Thursday 19 January 2006

Reporting: Weather in My Brain

This was aired 17 Jan 2006.

Slug: Weather in My Brain (1'28'')

It is often quite difficult for independent artists to get attention and appreciation for the work that they do. FTV's Michella Weng brings you to a free exhibition that is being held right now featuring the work of artists that combine modern fine art, commercial music videos and street art for an interesting presentation of sound and visuals.##

For every album major local musicians make, several music videos are made as well. Usually, famous commercial music video directors are hired for the one or two videos that are to be given a lot of air time as part of promotional efforts.
在台灣 當歌手錄新唱片的時候 都會拍幾隻MV
通常唱片公司都會請明星導演 拍其中的一兩隻 要拿來強打的MV

Local, independent audiovisual artists then get to make videos for the rest of the songs, which will be played mostly at KTV's and music TV stations—hardly the place to receive much notice or acclaim.
其他的呢 就找新銳導演或製作團隊來拍攝
這一些作品 通常都只會在KTV 或者音樂電視台播放
相對之下 就無法得到很多的收視跟讚揚

This free exhibition, called “Weather in My Brain,” gives non-commercial artists a chance to gain exposure and a chance for the general public to gain a better understanding of this kind of art.
腦天氣是一個免費的展覽 讓非主流的藝術家有一個曝光的機會

Sound bite:
Huang Yichin
我們並不希望把它做的太學院 或者是太曲高和寡
在展覽呈現的方面 我們也希望它比較走入生活的感覺
Huang Yichin, organizer of the event said that they don't want to make this too academic or difficult for the audience to understand. We want it to be more like a part of life.

There are 10 different themes in this show and contest, featuring the work of local and international artists. In addition to the exhibition, there will be live performances and forums as well.
來自台灣和國外的參展者和參賽者 以十個不同的主題來呈現他們的影音藝術創作
除了展覽之外 主辦單位也安排了一些現場表演及研討會 邀請民眾一同參與

Closing stand-up:
Michella Weng
FTV Reporter
You can experience for yourself Weather in My Brain at participating cafes or here at the main exhibition venue. This is Michella Weng for Formosa TV, in Taipei.
如果您想體驗一下腦天氣 可以到配合展出的咖啡廳 或是到主展場
民視新聞 楊麒民 翁郁容 台北採訪報導

As this was for TV news, the real value is in the pictures. I encourage you to watch our show from 17 Jan to really get a feel for this story. I had a lot of really cool footage and sounds from the films.
The pictures for this one was great. I did my closing stand-up lying in a bunch of clouds. My anchors were caught by surprise and couldn't stop laughing. :)

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