Friday 13 January 2006

Fish and chips story

Slug: Fish and Chips Business

Authentic British fish and chips are hard to come by in Taiwan. But now there's one place in Taipei that serves up what many Brits say is the real thing. FTV's Michella Weng visited the place and talked to the owner about his business.##

If you've walked or driven down Xinyi Road towards Taipei 101, you may have noticed a new fish-and-chip place.
靠近台北101的信義路 店面櫛比鱗次
最近 又多了一家餐廳 就是 英國炸魚店

After living in Taiwan for six years, Duncan Inglis decided that it was time to bring a taste of home to this part of the world and started this shop on the side.
在台灣住了六年的Duncan Inglis 想把家鄉的味道
帶到世界的這一邊 所以開了這一家店當做副業

Duncan Inglis
We keep it exactly how it should be, and it's authentic, and it tastes exactly as it would if you were in the UK.
我們堅持炸魚和薯條的口味要非常得道地 就跟你在英國吃的一模一樣

That's great news for his ex-pat customers.

Duncan Inglis
I've been fairly happy with the way it's gone. But we've have had to change one or two things.
目前為止 我還滿滿意的 不過 我們還是得做一些改變

Like adding tables and seats. He says that many internationals residents make quite a long trip to get to the restaurant and would rather sit down and eat their food right away. And, the Taiwanese aren't so keen about takeaway food, either.
例如說加桌椅 通常在國外 這種東西都是外帶 所以店裡不會擺桌椅的
但是由於這邊有很多的外國客人 是從大老遠跑來吃 會想要馬上享用

Inglis says about 80 to 85% of his customers are ex-pats, so while it's good news for them, keeping the taste authentically British doesn't bring back many Taiwanese diners, which may become a problem.
這家店的客人80-85%都是外國人 他們很開心能夠吃到家鄉的口味
然而 台灣的客人可能就被疏忽了 試了一次可能覺得口味不適合 以後就不會再來了
這樣的情況 將來可能會有問題

Duncan Inglis
I'm not sure if there are enough foreigners to keep it going. The Taiwanese are quite health conscious, so we need to look at that.
我不太確定有足夠的外國人 能讓我們繼續這樣營業
台灣人其實很重視健康 所以我們可以從這一點下手

Inglis has been reluctant about adjusting to local tastes, but he may have to. It has been three months since the restaurant opened, and while he expected it to lose money thus far, he thinks they'll be able to start breaking even by the second quarter.
雖然Inglis並不想調整道地英國口味 他卻可能必須要這麼做
開店已經有三個月了 老闆也希望下一季能夠得到獲利

The garlic and pepper batter was a start.
說不定他們最近新開發的黑胡椒大蒜口味 是個好開始

So, we'll see if fish and chips become a local flavor in Taiwan.
Michella Weng, Well Liao, Formosa TV, Taipei.
英國炸魚有沒有可能成為台灣的流行小吃 讓我們拭目以待
民視新聞 廖松筠 翁郁容 台北採訪報導

If you’re interested in finding out more about this fish and chips business, please visit the Formosa News discussion board.

Back at the office...

I was so hungry that I ate most of it. And then felt sick afterwards. It was fried and in animal fat. I may not survive if I go to England...


Phi said...

What is the address of that Fish and Chips shop ?

Unknown said...

Unfortunately they've moved or closed down. I don't know if a new one has popped up.