Sunday 26 February 2012

Lukang's Longshan Temple 鹿港龍山寺 on my wall?

Longshan Temple, Lukang

Longshan Temple in Lukang, Changhua (鹿港龍山寺) was first built in 1653 and moved to its current location in 1786. It's recognized by the Taiwan government as a class 1 historical site. It feels like a low-key, beautiful place and I really like it.

After six years, I still have yet to produce a woodblock print or collage big enough to put on the living room wall. Recently I put Pearl there, but such a small dog on a big wall...she looked lonely. So what do you think of this HDR photo I took at Longshan Temple? I think I may need to crop the sides a little bit.

The Chinese theme kind of goes with my Meinong paper umbrellas there in the corner, no? Blue sign - blue couch. Brown doorway/columns - wooden floor.

Hm, I need a tall plant on the left, behind the end table.

Wow, I am actually not thinking about work for once. I guess two days of sleep allows a person to do that.

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