Wednesday 14 May 2008

Chasing Jin Jijiu, day three

Jin Jijiu's lawyer, John Chang, hosted a press conference today. He said:
1. Jin gave Wu 10 mn of the money and has the rest right now. He plans to take his share as fees and then giving the rest back to the TW government. The money is in a Singapore bank account (which is frozen at the moment, I read in the news). Jin's lawyer in Taiwan will obtain a statement from the SG bank to prove it, since he has agreed to cooperate with the investigation (so he says in a written statement). He has no idea where Taiwan legislator Qiu Yi got the idea of Jin having a girlfriend in Shanghai and having wired her all the money.
2. PNG officials asked for money, and Jin, Wu and the TW Ministry of Foreign Affairs all have evidence of this. However, Chang did not show us this document at the PC today.
3. PNG officials did meet with Jin and TW officials numerous times in 2006 and 2007 to talk about diplomatic matters.
4. Whereabout of Jin will not be discussed. Media reported that he is in Philadelphia, staying with another white collar criminal also wanted in Taiwan, but the media hasn't found him yet, so no picture, no video, no proof. Jin will not come out of hiding and talk to the media anytime soon.
5. Jin does not want to appear in the media and make a statement right now because he fears it will interfere with the investigation. He may or may not appear in the future. He may do a video conference, or not. However, I think this is hocus pocus the lawyer is making up...
6. Mafia threats on Jin's life don't seem to be real or serious.
7. Jin hasn't requested police protection but he has, because after TVBS aired images of him outside his home, the window of his son's car that was parked outside his was broken soon after. Police are treating it as a terrorist threat.

Chang didn't really say anything new, and the entire time, he kept using "my guess is," "he may or may not," and had a smile/smirk on his face that later became very annoying to look at. It was frustrating. I think he is having a very good time getting up in front of the media and playing games with the media. For all we know, Jin may be one of the world's biggest con artists, and the lawyer that he hired, well, he is just as good at leaving people guessing and leading people to think what they want the to think.

I so naively hoped that we would only have to do one story, but my chief editor said, "I need you to give me two, ganbatte, you can do it." Oh....I thought. Two stories means five videos in all. Mandarin and Taiwanese versions for each, and a combine English version. And five stand-ups. It was agonizing and took a whole nine hours of nonstop work. Throughout, I only had two cookies and a bottle of water... We finished at midnight, which is a record. The night before, it was three in the morning... Although it was tough, it was a good experience. The most trouble I'm having right now with all of this, besides the nature of the reporting, is the time difference and distance between LA and Taipei. Because we're so far away, it takes forever for them to edit my script (sometimes things come up and they put mine aside and come back to it later, saying nonstop, "hang on, just a second") and it takes more time to edit video on our laptop and a good half hour to send the package back to Taipei via Internet, assuming there is no Internet trouble. I also have to keep calling Lanchi to ask how to say certain things in Taiwanese. Sigh. The English, I can handle, but everything else is really, really, really tough. But at least it's tough and not impossible like it was three years ago when I first started working in Taiwan and at FTV.

So now that the PC's over and chances of Jin appearing has shriveled down to the size of a raison, we're really out of things to do. I can't think of any meaningful stories to do, and neither can my chief editor. It looks like we'll be going home Thursday afternoon, arriving Friday evening. Yay. I think I've gained quite a few silver hairs from this experience, but it's a small price to pay for such a special experience. It's also a really strange feeling to be wanting to both go home and stay for more excitement. Too bad there isn't any excitement going on.

This morning, I made a terrible blunder, though. Around 5h30 this morning, we decided that interviewing the president of the Taiwan Center the morning before the PC didn't make sense anymore. We couldn't do an entire story on it, we already did a story on expat reaction the previous day, and the cost of the interview would have been about $100 dollars for the trip out there and back. It didn't make sense, so we cancelled. I got up at 8h30 to call the driver not to come anymore, and called the Taiwan Center to cancel, but they weren't in yet. I don't know when, but I fell asleep while waiting to call again, and didn't wake up until the press attache who arranged the interview called me at 10h12 asking where we were. The interview was at 10h00. After a very lengthy lecture on his side, which included saying how I've put his reputation in jeopardy, and profusely apologizing on my side, I finally got off the phone with him to call the Taiwan Center president to apologize to him too. My mistake. I felt bad, but I felt more tired to think about it anymore and fell asleep again. Then Jen-shiang banged on my door at 14h00 saying "we're late! have to go to the PC now!" I was still in my pajamas, sleeping... The PC was at 15h00 and we originally planned to carpool with Sanli, since we didn't have a car, but since I wasn't ready, we let them go first and I called a taxi. We still made it with plenty of time to spare. Whew. Jet lag and exhaustion are really scary things. Tomorrow morning, Jen-shiang's giving me a morning call just in case.

Speaking of Jen-shiang, I really really appreciate him being such a patient and professional guy. Maybe he's been on trips with other rookies and had to be just as patient, but I'm sure he's never had to go on a trip with someone who needed to do three versions of each story. Adding the technical trouble we had with the equipment and Internet to having to wait for me to finish writing my scripts and translating all of them, I'm sure it was quite frustrating for him, but he was very professional throughout all of it. I'm really lucky. Really, really lucky. Most cameramen aren't like this, and I can't deal with them.

Hopefully our interview with the DPP office here will be so boring that we won't have to file the report. Then Jen-shiang can go shopping with the other reporter and maybe I can go see some of my friends. Have my fingers crossed.

Here are scripts I sent back to Taipei. I left Taipei to transcribe the sound bites and stand-ups.


張修記者會 國語


明稿。 表示因為全案已經在偵辦中,自行對外發言反而會引發更多揣測,增加偵辦困擾,本人將會把證據交給檢察官審視,以證明本人並無洗錢或貪污犯行,請最高檢查署與本人律師聯繫,安排訊問時間、地點、本人將配合,釐清全案。

[[1522 不排除金之後會出面,有可能不會 153000 可能將來會用視訊方式向媒體解釋]]

問題是,之前說會在520前現身,那時檢調早在偵辦了,這個藉口實在說不通。 而且這場記者會之後,張修又說520前後,金紀玖應該不會出面。

[[1502 台灣律師已經在做準備,找地方時間,將提供證據]]



[[stand-up 45分鐘的記者會,記者原本希望得到更多案情和金紀玖的資訊,不過張
修講的看來十分不足。 民視新聞 翁郁容 張振翔 美國洛杉磯報導]]


張修記者會 台語

金紀玖的律師張修,在洛杉磯開記者會,所有台灣和其他中文媒體的記者通通到位,該來的人都來啊,就是金紀玖沒來。他只有發一張簡單的聲明稿, 表示因為案件已經在偵辦,他如果出來講話,會增加不需要的kunyao困擾,影響辦案。他會把證據交給檢察官,讓檢察官證明他無吃錢也沒洗,請 檢查署與他的律師連絡,安排時間、地點、他會配合調查。

[[1522 不排除金之後會出面,有可能不會 153000 可能將來會用視訊方式向媒體解釋]]

問題是,之前說會在gnojikong520以前出現,但是那陣 檢調早在偵辦了,這個講法看來有問題。 而且這場記者會結束了後,張修又說520前後,金紀玖應該不會出現。

[[1502 台灣律師已經在做準備,找地方時間,將提供證據]]



[[stand-up 45分鐘的記者會,記者原本希望得到更多案情和金紀玖的資訊,不過張
修講的看來十分不足。 民視新聞 翁郁容 張振翔 美國洛杉磯報導]]


張修記者會 併稿 英文 bite, stand-up換英文

Jin Ji-jiu, suspected of embezzling USD 30 million from a diplomatic brokering deal, still remains in hiding. His lawyer, John Chang, however, held a press conference today, announcing that Jin will cooperate with investigators in Taiwan. Chang also said that Jin has indeed transferred USD 10 million to Wu Sicai, and after deducting from it his fees, Jin will return the rest of the money to the Taiwanese government.##

At the press conference held by Jin Ji-iu’s lawyer, John Chang, Jin himself did not appear.

[[ns 人在哪?]]
[[張修 不能問這問題]]

Instead, Jin issued a written statement, stating that he will cooperate with Taiwanese authorities at an arranged time and place, and that he will be proven innocent. But the big question is, where is the money and what has he done with it?

[[1512 一千給吳,其他準備還部份]]

What Chang didn’t explain included how much Jin plans to take, how much the Papua New Guinean government officials’ share was and where that money went, and also, why he was returning part of the money to Taiwanese officials.

[[stand-up 英文的:45分鐘的記者會,記者原本希望得到更多案情和金紀玖的資訊,不過張
修講的看來十分不足。 民視新聞 翁郁容 張振翔 美國洛杉磯報導]]


人和錢在哪 搭配稿 國語

[[ns 人在哪?]]
[[張修 不能問這問題]]


[[152900 沒有,但我有。TVBS拍我家]]


[[1512 一千給吳,其他準備還部份]]



民視新聞 翁郁容 張振翔 美國洛杉磯報導


人和錢在哪 搭配稿 台語

[[ns 人在哪?]]
[[張修 不能問這問題]]


[[152900 沒有,但我有。TVBS拍我家]]

因為大家都找無金紀玖,律師張修也驚講變成攻擊的bokbiao目標,感覺真buan不安 。kugei邱毅陣前講,三千萬美金轉去金紀玖上海女朋友的xiao4ho帳戶,張修說,沒聽過這回事,也表示三千萬美金確實在金紀玖的kaozo2,他會透過台灣的律師向新加坡的銀行to討證明。

[[1512 一千給吳,其他準備還部份]]

雖然巴紐總理陣前已經honhjin否認沒和台灣講過建交的帶至,但張修還是強調卻實有這個帶至 ,金紀玖會拿他應該要拿的錢,了後會把其他的部份還給台灣政府。不過,其他的兩千萬美金,他會拿多ze,哪一部份shoyi屬於巴紐官員的,都沒交代清楚。 張修只說,案情kanshiap牽涉國家的bibi祕密,不行講太多。

金紀玖透過律師和聲明稿講他是qingbik清白的,不過他們的講法,也是有真多疑點。 如果真正要配合偵辦,應該要回來台灣才dio對。

民視新聞 翁郁容 張振翔 美國洛杉磯報導

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