及性侵害
這齣戲在世界各地的演出已經超逾一千次 也被納入世界性的 V-Day 活動當中 用以終止對女性的暴力行為

[[Sound bite: (English)]]
Betsy Lan
It not only involves local women, but also expat women who are working and living in Taiwan because we believe that women’s experiences are universal. Also in the Chinese performance, we really try to localize some of the experiences that will make the local audience relate more to the story.
因為所有女性的經驗都是一樣的 參於這活動不只有台灣人
在中文的版本裡 我們盡量把它本土化

This year, the spotlight will be on comfort women, who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military in World War II.
今年 V-Day 的焦點在”慰安婦”

[[Sound bite: (English)]]
Lily Yang
Director & Co-organizer
We're adding a monologue that specifically tells the story of comfort women; not just the comfort women from Taiwan, but also all over the world as well.
我們加了一個關於慰安婦的獨白 但是這獨白裡不只針對台灣的慰安婦

All proceeds from the plays and related fundraising will go to charity.
V-Day 所有的收益將捐給公益組織

Closing stand-up:
Michella Weng
FTV Reporter
If you're interested in supporting this event, you can go see the shows or purchase products they've specially prepared for the event — including cat-shaped pillows. Michella Weng, Formosa TV, Taipei.
您如果想贊助這個活動 您可以去看 “陰道獨白” 的演出
或者購買主辦單位特別準備的產品 包括這個枕頭
民視新聞 郭文海 翁郁容 台北報導

For more information on the play and related events, please visit our discussion board.


fuigo said...

i have always wanted to see it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am sorry to come off so randomly I was actually web searching for an old friend called Nadia...and somehow I was linked to your blog and saw photos of her on your V-Day section...I am not certain anymore whether or not its the same Nadia I am looking for coz its been a long while since we last talked. All I remember was that she graduated from Taipei American School and went to NYU for the way my name is Eric and Nadia and I got to know each other through a friend in Bangkok Thailand. Again I apologize for leaving you a comment thats got absolutely nothing to do with your blog but please kindly foward this message to Nadia if you think she does fit the profile i described. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric, This is Nadia. You can go to and leave me your contact there. I lost yours as well.