Monday 24 October 2005

Plain Vanilla

I felt like a normal person today.

I got eight hours of sleep, exercised (fast walked on the treadmill) for 30 minutes while watching TV and then went to work. At work, I translated two of my stories into Chinese, cut the video for one of them, translated a story from Chinese to English, voiced over a few stories, did some more production work and went to buy obento for the team. Granted, not many people do so many different things, but it was an EASY day for me. I guess the hard days are when I have to report on top of all this. Then I don't have time to even eat dinner. What a relaxing day. I was freezing in the office, but I didn't have those terrible headaches from a few days before. I think it had to do with enough sleep and some exercise. I even left right after the taping! I will try to keep it up.

Recently, I've been struggling with audience targeting. Our ratings are from very local audiences, apparently, those that don't know enough English to even understand the English subtitles. After we started the Chinese subtitles, our ratings went up, so that theory was confirmed. So the question for me became, "should I be doing stories for the local audience or for the foreigners?" Our show was originally for foreigners, but the locals are the ones that feed us. I don't want to disappoint either.

There must be stories that appeal to both. Some of the fun ones should definitely. Most people like kids, most people like sports and exciting stuff. Most people like interesting restaurants and places to visit. I guess I'm doing alright, then. My producer told me, though, that since the rest of the stories are all made for locals anyway, I may as well try to target the foreign audience more. I suppose that makes sense. But they'll still have to be "fun" stories, I suppose.

Well, for a fun story, here's the script to the kids football tournament I covered yesterday. We're airing it tonight.

Children’s Football Tournament

Seventy kids from a football school got together in a tournament over the weekend. FTV reporter Michella Weng takes you see what these kids get to do in addition to studying.##

About 70 kids, ages 4-11, are here to compete in a football tournament.

[NS: kids playing]

All of them have only been playing less than a year and a half, but they're getting pretty good, and most seem to be having fun.

Sound byte:
Football Player
I'm seven years old.
(How long have you been playing football?)
One year.
(You like it?)
Because I can score goals.

Sound byte:
Football Player
My name is David.
When you're shooting the goal, it's fantastic.

Sound byte:
Daniel Calvert
Head Coach
The theory behind us doing this is basically to promote sport in Taiwan, promote organized sport in Taiwan, so kids can get together, learn a sport and interact with each other.
讓小朋友ㄧ邊運動 ㄧ邊跟其他小朋友互動

Taiwanese children are preoccupied with studies most of the time, but activities like this can really help them grow up in a more balanced way, which will benefit them in their physical and social development.

Closing stand-up:
Most of the time, kids only get to play against other schoolmates. But with leagues like this, not only do they get to play with other kids more often, they can also get to know the world outside their school.
Michella Weng, Formosa TV, Taipei.
更可以讓他們多看看 學校以外的世界
民視新聞 廖松筠 翁郁容 台北採訪報導


Anonymous said...

Hey, intriguing blog.

amida said...

I didn't realize the show had Chinese subs now! I'll take a look at the website.
The best way to get local foreigners to watch is to put them on the show! They'll tell their friends, and maybe watch again.