Monday 28 November 2005

Story: Charity Sale

Slug: Charity Sale (1’37’’)

A charity sale to benefit elderly people was held in front of Taipei City Hall on Sunday. Bargain-hunters from Taiwan and abroad were out in force, and were spending freely, knowing that their purchases were going to help a good cause.##

A Mexican Mariachi band was flown in to open the sale, and a troupe of Turkish Belly dancers provided half-time entertainment. It was a cold and rainy morning, but the music and dancing seemed to brighten people’s spirits as they roamed the bazaar, looking for a deal.
為了這場義賣活動 主辦單位特地 請樂隊老遠從墨西哥飛來
加上土耳其肚皮舞 幫這個有冷又濕的 早上加一點分

Sound byte:
Maria Zinovieva
Russian Vendor
Pretty much everything, apart from the cost will go to charity. Whatever we earn, we'll give it to charity.
扣掉成本幾乎都是給慈善的 我們所有賺的都會捐出來

Sound byte:
知名髮型設計師 王俐人
Wang Li-ren
Hair stylist
小孩兩百 大人三百

The event, now in its third year, is held by the Taipei International Women's Association. Lai Fang-jhen, director of the association, says that the sale has been very successful in attracting sponsors and in raising the profile of the association and its work.
這個活動已經邁入第三年 主辦單位台北國際婦女協會的
執行長賴芳真說 這個義賣很成功 吸引了許多的贊助者 客人

Sound byte:
台北國際婦女會執行長 賴芳真
Lai Fang-jhen
International Women’s Club
Those sponsors are from everywhere in Taiwan. Like, we have sponsors from enterprises and many of them donate cash.
贊助者來自台灣全省 有一些是公司 很多給的是現金

Sound byte:
Michael Rattinger
Mexican Visitor
We're here on a conference visit and we were just walking to see Taipei 101. Then we heard Mexican music and we're from Mexico, so we just came and we stayed.
我們是因為會議來台灣 本來只是去看看台北101
後來聽到墨西哥音樂 我們是從墨西哥來的
所以就來看看 那也順便留下來了

According to the organizers, all 150 booths were rented out, 30 by trade and cultural offices. While the adults had fun shopping and trying out exotic foods, kids got a chance to experience the hardships that accompany old age.
據主辦單位指出 150個攤位全部都租出去了
其中有30個是租給外國文化辦事處 大人逛街 試試異國料理的時候
有一些小朋友去體驗 年紀大的人的痛苦

Despite the dreadful weather, many people have come out to show support for the charity event.
This is Michella Weng for Formosa TV in Taipei.
雖然天氣不好 不過還是很多人 出來贊助這個慈善活動
民視新聞 咼昇軍 翁郁容 台北採訪報導

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