Friday 4 November 2005

Story: Hash House Harriers

We aired this tonight. It's a little too short and leaves much to be satisfied. I think the problem was in not getting enough shots of the runners against different backgrounds. But I did get one comment saying that it was better than the one that the Fun in Taiwan crew did for the Travel and Living Channel.

Slug: Hash House Harriers
Running time: 1'11''

The Hash House Harriers is a group of runners that play a game that was invented in 1938 by British military chefs in Singapore. They have thousands of chapters all over the world now, and Michella Weng takes you to see how the game is played in Taiwan.##

Every Sunday, this group of 30-40 expats and locals get together to do some hashing. Some of them will charter a bus and meet the rest of the group at the run site, which is different every time.

每個星期天, 約有三十到四十位的外國人與台灣人會聚再一起 一同去跑步
當中 有一部分的人 會租一台小巴士 和其他的人在集合點碰面
每一個星期 他們跑步的地點都不一樣

Someone called the "hare" will take off ten minutes before the group does and mark the trail with flour.
集合後 會有一個他們叫做 “兔子” 的人先開跑 他的身上會先用麵粉做上記號 讓大家去追蹤

[hare’s off, flour flour, flour]

Hashing is one of the best things you can do to get to know Taiwan, because they'll take you to the best places that even the locals don't know about. Oh look, there's a hash mark. We're on the right track!
看那邊 就是那個記號 我們沒有跟錯


On on!

The hare likes to misguide runners, so other runners call out "on-on" as they find new hash marks to keep everyone on track.
所以當有人找到新的記號的時候 就會大聲喊on-on讓後面的人跟的上

There are different kinds of hash marks in this game, and you best know them if you don't want to get lost.
如果你不想要迷路 最好熟悉一下各種記號

[different hash marks]

The nice thing about running in Taiwan is that you can go through the back of someone's house and not have to worry about being shot at.
在台灣跑步的好處就是 你可以隨意穿過人家的後院

[NS vicious dog barking]

At the end of the run, they celebrate with the down-down, where the grand master makes some ceremonial remarks and certain runners are rewarded.
活動結束之後呢 大家會一起喝飲料慶祝 聽會長報告當天跑步的狀況並表揚一些跑者

[NS down-down]

Ending stand-up:
It's a healthy activity they do out there.
This is Michella Weng in Hsinchu with the Hash House Harriers.
民視新聞 廖松筠 翁郁容 新竹採訪報導

On the hash bus.

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