Earlier this week, Apple Daily came out with a story about a Golden Retriever named 龐哥 (Pange) dying from a heat stroke after spending 45 minutes in the 37 degree Celsius heat on the deck of a ferry.
Local TV stations (including ours, and I happened to be assigned to it) followed the story that day. Funny thing is, my angle came out different from everyone else's, once again. Here's how TVBS and 華視 reported on it. I've copied and pasted them from Yahoo's news service.
TVBS's report:
華視's report:
民視's report (mine):
訪問: 狗友Lydia 描述大家在甲板上用濕毛巾和水幫狗降溫,龐哥想跳海
訪問: 飼主Ms Shang 描述龐哥休克狀況
訪問: 飼主Ms Shang 描述接近下船時,大家用礦泉水瓶裝水來到在龐哥身上,但已經來不及了
訪問: 獸醫描述狗在30度不通風空間就很可能休克, 建議30度以上不要把狗關在家裡或車子裡
The interview contents of FTV's reports don't show up on the internet, so I roughly filled them in here.
Here are the key facts:
Dogs and owners warned at time of boarding that dogs will only be allowed on the deck during the trip.
Owners accepted the condition and joined their dogs on the deck.
Owners asked to be let into the passenger cabin to retrieve water for the dogs after the ferry departed.
Ferry operator denied request and locked the passenger cabin from the inside.
Ferry operator told dog owners they can get water on the upper deck, which they could get to by climbing up the ladder, so the dog owners DID have access to water, and WERE getting water from the upper deck.
So who really killed Pange? The rude and inhumane ferry operator or ignorant dog owners that decided to board the rude and inhumane ferry operator's boat, knowing that it was a danger to their dogs' health? Most stations ignored key facts and bent the story to make it look like the poor, innocent dogs and their owners fell victim to a cold-hearted animal-hating boat operator.
Lydia, who was also there with her own two dogs and one foster dog, admitted to me that it really was their mistake that they decided to board the boat after being warned that they could only stay on the deck. This only confirmed what the facts pointed to, but even if the other reporters didn't know Lydia like I did, why did they not look at all the facts? Or did they decide to ignore the facts? Or was it both? Whichever the case, I'm (once again) disappointed that these are the people I call "my colleagues."
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